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Global Warming
The term global warming is the long term-average
increase in global temprerature. Climate change is the
result of global warming and refers to the changes in
the precipitation patterns intensity and frequency and
episodes of heat waves and drought . While global
warming describes an overview of the warming of the
entire planet, climate change affects specific areas,
regions, or, zones. One must keep in mind that as the
Earth’s atmospheric temperature rises,some areas will
experience cold climate while others will have
extremely hot climate.
Global warming and climate change have been
interchangeably used, but the two phenomena
are not the same. Human activities produce
greenhouse gases, which raise global
temperature(global warming),which in turn
triggers climate change.
According to the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF), human ecological footprint
(mainly due to carbon emission) in 2007
was equivalent to 1.5 planet Earths.
This means that resource consumption
exceeded the biocapacity bt fifty
percent. This also means that it will
take Earth 1.5 years to regenerate the
renewable resources (used that year)
and to absorb the waste produced. By
the year 2030, the ecological footprint is
projected to balloon to about two

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