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Wade Grinhaug

• System of scheduling classes for next year

• Completely new to me
• I wanted to learn how the system works and what goes into it
• Takes AP approximately six months to complete

• Scheduling system –
• Curriculum and Human Resources provide master scheduling
• Counselors and building administration set process and timeline
• Communicate to parents and students
• Work with building management teams on courses being offered
• Communicate with other district buildings (SV and CHS)

• Communicate with DMACC

• Report to HR staffing requests
• Communicate with SpEd department and SpEd director
• Communicate with DOP teacher
• Communicate with Food Service and Transportation departments
• Communicate with Maintenance

• Feedback on the system is gathered yearly through surveys

• Staff
• Parents
• Students
• Administrators
Archetype – Fixes that fail

Central office requires

Proposed staffing/budget scheduling projections

- Schedule changes in August/September

Organizational learning disability
- Illusion of taking charge

• Central office has moved up the timeline from February to October

• This creates problems the following August/September
• More flexibility in timeline would minimize the stress in August/September

• Causes
• Staffing budget proposal in November instead of February
• Desire to propose 1 phase of budget as soon as possible

• Board wants to move on to 2 and 3 phase of budget earlier

nd rd

• Desire to hire the talented applicants

• Ankeny wants the best

• What – use demographer projections to help with staffing, say no, behavior
• Who – demographer, counselors, and administration
• When – use in November and review in February,
• By what method – Use projections to build the master schedule and propose
phase 1 staffing in February instead of November. Average out the growth
from previous years and create flexibility in proposal time
• Collect survey results

• Shared Vision
• Conflict between district office and schools
• District office is making budget decisions and schools are making student decisions
• We need to work together to reach a shared vision
• Work together to see the impacts that decisions have with our ability to work towards
our vision

• We won’t know the results until next year

• Need support/flexibility from the school board and central office
• Analyze surveys and gather feedback from staffing

• New timeline will become standard timeline every year

• Work towards building flexibility in staffing and budget plans
• Request demographer estimates before winter break
• Look into courses that aren’t offered every year (rotational)
• Research attendance patterns for AP/DMACC classes

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