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What is Information

Information literacy is the
ability to find, evaluate,
organize, use, and
communicate information in
all its various formats, most
notably in situations requiring
decision making, problem
solving, or the acquisition of
 Information Literacy can be
defined as a process of
attaining knowledge.
 Information literacy is a set
of abilities requiring
individuals to “recognize
when information is needed
and have the ability to
locate, evaluate, and use
effectively the needed
 Information here
encompasses all form: form
print to audio and visual, as
well as the combination of
these forms.
 People who understand
information literacy can
solve almost any problem
with precision and accuracy.
Information literacy empowers
people in all walks of life to
seek, evaluate, use and create
information effectively.
Information-literate people
are also able to find, evaluate,
organize, and use these
information from those
different media sources.
Information Literacy skills are
very important to us especially
in terms of education.

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