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Devina Andrea – 11505030

Teuku A. Fauzan – 11505036
What is Alien?
Alien is…

Extra Terrestrial Life

A life form that does not originate from Earth.
Background: possible life outside the earth, with
presence of water, hence presence of life
Started with scientific hypotheses, and developed
by movie creators, authors, sightings & unexplained
Are They Real?
1. Crop Circle
Crop Circle is…

• A pattern created by
flattening a crop

• The phenomenon started on

1678, from a pamphlet The

• The number of crop circles

has increased since 1970s
until current times
People’s Ideas

• Many believe that it is

created by aliens, because:

• It is created overnight, and

the shape or patterns are
usually very geometrical and
very neat

• Explanation: they are man

made, and some hoaxers have
been caught in the process of
making new circles
2. UFO Sightings
What is UFO?

• Unidentified Flying Object


• Most of them are later

identified as conventional
objects or phenomena (aircraft,
weather balloons, clouds)

• The unexplained UFOs are later

described as alien’s space
Egyptian hieroglyphs crafts
that depicted UFO
• It is often referred to as
“flying saucers”
UFO Sightings

• UFO sightings were reported

all over the world

• Some have the pictures as to

strengthen the evidence

• Our opinion: the pictures are

hoaxes, especially with
modern technologies (photo
editing, etc.)

The presence of life outside the earth

might exist, but the findings on alien
until now is not clear. The irrational
reasons on alien presence outweigh
scientific explanations. Therefore, we do
not believe in aliens.

…what about you? 😉

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