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Type of Fraction of dangerous Fraction of

transportati materials transported radioactive
on from total goods material
transported from
the total of
dangerous goods
Land road 15% <2%
railroad 20% <2%
Air 3-4% <10%
Marítim 50% <1%
 Establish requirements that must be met to
ensure safety and protect people, property and
the environment from the effects of radiation on
the transport of radioactive materials.
 a) The containment of the radioactive content;
 b) The control of external radiation levels;
 c) The prevention of criticality;
 d) The prevention of damage caused by heat.

 Some Desfinitions
 Carrier (transportista)
Any person , organization or oficial body that is responsable for the radiactive materials by any
means transport
 Competent authority
Any body or authority designated or otherwise recognized as such to understand any matter related
to this Regulation.
 Confinement system
the set of fissile materials and packaging components specified by the author of the design and
approved by the competent authority in order to maintain safety with respect to criticality.
 Consignment (remesa)
A consignment means any package or packages or cargo of radioactive materials that a sender
presents for transportation
 Contamination
contamination means the presence of a radioactive substance on a surface in quantities greater
than 0.4 Bq / cm2 in the case of beta and gamma emitters or alpha emitters of low toxicity, or 0.04
Bq / cm2 in the case of all the other alpha emitters. contaminación transitoria
 Transitory contamination
It will be understood as contamination that can be removed from the surface under routine
transport conditions.
 Overpack (sobreenvase)
Overpack means a container used by a single sender, containing
one or more packages and constituting a unit in order to
facilitate handling and stowage during transport.
 Package (bulto)
The complete product of the packaging operation, consisting of
the packaging and its contents prepared for transport.
 Packaging (embalaje)
it will be understood one or more containers and any other
components or materials necessary for the containers to
perform the functions of containment and other safety functions
Legal Framework
(Requirements for the transport of material and waste)

 Those specifically focused on the transportation process,

which include provisions on the design of the packaging,
as well as others of an operational nature, such as
signaling, documentation or licensing requirements.
 Those that, in general, affect any activity in which a
radioactive material is used, such as the radiation
protection requirements of workers and the public or the
physical protection of that material.
Specific Regulations on the Transport of
Radioactive Material
 The increase in the mid-twentieth century of
international transport of dangerous goods
evidenced the need to harmonize the
requirements for the transport of these goods,
since the difficulties involved in cross-border
transport were enormous due to the different
regulatory structures of the countries.
 This is how the Recommendations for the
transport of dangerous goods came about, the
first edition of which appeared in 1957 and
which, in a colloquial way, was called "Orange
Book", because of the color used in its covers.
The recommendations of the UN Orange Book are
transferred, already on a mandatory basis, to
international and national regulations

 The Intergovernmental
Organisation for International
Carriage by Rail (OTIF)
 Tecnical instructions for the safe
transport of dangerous godos by air
, emitted fromThe International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
 Maritim code for dangerous goods
from International maritim
organization(IMO) (Código IMDG)
Legal Framework in Colombia

 For Colombia, the process and treatment of radioactive material is regulated

by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, and, specifically, the decree that governs
the transportation of radioactive material is Resolution 18 1682 of December
9, 2005.
 That by Resolution 18 1434 of December 5, 2002, the Ministry of Mines and
Energy adopted the Radiation Protection and Safety Regulation, in which
Article 23 provides that: "The transport of radioactive sources is subject, as
appropriate, to what is prescribed by the Regulation for the Safe Transport of
Radioactive Materials of the International Atomic Energy Agency - IAEA ".
 ". That it is necessary to adopt the Regulation of Safe Transport of Radioactive
Materials in Colombia, accepting the regulations of the International Atomic
Energy Agency on the matter and adjusting it to the needs and regulations of
the country.
Materials Classification
 Low specific activity materials (BAE)
 Surface contaminated object SCO means a solid object which is not itself
radioactive but which has radioactive material distributed on
its surfaces.(OCS)
 Special form radioactive material means either: an indispersible solid
radioactive material or a sealed capsule containing radioactive material.
 Low dispersión radiactive material
 Fissile materials
 Hexafluoruro de uranio

They contain such small amounts of

radioactive materials that are designed
to support only routine transport
conditions. They only have to fulfill
some general conditions of design (easy
handling, possible subjection, easy
Excepted package decontamination, etc.). Your
transportation is exempt from most
 Industrial packages type 1 (BI-1). Like excepted packages, they are
designed to support only routine transport conditions, but the
requirements for signage and documentation are increased. They transport
minerals, natural uranium and very low specific activity materials.

Example of industrial bulk

 Industrial packages type 2 (BI-2). They must also be subjected to

free fall and stacking tests.

 Industrial packages type 3 (BI-3). They must, in addition, pass

tests of aspersión with water and of penetration.

Transport of industrial packages


 They are intended to safely transport

relatively small activities of radioactive
materials, which can not be qualified as

Type A packages for the transport of


As its design does not have to withstand the

accident conditions, its content is limited by
maximum values of activity (A1 or A2), which
will depend on whether the materials can not
be dispersed because they are encapsulated
in a special way (A1) or they can do it (A2).
Ejemplo de bulto tipo A
 They are used to transport greater activities of radioactive
materials (higher than the A1 or A2 values). In addition to
normal transport conditions, they must be able to withstand
accidents. For this purpose, they undergo mechanical,
thermal and water immersion tests that simulate serious
accident conditions

Type B packages used to transport high

activity sources of application in
Example of type B packages industry and medicine

 They are used for the transport, by air, of high activities of radioactive
material. They have to pass the same tests as the type B packages and also
other specific ones that represent the plane crash. The general idea
of packaging design is similar to that of type B, but with materials and
thicknesses that give it greater mechanical strength and with closure systems
that ensure even more containment, in anticipation of a plane crash. The
precise design of prior approval.
 In addition to these five types, specific requirements are defined for
packages containing fissile material and uranium hexafluoride.
SUBSTANCES  The radiological characteristics of the material define
the type of package (Industrial type, A, B or C), while
its fissionable characteristic requires special
evaluations and controls: the tests to which they must
submit must show that in accident conditions the
fissionable content does not will never reach
criticality. Bag designs for fissile material require

 In these packages is transported, for example,

enriched uranium oxide, raw material for
manufacturing nuclear fuel elements, and the same
elements without irradiating to nuclear power plants.

Self-sustained chain reaction  Irradiated fuel and high activity waste with traces of
fissile material would be transported in this type of

 Uranium hexafluoride (UF6) is radioactive, but it

is also a substance that reacts with water and
water vapor in the air to form a very toxic and
corrosive compound, so that its packages have to
meet additional requirements to cover those risks
. In addition, if uranium hexafluoride meets the
characteristics to be classified as fissile material,
the package must comply with the requirements
applicable to that type of package

Bulk for transportation of uranium

hexafluoride (UF6))
types of packages
labeling of radioactive packages
Most of the radioactive waste generated in Spain is of low
and medium activity and is generated in hospitals, research
centers, industries, and in nuclear power plants in operation
or in decommissioning.
 It is important that the waste
management system tends to
minimize the amount of waste that
is generated, as well as its size,
since, among other advantages, it
will reduce the number of

 Waste management systems are

based on decontamination,
separation and classification
processes in parallel with their
Classification of waste according to the
criteria of the transport regulations
 Due to the diversity of its origin, it can be presented: liquid, solid materials,
encapsulated or not, with different radionuclides present and, therefore,
different types of radiation emitted
 According to the
worldwide regulations for
the management of
radioactive waste, an
employee must receive 20
milli Sieverts per year.
According to Juanita, up
to 80 Micro Sieverts (80
μSv) can be received in an
operation. In 2017, the
work team of the
Colombian Geological
Service had seven of these
operations scheduled.
Risks in the Transport of Radioactive
 The transport regulations
impose limits on the levels
of radiation outside the
packages and vehicles to
ensure that the radiation
emitted does not cause
harm to workers or the
public during transport.
These limits are established
in a general way for all
packages and vehicles,
regardless of the type of
package and the material
Imprevistos y Accidentes

 The International Nuclear

Event Scale (better known by
its initials in English, INES-
International Nuclear Event
Scale) was introduced by the
(IAEA) to allow the
communication without lack of
important safety information in
case of accidents and to
facilitate the knowledge of the
media and the population of its
importance in terms of security.
The end

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