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Lean Manufacturing


5’s & 8-D’s

René Bárcenas
Anahí de la Cruz
Osbaldo Medina
Jairo Castro

Industrial processes
• Respect

• Cell phone: In vibration mode and if you need to answer you can go

• Ask lifting up your hand

• Cleaning in the classroom

• Participate

• Enjoy it
1. 5’s
1. Origin
2. Methodology
3. Benefits
2. 8-D
1. Origin
2. Methodology
3. Benefits
5’s Origin
• 5S was developed in Japan 1950 and 1960.

• Sakichi and Kiichiro Toyoda, as well as the engineer Taiichi Ohno

invented this methodology, they looked for the alternative to the
assembly line of Henry Ford.

• Well-known Toyota method.

• Was later adapted in the West under, Lean Manufacturing

• The name comes from five Japanese words that all happen to
begin with “s” sounds: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke
5’s Methodology
This concept refers to the creation of cleaner, more organized and safer work areas,
that is, about giving a greater "quality of life" to work.

The 5 S's

• Seiri: sort, organize, arrange properly

• Seiton: order
• Seiso: clean
• Seiketsu: standardized
• Shitsuke: discipline
▫ Health:
▫ Security
5’s Benefits

• Optimized Organization

• Efficiency

• Bigger Storage Density

• Heightened Safety

• Good presentation

• Elimination of waste
8-D’s Origin

• The Government of the United States was the first to standardize the
8D method during the Second World War, referring to it as Military
Standard 1520: Corrective action and disposition system for
nonconforming material (in Spanish, Military Standard 1520: Corrective
action and system of disposition for non-conforming material)

• It later became popular thanks to the American car company Ford in

the 60s and 70s. Since then the 8D method has become a standard in
the automotive industry, assembly and other industries that need a
structured method for the Problem resolution.
8-D Methodology
The Eight Disciplines of Problem Solving (8D) is a problem solving methodology designed to find the root
cause of a problem, devise a short-term fix and implement a long-term solution.
•D0: Plan - Plan for solving the
problem and determine the

•D7: Take preventive measures - Modify the management

systems, operation systems, practices, and procedures to prevent 0 •D1: Use a team - Select
and establish a team of

7 1
recurrence of this and all similar problems.
people with product/process

•D2: Define and describe the problem -

•D6: Implement and validate corrective Specify the problem by identifying in
actions - Define and implement the best
corrective actions (CA). 6 •D8: Congratulate your team -
Recognize the collective efforts of
the team. The team needs to be
2 quantifiable terms the who, what, where,
when, why, how, and how many (5W2H) for
the problem.
formally thanked by the
•D3: Develop interim containment
•D5: Choose and verify permanent corrections (PCs) for
problem/nonconformity - Through preproduction programs, 5 3 plan; implement and verify interim
actions - Define and implement

quantitatively confirm that the selected correction will resolve
containment actions to isolate the
the problem for the customer.
problem from any customer.

•D4: Determine, identify, and verify root causes and escape points - Identify all applicable causes that could explain why the problem
occurred. Also identify why the problem was not noticed at the time it occurred. All causes shall be verified or proved, not determined by fuzzy
brainstorming. One can use 5 Whys and cause and effect diagrams to map causes against the effect or problem identified.
8-D Benefits
• The 8D method is very easy for implement

• The method is very popular in automotive industry, mean your customer may
ask for 8D report.

• It is reliable and well know problem solving tool for automotive industry.

• An excellent way of reporting non conformances to suppliers and their

corrective actions.

• 8D helps to eliminate complicated issues at appropriate locations

• 8D is designed and capable for special cause of problems identification and


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