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QBB3044:Fieldwork Management &

Geo Field Camp - January 2018

Team Members
Hein Htet Zaw (20556)
• Introduction & Study Area
• Methodology
• Literature Review
• Geomorphology
• Lithology & Outcrop analysis
• Petrographic Analysis
• Structural
• Conclusion
It is make up of
Gunung Jerai is a
quartzite which has
most imposing pile,
been made highly
seen from many
weathered because
points of view from
of this is
land and sea.
metamorphic rock.

The core of the
The Jerai pluton is
mountain of mass of
part of the Main
granite, for some of
Range Granite
the foot-hill on the
exposed in the
south and south-
Northwest of
west side are granite
Peninsular Malaysia.
and pegmatite.
Study Areas

Sg. Tok Sg. Batu

Sg. Tupah
Pawang Pahat

Sg. Ketapan Jerai
Mostly observed type of rock in Outcrop features
study area
 Joints and Fractures
 Fault
 Igneous intrusions of granite
 folding
 Leuogranite
 Quartz veins
 Pegmatite
 Tafoni structures
 Metamorphosed rocks (Quartzites, Hornfels/Schistis & metasediments)
 Ripple marks
 Dyke

Bedding from Sg. Batu Pahat Ripple mark from Sungai Tupah Dyke from Sungai Batu Pahat

Cross bedding from Sungai Tok Pawang Tourmaline string from Sungai Batu Pahat
 Preliminary Study ( geomorphology, rose diagrams from topographic map )

 Field Study (localities, measurement, reading fractures )

 Data Interpretation ( rose diagrams from field data, fractures analysis )

 Thin Section Analysis ( lithology, geochemistry, mineral composition )

• The forest-clad Gunung Jerai is a massive limestone
outcrop ( 1200m )
• The mount is located on the mainland of Peninsular
Malaysia, connected with the border of the Yan and
Kuala Muda district, in Kedah.

Literature • It is make up of quartzite which has been made

highly weathered because of this is metamorphic
Review rock.
• The origin of Gunung Jerai was obtained from the
crustal thickening after the collision of Sibumasu
with Indochina plate during the Mid-Triassic, where
the granite intrusion uplifted the thick sequence of
Cambrian clastic sedimentary rocks (Kadir, Yatim,
Ismail & Talib, 2016).
Jerai Granite ( 3 facies ) based on their mineralogy and texture


(Azmiah and Azman.2004).

Rock type of Gunung Jerai
 The type of rocks that is the most dominant
there are granite, meta-sedimentary rock and
quartzite. The granite found was formed of magnetite
western Peninsular Malaysia granite
 The greatest concentration of iron ore in the
south Gunung Jerai area are to be found in the
schists and quartzites of the Jerai formation ,
as well as in the shales of Sungai Petani
formation. Pegmatite

 The pegmatite intrusions and quartz vein Quartz

which cut through them

 The chief iron minerals found are magnetite,

hematite, and goethite. Magnetite occurs
chiefly in the form of cross-cutting veinlets or Goethite
as sporadic disseminations along the bedding
planes of the country rocks
Gunung Jerai formation structure
 Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks usually occur in the form of layers or strata bounded by roughly parallel surfaces.

 In their original, undisturbed bedding sedimentary rocks are arranged almost horizontally less frequently they have an
initial dip in one direction or flexures caused by the relief of the surface on which they were deposited

 Three types of rock bedding are distinguished according to the conditions of accumulation of the sedimentary rocks

Transgressive Regressive Bedding

 The metamorphosed 'quartz porphyry' at the contact with the Jerai Formation has a different composition from the
rock more than 30 m away from the contact.

 One of the meta-sedimentary rock that has been identified was schistose that had undergone partial metamorphism,
this may due to either contact contamination before metamorphism or to metasomatism.
The lithology of the Jerai Formation was also classified into the lower units and
upper units.

Lower Units

Summary of stratigraphy of Gunung Jerai Source: Khoo (1984)

biotite- quartz Biotite-

muscovite hornblen
Upper Units
schists schists de schists Quartzite

There is a body of white marble at the southern part of the Gunung

dark or
Jerai mountain range which are formed within the schists known as white pale grey dark
micaceous greenish
the Jerai Marble, which is possibly the oldest marble occurrence in quartzite quartzite grey
Peninsular Malaysia (Khoo, 1984).
There are also some mica schist and calc-silicate rocks which is interbedded with
the quartzite
• There are presences of pegmatites in at Gunung Jerai, which cut the granite and surrounding metasediments.

• The pegmatite in the Jerai formation comprises of almost pure quartz, feldspar, books of mica, rich tourmaline
and almandine garnet.

• Xenoliths, metasedimentary rafts and roof pendants are also present in the granite, at Sungai Batu Pahat.

• The largest metasedimentary raft which are quartzite and garnet mica schist were observed in the fine-grained

• The biotite muscovite granite is coarse to medium grained and slightly porphyritic with an average mafic mineral
content of 15%.

Minerals composition • Xenoliths are also common, with a rectangular to sub-rounded shape

• The tourmaline granite is fine to medium grained with tourmaline and garnet in abundance

• Xenoliths in this area are mostly composed of quartz arenite, micaceous quartzite, biotite muscovite schist and
garnet tourmaline schist which could possibly represent the stopped blocks of the Jerai Formation rocks that fell
into the Jerai magma chamber during emplacement
• Geomorphology is the study of • The study of geomorphology
landforms, their processes, form and conclude the general aspects that
sediments at the surface of the Earth. moulded Gunung Jerai formation
• Factors affecting as it is now in few categories :
 Geological processes
o Tectonic uplift - Topography
o Subsidence - Denudational
o Coastal geography - Floodplain
- Drainage Pattern
 Earth-suface processes
o Erosion
o Deposition
o Transportation
o Environmental effects
• The Gunung Jerai topographic map is
typically can be segregated to three parts
which are the mountainous areas, the
drainage system and the flat plane.
• Topo map eases :
o Differentiating the elevated areas from the
flat areas.
o compute the relief between any two
elevation points.
o shows the fluvial patterns.
o Gradient of the slope.
o Drainage pattern
o Color tone aids in indicating the height of The figure shows the 2D topography map of Gunung Jerai
the area above sea level in general view area. This topography map featured the significant elevation,
flat plane and fluvial system around the Gunung Jerai area
• A geologic map or geological map is a
special-purpose map made to show
geological features.
• Geological map is convenient to show the
geometry of the landscape, lithology, and
geological structure.
• 3 primary kind of lithology that we can
discover in Gunung Jerai :
• Granite
• Schist or Hornfels
• Quartzite or Metasediment
• Denudation is the term used to
describe the wearing away of the
earth’s surface.
• It involves the stripping of material at
the surface of the earth, often
revealing the underlying rock.
• Denudation includes three main
• Weathering
A concave and convex slope structure formed by the
• Erosion metasedimentary rock.
• Mass wasting.
• Drainage systems (river systems), are the patterns formed by
the streams, rivers, and lakes in a particular drainage basin.
• They are governed by the topography of the land, whether a
particular region is dominated by hard or soft rocks, and the
gradient of the land.
• The landform of the Gunung Jerai area is mainly governed by
its lithology. Hard surface rock and smooth surface rock give
different impact on the drainage direction of flow.
• Drainage pattern of the rivers or streams in Gunung Jerai area
observed are only showing either dendritic pattern or parallel
• Dendritic drainage
• Sungai Batu Pahat
• Sungai Ketapan
• Sungai Tupah
• Parallel drainage
• Sungai Tok Pawang Images show the dendritic and parallel drainage
system of rivers flowing in Gunung Jerai area.
• A fluvial plain or flood plain is an area of land adjacent to a stream or river which
stretches from the banks of its channel to the base of the enclosing valley walls and
which experiences flooding during periods of high discharge.
• Fluvial system consist of few features :
 channel bed, bar, floodplain and levees that separated by the geometric boundaries.
• Geometry of all these features are highly controlled by
 discharge, velocity of the water flow, sediment input, channel depth, and vegetation.
• Geomorphological unit of the fluvial system forming incised valley at the northern part of Gunung
Jerai with flat topography covered with paddy field can be observed
• Sungai Tok Pawang and Sungai Ketapan located at the eastern, while Sungai Tupah and Sungai
Batu Pahat is located the south-west part of the Gunung Jerai are observed with the braided
channel pattern that most commonly formed in a single stream.
• Tanjung Jaga in the South-Western part of Gunung Jerai is marked as the coastal area that
dominantly covered by the hornfels, pegmatite and quartzite.
Lithological and outcrop
Lithology of Gunung Jerai region
• Igneous Rock
• Metamorphic Rock
• Metasediments
Igneous Rocks of Gunung Jerai
• Biotite-muscovite granite
• Leucogranite
• Pegmatite
Granites of Gunung Jerai
• Granites have been found in 4 outcrops
• Sungai Tok Pawang
• Sungai Batu Pahat
• Sungai Tupah
• Sungai Ketapan
• In Sungai Tok Pawang we
encountered 2 granites
along the river traversing

Sungai Tok Pawang

Pegmatite – Granite contact
• In Sungai Batu pahat,
starting from the Second
stop until the end is entirely

Sungai BaAtu Pahat

Granite – Pegmatite

• The larger one appears to be a cognate


• Exfoliation is the result of mechanical

• Exfoliates in a sheet-like pieces of the rocks
• Creating dome-like structures and boulders
• Occurs along the plane of weakness of joints
of the rock body
Sungai Tupah
Quartz vein
Pegmatite Dike
• First encounter of

Sungai Ketapan
Hand sample of
the leucogranite
Pegmatites of Gunung Jerai
• Pegmatites of Gunung Jerai appears to be rich in muscovite, biotite,
feldspars and tourmaline
• Found in 5 outcrops
• Sungai Tok Pawang
• Sungai Batu Pahat
• Ex-Quarry
• Sungai Tupah
• Sunga Teroi
• First encounter of the
pegmatite is during the river
traversing of Sungai Tok
• The pegmatite dike is at the
bank of the river

Sungai Tok Pawang

Pegmatite – granite contact
Sungai Batu
Contact of
Granite and
Large crystals
of pegmatite
• Quartz, feldspars & tourmaline
Hand sample
of the
Ex- Quarry
dike now
have became
a trench
Close up picture
of the heavily
Hand sample
of Sericite clay
• The heavily weathered pegmatite
has turned into sericite clay after
intense and continuous
weathering exposure
• The pegmatites that is found
in Sungai Tupah is mostly
pegmatite veins

Sungai Tupah
Hand sample of
pegmatite from
Sungai Tupah
Pegmatite dike
in Sungai Teroi
• The Pegmatite dike is cutting
through beds of quartzites
Metamorphic Rock of Gunung Jerai
• 4 kinds of metamorphic rock which are quartzite, schist, possibly
hornfels & metasediments
Quartzites of Gunung Jerai
• Quartzite outcrops are
• Sungai Tok Pawang
• Sungai Tupah
• Sungai Ketapan
• Seri Perigi Waterfall
• Ex-Quarry
• First outcrop of the first day
of river traversing appears to
be Quartzite

Sungai Tok Pawang

Cross beddings
of the
Quartzites in
Sungai Tok
Hand sample of
Quartzites from
Sungai Tok
Hand Sample
from Ex-
Sungai Ketapan
Ripple marks on
the Quartzites of
Sungai Ketapan
Hand sample of
Quartzite from
Sungai Ketapan
Sungai Perigi
Ripple marks of
the Quartzite in
Sungai Perigi
Road side along the road to
the top of Gunung Jerai
Quartz vein
cutting through
the roadside
• The last outcrop with the
lithology of quartzite

Sungai Teroi
Obvious quartzite beddings
are visible
Schists of Gunung Jerai
• Schist could only be found in one outcrop which is in Tanjung Jaga
• First and probably only schist
that we encountered
through out the field trip

Tanjong Jaga
Hand sample
of Schist of
Tanjong Jaga
Hornfels of Gunung Jerai
• Hornfels could only be found in one outcrop which is in Sungai Tupah
Sungai Tupah
Close up picture
of the hornfels
Metasedimentary Rocks of Gunung Jerai
• The metasediments can be found in 2 outcrops which are
• Sungai Tok Pawang
• Ex-quarry
• At the last outcrop of Sungai
Tok Pawang, the lithology of
the outcrop seems to consist
of two, Quartzite and
• The different degrees of
metamorphism can be

Sungai Tok Pawang

Ex Quarry
• In the ex-quarry also we found 2
distinct types of lithology which is
the metamorphosed quartzite and
• Lithology of Gunung Jerai Region consist of 3 major lithologies which
are Igneous, metamorphic and metasediment
• Igneous is divided into 3 further types which are Granite,
Leucogranite and pegmatite
• There are 4 types of metamorphic rocks which are quartzite, schist,
hornfels and metasediments
• Gunung Jerai is the result of the intruding Jerai pluton surrounded by
metasediments of Jerai Formation ( Jamil et Al. 2015 )
Petrographic Analysis
GRANITE Mineral Percentag Shape of Plain polarised light Cross polarised light
composition e crystals (PPL) (XPL)

Quartz 50% Subhedral - High relief. - 1st order

- Colourless. Interference (from
- No pleochroism. grey to white).
- No extinction.

Muscovite 30% Subhedral - High relief. - 3rd order

- Colourless. Interference (from
- No pleochroism. white to purple).
- No extinct.

Mineral Description
Sample no: SPB 2 ( Sungai Batu Pahat )
Lithology: Granite Biotite 20% Anhedral - Low relief. - Extinction (60%)
Texture: Phaneritic - Dark colour. from brown to dark.
- Pleochroism
Magnification: 4X
from brown to
SUNGAI TUPAH – STOP 4 Mineral Percentag Shape of Plain polarised light Cross polarised light
composition e crystals (PPL) (XPL)
Biotite 40% Subhedral to - High relief. - Third order
anhedral - Dark brown interference
colour. - Extinction (83
- Dark brown to degrees) from dark
black brown to black.
pleochroism. - No twinning.

Muscovite 55% Subhedral to - Low relief. - 2nd order

anhedral - Colourless. Interference (from
- No pleochroism. chalky white to pink,
turquoise, blue and
- No extinction.
- No twinning.
Mineral Description
Sample no: ST-4 ( Sungai Tupah )
Lithology: Foliated Granite Quartz 5% Anhedral - Low relief. - First order
- Colourless. interference (light
Texture: Phaneritic - Colourless to grey)
Magnification: 4X grey - No extinction.
pleochroism. - No twinning.
Mineral Percentage Shape of crystals Plain polarized Cross polarized
composition light (XPL) light (XPL)
Muscovite 30% Euhedral - Low relief - Interferenc
- Basal e (2nd
cleavage order)
- Colorless - Extinction

Biotite 20% Euhedral - Low relief - Extinction

- Black
- Pleochrois

Quartz 50% Anhedral - Medium - Interferenc

relief e (1st order)
Mineral descriptions - Colorless
- Fine
Sample no: D4 S5 ( Sungai Ketapan ) grained
Lithology: Leucogranite
Texture: aphanitic
Mineral Percenta Shape of Plain polarised light Cross polarised light
composition ge crystals PPL XPL

Biotite 10% Subhedral Medium relief In2nd Order interference

Clear and visible colour
No pleochroism

Quartz 25 % Euhedral Low relief 1st order interference

No pleochroism colour

Mica 20 % Subhedral Low relief No interference colour

No Pleochroism
Mineral descriptions
Sample no: SPB 3 ( Sungai Batu Pahat )
Lithology: Pegmatite
Plagioclase 45 % Euhedral High relief Twining and 1st order
Texture: Coarse grained interference colour
Magnification : 4X
Mineral Percentag Shape of Plain polarised light Cross polarised light
QUARTZITE composition e crystals (PPL) (XPL)

Quartz % Subhedral - Low relief. - First order

- Colourless. interference (light
- Colourless to grey)
light grey - No extinction.
pleochroism. - No twinning.

Muscovite % Subhedral to - Low relief. - 2nd order

anhedral - Colourless. Interference (from
- No pleochroism. chalky white to pink,
turquoise, blue and
- No extinction.
Mineral Description - No twinning.
Sample no: RT-2 ( Sungai Tok Pawang )
Lithology: Quartzite
Texture: Opaque mineral % Subhedral to - Low relief. - No extinction.
anhedral - Black. - No twinning.
Magnification: 4X - No pleochroism.

Mineral Percentage Shape of crystals Plain polarized Cross polarized

composition light (XPL) light (XPL)

Muscovite 60% Subhedral to - Medium to Interference

anhedral high relief (2nd order)
- Colourless

Biotite 40% Subhedral - Medium Extinction

- Brown to
- Pleochroism
- Slight
Mineral descriptions mineral
Sample no: RT1 ( Tanjung Jaga / Road
Traversing )
Lithology: Hornfels/Schist
Texture: fine grained, slight foliation
Percentage Shape of
Plain polarized
light (XPL)
Cross polarized
light (XPL)

SCHIST Muscovite 50% Subhedral - Medium to Interference

(2nd order)
high relief
- Colourless
- Cleavage
- Foliation

Biotite 50% Subhedral to - Medium Extinction

anhedral relief
- Brown to
- Pleochroism
- Cleavage
- Foliation
Mineral descriptions
Sample no: D2 S1 ( Sungai Batu Pahat )
Lithology: Schist
Texture: foliated fine grained
SG. TUPAH – STOP 7 Mineral Percenta Shape of Plain polarised light Cross polarised light
composition ge crystals (PPL) (XPL)

Quartz 35% Anhedral - Low relief. - 1st order
- Colourless. Interference
- No (from white to
pleochroism. greyish yellow).
- No extinction.

Muscovite 45% Subhedral - Low relief. - 3rd order

- Colourless. Interference
- No (from white to
pleochroism. pinkish purple,
- 40○ extinct.

Mineral Description Biotite 20% Euhedral - High relief. - Extinction none

- Dark colour.
Sample no: ST7 ( Sungai Tupah ) - Pleochroism
Lithology: Hornfels from black to
Texture: Granular
Magnification: 4X
Structural Analysis
Lineament Analysis
• Total number of lineaments is 280
• Maximum rose petal is 145° – 325° with number of
lineaments of 27 (9.6% of data).
• Minimum rose petal is 085° – 265° with number of
lineaments of 4 (1.4% of data).
• Rose diagram circle scale is 3 (1% of data).
• Extensional stress (σ1) falls on 175° – 355°.
• Tensional stress (σ3) lies on 085° – 265°.
• Right lateral shear (S1R) is on 145° – 325°.
• Left lateral shear (S1L) is on 025° – 205°.
Bedding Analysis
• Overall bedding strike measurements
from Day 1 to Day 5 seem to have a
general trend 175° – 355° (N – S) and
065° – 245° (NE – SW).
• Total number (n) = 97
Joints and Fractures
• Overall, the major direction for all
the joints and fractures during the
whole field survey is 065° – 245°
and 155° – 335°.
• Total number (n) = 640.
Mineral veins
• Major direction of veins shown on
the rose diagram lies on 005° – 185°
and 125° – 305° (N – S and NW – SE,
• Total number (n) = 80.
• Major direction of dykes show at 125°
– 305° (NW – SE).
• Total number (n) = 8.
• Not enough measurements to
conclusively analyze the rose diagrams.
Dykes being immeasurable as each of
the many of the observed dykes do not
seem to have a particular strike/dip
Fault Analysis
• Total number (n) = 5.
• Rose diagram show fault
measurements on Sg. Ketapan,
particulary quartzite/metasediment
outcrop (before waterfall).
Fault Analysis 2

Sg. Ketapan fault, showing sigmoidal tension gashes Tourmaline veins exhibiting some displacements on granite

Regional map lineaments Beddings Joints + Fractures


Mineral veins Dykes

Other geological structures

Ripple marks Cross beddings Exfoliation

Xenolith Tafoni/honeycomb Foliation

 Six places where are conduct a Geo Field study Sg. Tok Pawang, Sg. Batu Pahat, ex quarry site Sg.
Tupah, Sg. Ketapan and road traversing of the Gunung Jerai.
 Mostly found Igneous rock such as Biotite-muscovite granite Leucogranite and Pegmatite
 The main composition of the igneous is Feldspar, Plagioclase, Orthoclase, Mafic Mineral and
 The result shown that the dominant strike for fracture and joint for all of the five outcrops are
lying towards the North Easting. The structural result is also the same for the rose diagram for
fault, bedding and vein which lying towards the North-Easting.
Mostly angle are the range of 15° to 30° (major dipping of bedding)
At the Northern part of Gunung Jerai, paddy field is observed covering the flat topography.
Sediment supply in that region comes from the erosion of the Jerai Formation itself. The
sediments were transported by the braided channel.
Q & A section
Thank You

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