Bridge Hydraulics (Sanjay)

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AND Sr. Prof.(Works)
Railway tracks damaged by the overflowing Sudhani river near Telta in North
Dinajpur district of Bengal
Heavy rains wash out tracks in Lonavala,
Railway track and bank including minor bridge was washed out completely between
Sindi and Tuljapur station on Nagpur–Wardha section of Nagpur division.
August 2015

flash flood caused the swollen

Machak river to overflow and
wash out a section of the rail
tracks, leading to the derailment
of the two trains.
July 2017- Damaged railway bridge
over river Nagabali in Rayagada district
Lecture plan
1. Important definitions / Terminology.

2. Methods of estimation of design discharge-

sub structure code provisions(Para 4.3)

3. Working out Q50 for catchment area < 25

sqkm – RDSO report RBF-16

4. Sample calculations on Q50 estimation

Lecture plan (Contd)
5. Working out Q50 for catchment area 25
sqkm – 2500 sqkm – Flood estimation
report ( A joint work of CWC,RDSO,IMD,MOT)

6.Sample calculations on Q50 estimation

SUH concept( catchment 25-2500 sqkm)

7. Design of water ways – various provisions

in sub structure code (Para-4.5)
Important definitions (para 2 of sub structure code)

1. Design discharge Q: The estimated discharge for the

design of the bridge and its appurtenances.

2. Afflux(h) : The rise in

water level upstream of
bridge as a result of
obstruction to the natural
flow caused by the
construction of the bridge
& its approaches
Important definitions (para 2 0f sub structure code)
3. Free board (F): The vertical distance between the water level
corresponding to design discharge (Q) including afflux(h) and
the formation level of its approach bank / top level of guide bank

4. Clearance ( C ) : The vertical distance between the water

level corresponding to design discharge Q including afflux and
the point on the bridge super structure where the clearance is
required to be measured

Important definitions (para 2 0f sub structure code)

5. Depth of Scour: The depth of eroded bed of river

measured from the water level for the discharge considered

6. Highest flood level (HFL): Highest water level known

to have occurred

7. Low Water level(LWL) : water level generally obtained

during dry weather
8. Important bridge: Those having
a) Linear water way >= 300m OR
b) Total water way >= 1000 sqm OR
c) Classified as important by CE/CBE depending upon
consideration such as depth of water way, extent of
river training works & maintenance problems
Important definitions (para 2 0f sub structure code)

9. Major Bridge: Those having

a) Total water way >= 18 m OR
b) Clear opening of 12 m or more in any one span

10. Protection works: Works to protect the bridge and its

approaches from damage of flood water

11. Training works: The works designed to guide and

confine the flow of river
AFFLUX (Para 4.7 of sub structure code )
Afflux (h): The rise in water level upstream of bridge as a result of
obstruction to the natural flow caused by the construction of the bridge & its

For streams with non-erodible beds, the afflux may be worked out by
Molesworth formula given below :
h = {V2/17.88 + 0.01524} x {(A/a) 2- 1}

Where, h = afflux in metres

V = Velocity in un-obstructed stream in m/sec 2
A = Un obstructed sectional area of the river in m2
a= Sectional area of the river at obstruction in m .

Para 4.7.2 In case of rivers with erodible beds,

full afflux as calculated by the formula may not

Clearance & free board

Clearance ( C ) ( Para 4.8 S.S.C)
The vertical distance between the water level corresponding to design
discharge Q including afflux and the point on the bridge super structure
where the clearance is required to be measured

Para 4.8.1 The Minimum clearance for bridges excluding

arch bridges, pipe culvert and Box culverts
Discharge (cumecs) Vertical clearance
0 - 30 600 mm
31-300 600 mm – 1200 mm
301 - 3000 1500 mm
Above 3000 1800 mm

Note: Syphons, pipe and box culverts are designed as pressure

conduits, therefore no clearances are considered necessary for
these structures ( Ref: Para 312(3) Bridge manual).
Clearance (Contd)
Para 4.8.2 In the case of arch Bridge, Minimum
clearance measured to crown shall be
Span of Arch Clearance
Less than 4 m Rise or 1200 mm
4.0 to 7.0 m 2/3 rise or 1500mm
7.1 to 20.0 m 2/3 rise or 1800 mm

Above 20.0 m 2/3 rise

Para 4.8.3 Clearance can be relaxed by CE/CBE provided:

Adoption of prescribed clearance results in
heavy expenditure and /or serious difficulties
Clearance (Contd)
The clearance can be safely reduced to
Discharge (cum) Clearance (mm)
Less than 3 300
3 to 30 300 - 400 (Pro-rata)
31 to 300 400 - 1200 (Pro-rata)

The relaxation shall be personally exercised by PCE/CBE,

due consideration being given to past history of bridge.

Para 4.8.4 while executing works other than rebuilding,

retain existing clearance

Para 4.8.5 where a tendency has been observed for the

bed level of stream to rise , clearance shall be provided
taking this factor into account.
Free Board (Para 4.9 S.S.C)
The vertical distance between the water level corresponding to design
discharge (Q) including afflux(h) and the formation level of its approach
bank / top level of guide bank.
 Minimum free Board from water level of design
discharge to formation level of Railway embankment
or top of guide bund shall be one meter

 suitably increased if heavy wave action is expected

 CE/CBE can relax Free Board in spl. circumstances

as indicated below:-
Discharge (cumecs) Min free board (mm)
Less than 3 600 mm
3 to 30 750 mm
More than 30 No relaxation
Relevance of Design discharge
• It is required for proper and economical design,
construction and maintenance of
 Bridge water way
 Foundations
 Protection works

• Fixing / deciding Other parameters

 Afflux
 Free board &
 Vertical clearances
Estimation of Design discharge (Q) (Para 4.2 S.S.C)

Para 4.2.1 shall preferably be based, wherever possible,

on procedures evolved from actual hydro meteorological
observations of the same or similar catchments.”

Para 4.2.2 shall be computed flood with a probable

recurrence interval of 50 years. However at the discretion of
a) Bridges where damage is likely to have severe
consequences, may be designed with flood recurrence
interval of more than 50 years
b) Bridges on less important lines or sidings may be
designed for floods with a probable recurrence interval of
less than 50 years
Method of Estimation of Design discharge
(Para 4.3 of substructure code )

Conceptually the methods are based on

a) From actual data (Para - 4.3.1)
b) Statistical methods (Para - 4.3.2)
c) Unit hydrograph (Para – 4.3.3)
d) Synthetic hydrograph (Para-4.3.4 )
e) Other methods (stage-discharge relationship)
(Para – 4.3.5)
Method of Estimation of Design discharge
(Para 4.3 of substructure code )
Para 4.3.1 where Stream flow records (yearly peak
discharges) are available for the desired recurrence
interval or more –
design discharge shall be : The computed flood for the
desired recurrence interval

Para 4.3.2 Where such Stream flow records exist for less
than the desired recurrence interval but sufficient for the
statistical analysis-
design discharge may be : Computed statistically
for the desired recurrence interval.
Method of Estimation of Design discharge
(Para 4.3 of substructure code )
Para 4.3.3 where records of floods are not of sufficient length to
permit reliable statistical analysis but where

a) Rainfall pattern & intensity records are available for

sufficient length of time
b) Where it is feasible to carry out at least limited observations
of rainfall & discharge to develop unit hydrograph based on
such observations

The design discharge for desired recurrence interval is

computed using above unit hydrograph developed and
applying appropriate design storm

A hydrograph is graph showing the discharge versus

time at a specific point in river / channel.

it commonly includes base flow component ( which is

relatively steady contribution from ground water return
flow) & direct run off component ( additional stream
flow contributed by surface run off)

A unit hydrograph is
1 Cm RAINFALL EXCESS the hypothetical
response of a water
shed ( in terms of
tp run off volume &
timing) to a unit
input of rainfall

It can be defined as
direct run off
HYDROGRAPH hydrograph resulting
from one unit ( say 1
cm) of effective
Qp rainfall occurring

uniformly over the

water shed at a
uniform rate over a
unit period of time

It is a hydrograph of
direct surface run off
resulting from unit
Ts effective excess rainfall
generated uniformly over
Basic principles of UH
For a given watershed

 Storms of equal duration will produce runoff hydrographs

with equivalent time bases regardless the intensity of rain.
(the base of the hydrograph of direct run off due to any
effective rainfall depth in unit duration is constant)

 The ordinates of direct surface run off hydrograph of a

common base time ( same unit duration) are proportional
to the effective rainfall

 The hydrograph of direct run-off from a drainage basin due

to a given pattern of effective rainfall will not change with
Method of Estimation of Design discharge
(Para 4.3 of substructure code )
Para 4.3.4 Where such observations, as mentioned in Cl.
4.3.3 above, are not possible,
a synthetic unit hydrograph may be developed for medium
size catchment ( i.e. Area 25 sq. Km or more but less than
2500 sq. Km) by utilising established relationships as mentioned
in Flood Estimation Report for respective hydro-meteorological
sub zone, listed under Appendix V(i).

For small size catchment (less than 25 sq. Km), design

discharge may be estimated using the techniques described
in RDSO report no. RBF-16, titled as “Flood Estimation
Methods for Catchments less than 25 km2 area.”

 Physiographic Parameters.

 Hydrometeorologcal parameters



Lc 2


Hydro meteorological zones

Use of flood estimation

reports :
The country has
been divided into 7
hydro meteorological
zones and 26
subzones .
Flood estimation
reports have been
published. (a joint work of
Flood estimation for small
catchments : area < 25 sq km
– RDSO report RBF-16
Modified rational formula

RBF-16 suggests to use modified rational formula which

incorporate s recurrence interval concept over the normal
rational formula

Q50  0.278CI 50 A
C= runoff coefficient
A : catchment area in sq KM
I50 : 50 year rainfall intensity mm/hr = R50(tc) / tc
Runoff coefficient

• Depends upon nature of soil, soil cover and location

of catchment :

C  X ( R.F ) 0.2

R = 50 year 24 hrs point rainfall (cm) from figure given in

the report for the country
F : Areal reduction factor
X : 0.249 to 0.498 depends on soil type and location
50 year 24 hour point rainfall (Value of R) (Ref Fig-3.14)
50 year 24 hour point rainfall (Value of R) (Ref Fig-3.6)
Values of X

S. No. Description of the Catchment Value of X

1. Sandy Soil/Sandy loam/Arid 0.249

2. Alluvium/silt loam/coastal areas 0.332
3. Red soil/clayey loam/cultivated 0.415
plains/tall crops/wooded areas
4. Black cotton clayey soil/lightly 0.456
covered/plain & barren
5. Hilly soil/plateau and barren 0.498
Values of F (Areal reduction factor)

Duration of Rainfall

(km2) < 30 min 30 to 60 min 60 to 100 min

< 2.5 0.72 0.81 0.88
> 2.5 < 5.0 0.71 0.80 0.87
> 5.0 < 13.0 0.70 0.79 0.86

> 13.0 < 0.68 0.78 0.85

Method of working out Q50
• Step-1: calculate time of concentration ( in hrs)
L 
tc   
H 

 tc is time of concentration ( in hrs), It is the time taken by

water to travel from most distant point on the periphery of
catchment to the point of interest

 L is length of Longest stream (in kms) from source to

bridge site

 H is Height of farthest point above the point of interest

along the river ( in meter) i.e. height of farthest point from
bed level
Method of working out Q50
Step-2: working out areal reduction factor (F) for given
catchment area ( in sqkm) & value of tc

Step-3: working out Runoff coeff(C)

For given description of catchment and value of F & R

Step-4 : Calculation of 50 year rainfall intensity in mm/hr

lasting for tc hr duration
= R50(tc) by referring to fig-4 of report

For tc hrs duration read from the report, ratio of 50 yr tc

hrs rainfall / 50 year 24 hrs rainfall
R50(tc) = R50 (24 hr) rainfall x above ratio
I = R50(tc) / tc in hrs
50 year tc hour Rainfall (page 10-fig4)
Important Note:
RBF-16 report contains 50 yr 1 hr rainfall data for certain
subzones, in that case these data are to be used for working
out R50(tc) rainfall. These are given here under.

Category-1: Obtain 50 year 1 hr rainfall value using the

appropriate rainfall map, if the catchment lies in any one of
the subzones given below.

Subzones 1(g), 2(b),3(b),3(c),3(d),3(f),3(h)  {These maps

are available as Fig 3.1 to fig 3.7 of RDSO report RBF-16, total
7 sub zones}
Category-2: If the catchment lies in any one of the subzones
given below for which 50 year 1 hour maps are not available.
Obtain 50 year 24 hour rainfall using the appropriate rainfall
maps and estimate the 50 year 1 hour rainfall value using the
ratio of 1 hour to 24 hour rainfall given on the same maps.

Subzones 1(b), 1(d), 1(e), 1(f),3(a),3(e),3(i),4(a,b &c), 5(a &b)

 {These maps are available as Fig 3.8 to fig 3.16 of RDSO
report RBF-16, total 12 sub zones}
Category-3: If the catchment lies in any one of the following
zone/sub zones for which 50 year 1 hour or 50 year 24 hour
rainfall maps are not available, obtain 50 year 24 hour rainfall
value using all India map and estimate 50 year 1 hour value as
equal to 0.37 of 24 hour rainfall value

Subzones 2(a),1(a),1(c),2(c),3(g),7  {The map is available

as Fig 1 of RDSO report RBF-16, total 6 sub zones}
Method of computing of R50(tc) using R50(1 hr) rainfall
Read the ratio for tc hrs from figure-4 of the report (page-10
of Notes)
Read the ratio for 1 hour from figure-4 of the report (page-10
of Notes)

Obtain coefficient k = tc hrs ratio / 1 hr ratio  R50 tc hrs

rainfall / R50 1 hr rainfall

R50(tc) = k x R50(1 hr)

Rainfall intensity I = R50 (tc)/ tc
Sample calculations
Sample Calculation
For Br no. 767/1 of NGP-SEGM section of Crly.

1 Name of Hydrometerological Sub-Zone = 3f Lower Godavari

2 Name of Tributary
3 Shape of Catchment Fern Shape
4 Location - Latitude = 20°45'23.65"N
- Longitude = 78°40'59.42"E

Physical Characteristic of the Catchment

1 Catchment Area (A) = 24.71 Km2
2 Length of Longest Stream Course from = 11.87 Km
source to the Bridge Site (L)
5 Height of Farthest point above the point of= 55.067 m
interest along the river (H)
6 Nature of Soil = Black Cotton Soil
Sample: Flood estimation
Q₅₀ = 0.278 x C x I x A
Runoff coefficient (C)
For Black cotton soil (from table sr. no.(d))
C = 0.456 (R x F)^ 0.20
Areal reduction Factor F => catchment area &
duration of rainfall (i.e. tc)
0.345 0.345
Time of concentration 'tc = L3 = 11.87^3
H 55.07

=3.2468 hrs.
=194.8 mins
Sample: Flood estimation
Q₅₀ = 0.278 x C x I x A
Runoff coefficient (C)
For Black cotton soil (from table sr. no.(d))
C = 0.456 (R x F)^ 0.20
Areal reduction Factor F:
Catchment area Duration of Rainfall
( ) < 30 min. 30 to 60 min. 60 to 100 min.
> 13.00 < 25.00 0.68 0.78 0.85

R=50 yr 24 hrs Rainfall Ref. Fig 1Of RBF16 (Plate 8 from CWC
report of Subzone 3f) = 220mmX 1.15 ( = 25.3cm)

C= 0.456 X (25.3 x 0.85)^0.2 =0.840

Sample: Flood estimation
Calculation of Intensity of rainfall :-

i) Tc h ratio ( from map fig 4 of RBF (16) is based on time concentration 0.570
& Ratio of 50yrs T hrs Rainfall / 50yrs 24hrs Rainfall)
ii) 1 h ratio ( from map fig 4 of RBF (16) is based on time concentration 0.380
& Ratio of 50yrs T hrs Rainfall / 50yrs 24hrs Rainfall)
Tc h ratio 0.570
iii) Coeff. K' = = = 1.500
1 h ratio 0.380
iv) 50 year 24 hrs rainfall from fig1 of RBF 16 =220x1.15= = 253 mm

v) (a) R 50 ( 1 ) = Ref. Fig. No.3.6 of RBF-16 = 1.15 x 80 = 92.00 mm

vi) (b) R 50 ( Tc) = K xR50 (1) =1.50 x 92.000 = 138.00 mm

vii) Intensity of Rainfall (I) R50

= (tc)
R 50 (=Tc) = 138.00 = 42.5 mm/hr
tc 3.247
Sample: Flood estimation

Design flood discharge :-

Q₅₀ = 0.278 x C x I x A
Q₅₀ = 0.278 xCxIxA
245.24x C xm3/s
Q₅₀ = 0.278 IxA
Flood estimation for Medium
catchments : area >25 sq km
and <2500 sq km–
By developing SUG based on
Estimation of design discharge by SUH

Steps involved (broadly) are:

 Derivation of Synthetic unit hydrograph & plotting SUH

 Estimation of design storm duration & intensity

 Estimation of design loss-rate & base flow

 Estimation of Rainfall excess units

 Working out flood hydrograph


• Is a unit hydrograph of unit duration for a catchment

developed from relations established between
physiographic and unit hydrograph parameters of
representative gauged catchment in hydro-
meteorologically homogeneous region(subzone).

Unit hydrograph can be developed, if site specific
concurrent rainfall-runoff data is available for 5-8 yrs. But
collection of adequate data for every site is neither
practicable nor economically feasible.




W 75
W R75


W 50
W R50


e.g. (For kaveri sub zone -3(i) ) the parameters are as under
tp Time taken from centre of rainfall excess(1 cm) in 1 0.553(L LC √S)0.405
hr unit duration to the UG peak( in hrs)

qp Peak discharge of UG per unit area m3/sec per 2.043/(tp)0.872

w50 Width of UG measured at 50% of peak discharge 2.197(qp)1.067
ordinate ( in hrs)
w75 Width of UG measured at 75% of peak discharge 1.325/(qp)1.088
ordinate ( in hrs)
WR50 Width of UG on rising side at 50% of peak discharge 0.799/(qp)1.138
ordinate ( in hrs)
WR75 Width of UG on rising side at 75% of peak discharge 0.536/(qp)1.109
ordinate ( in hrs)
TB Base width of UG (hrs) 5.083(tp)0.733
Tm Time taken from start of rainfall excess to UG peak Tm = tp + tr/2
Qp Peak discharge of UG m3/sec Qp =qp x A
X1 cm






Method / steps for Estimation of Design discharge (Q50)
for catchments ( 25 to 2500 sqkm)

Step-1: Physiographic Parameters:

 catchment Area(A)
 L
 Lc
 Seq

Work out effective stream slope (S)

2 th
S =ƹ Li (Di-1 + Di)/L in m/km, where Li is length of i segment, Di-1 elevation of point i-1
from datum, L is length of longest stream

Sr no Distance RL of Length of Height above Di-1 + Li(Di-1 +

from stream segment Li datum at ith Di Di)
bridge bed location Di
Step-2: (a) Determination of Synthetic 1 hr unit hydrograph
(For kaveri sub zone -3(i) ) the parameters are as under

tp Time taken from centre of rainfall excess(1 cm) in 1 hr 0.553(L LC √S)0.405

unit duration to the UG peak( in hrs)
qp Peak discharge of UG per unit area m3/sec per sqkm 2.043/(tp)0.872

w50 Width of UG measured at 50% of peak discharge ordinate 2.197(qp)1.067

( in hrs)
w75 Width of UG measured at 75% of peak discharge ordinate 1.325/(qp)1.088
( in hrs)
WR50 Width of UG on rising side at 50% of peak discharge 0.799/(qp)1.138
ordinate ( in hrs)
WR75 Width of UG on rising side at 75% of peak discharge 0.536/(qp)1.109
ordinate ( in hrs)
TB Base width of UG (hrs) 5.083(tp)0.733
Tm Time taken from start of rainfall excess to UG peak Tm = tp + tr/2
Qp Peak discharge of UG m3/sec Qp =qp x A
Step-2: (b) Plotting of UH based on above calculated parameters as
worked out in step-2 (a) above and then working out discharge for
each hr interval

i) Volume of runoff from 1 cm excess rainfall on catchment area A

sqkm = A x1000 x 1000 /100 m3

ii) Volume of direct run off from SUH = £Q x 60*60 m3

£Q =A/0.36, Sum total of UH ordinates is equal to A / 0.36

*If there is difference, then the falling limb of hydrograph may be

suitably modified without altering the points of synthetic parameters
such that the sum of all the ordinates under the UG is equal to
theoretical value as computed.
Step-3: Estimation of design storm duration
3.(a) Design storm duration: TD = 1.1 x tp

3.(b)Estimation of point rainfall : 50 year – 24 hrs rainfall to be taken based

on bridge site location and subzone from various plate say plate-10 for kaveri
basin zone 3(i).

{Note: The 50 year -24hrs rainfall data for all India are available as Fig-1
of RDSO report RBF-16}

Then from fig-10 of report for a given storm duration ratio is to be read, Say
for 7 hrs duration the ratio is 0.74

So 50 year point rainfall for Td duration(Point Rainfall)

= 50 year 24 hr rainfall (Point Rainfall) x Ratio
3.(c) Areal reduction factor
The areal reduction factor depends upon catchment area and design storm
duration ( Ref table-3 p-14 of the report)
50 year TD areal rainfall = 50 year TD point rainfall x ( point to areal rainfall

3.(d) Time distribution of areal rainfall

The areal rainfall estimate for 50 years Td duration areal rainfall is further
distributed to give one hourly gross rainfall units by using the distribution coeff.
for duration equal to design storm duration ( Ref Table A-2 page-13)

Example 7 hrs design storm duration

hourly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Distribution 0.62 0.75 0.83 0.89 0.94 0.97 1.00
For each hr areal rainfall is calculated .say for 3 hr (0.83 -0.75) x 50
year Td duration rainfall.
Then a design loss to be subtracted to get effective rainfall excess
Earlier the design loss rate considered as 0.5 cm/hr, which is to be Subtracted from
above 1 hr rainfall, to get 1 hr rainfall excess units
0.61 0.355
Now Loss rate =1.12 x R /(TD) Where R is TD duration areal rainfall in cm
& Td is design storm duration in hrs. and loss rate in cm/hrs.

Step-4: Estimation of base flow

Earlier ,the design base flow rate is 0.05 m /sec per sqkm therefore total base flow =
0.05 x A

Now Base flow qb = 0.032 / (A) , where A is catchment area in sqkm and
qb is base flow rate in m /sec/
Step-5: Estimation of 50 Yr flood peak

(a) Computation of Flood Peak:

The effective rainfall increments to be rearranged against ordinates such that
the maximum rainfall is placed against the maximum UG ordinates. Next lower
value of effective rainfall against next lower value of UG ordinates and so. Sum
of product of UG ordinates and eff. hourly rainfall gives direct surface runoff.
Then base flow is added to get total peak discharge.

(b) Computation of design flood hydrograph:

The effective rainfall increments as arranged in step 5(a) to be reversed to

obtain critical sequence ordinates.
Step-9: Estimation of design flood

Unit Hydrograph Excess rainfall units at time lag of one hr

Base Design flood
Discharge Ist hr 2nd hr 3rd hr 4th hr 5th hr
Time excess excess excess excess excess
rainfall( rainfall( rainfall( rainfall( rainfall(
R1) R2) R3) R4) R5)
0 Q0 Q0 R1 - - - -

1 Q1 Q1 R1 Q0 R2 - - -

2 Q2 Q2 R1 Q1 R2 Q0 R3 - -

3 Q3 Q3 R1 Q2 R2 Q1 R3 Q0 R4 - Q3 R1+ Q2 R2+
Q1 R3+ Q0 R4+
4 Q4 Q4 R1 Q3 R2 Q2 R3 Q1 R4 Q0 R5

5 Q5 Q5 R1 Q4 R2 Q3 R3 Q2 R4 Q1 R5

Q5 R2 Q4 R3 Q3 R4 Q2 R5
Sample calculations
Br.No. 807/1 of NGP-SEGM (C. Rly.)
Design Data
1 Name of HydroMeterological Sub-Zone = 3f Lower Godavari
2 Name of Tributary Kistana River
3 Shape of Catchment Fan Shape
4 Location - Latitude = 79° 0'36.00"E
- Longitude = 20°54'5.13"N

Physical Characteristic of the Catchment

1 Catchment Area (A) = 834.2 Km2
2 Length of Longest Stream Course from = 62.49 Km
source to the Bridge Site (L)
3 Length of the Main Stream from a point = 19.13 Km
opposite to the Centroid of the Catchment
Area to the Site along the Main Stream (Lc)
5 Height of Farthest point above the point of= 168.795 m
interest along the river (H)
6 Nature of Soil = Black Cotton Soil
Equivalent Stream Slope (Se)
Ref. CWC report of Lower Godavari(3f) para

Distance Reduced Length of Height Li x

D(i-1) +
Sr No. from Level each river above [D(i-1) +
Bridge segment Datum D1]
Km m Li (Km) Di (m) m Km x m
1 0.000 251.205 0.000 0 0 0
2 6.020 257.000 6.020 5.795 5.795 34.886
3 7.100 264.000 1.080 12.795 18.590 20.077
4 9.100 267.000 2.000 15.795 28.590 57.180
5 10.850 275.000 1.750 23.795 39.590 69.283
6 15.050 283.000 4.200 31.795 55.590 233.478
7 18.700 295.000 3.650 43.795 75.590 275.904
8 21.900 299.000 3.200 47.795 91.590 293.088
9 37.800 328.000 15.900 76.795 124.590 1980.981
10 40.160 333.426 2.360 82.221 159.016 375.278
11 49.310 374.000 9.150 122.795 205.016 1875.896
12 52.300 448.000 2.990 196.795 319.590 955.574
13 56.900 480.000 4.600 228.795 425.590 1957.714
Total ∑ = 8129.338

∑ Li x [D(i-1)+Di] 8129.338
Se = =
L² 3905

Se = 2.082 m/Km
Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Parameter
Ref. Table 3.2 . From page no 12 of FER for 3f

Length of Longest main stream along

L - = 62.490 Km
the river course
Statistical Stream Slope Sst - = 2.082 m/Km
- L x Lc / - = 828.530 Km2/m
Peak discharge of Unit Hydrograph 0.454
tp = = 7.353 hrs
per unit area 0.348 x ( L.Lc/ )
Time from center of unit rainfall 0.804
qp = 1.842 / (tp) = 0.370 Cumec/Sq.Km
duration to peak UH
Width of UH measure at 50% of
W50 = 2.353 / (qp)1.005 = 6.391 hrs
peak discharge (Q) ordinate
Width of UH measure at 75% of 0.992
W75 = 1.351 / (qp) = 3.622 hrs
peak discharge (Q) ordinate
Width of rising side of UG measured 1.047
WR 50 = 0.936 / (qp) = 2.651 hrs
at 50% of peak Q ordinate
Width of rising side of UG measured WR = 0.579 / (qp)
= 1.571 hrs
at 75% of peak Q ordinate
Base Width of unit hydrograph TB = 4.589 x (tp)0.894 = 27.311 hrs
Time from the start of rise to peak
Tm = tp + tr/2 = 7.853 hrs
Peak Discharge of Unit Hydrograph Qp = qp X A = 308.654 Cumecs
SUH Co-Ordinate from above formulae

X-Co-Ordinate Y- Co-Ordinate
0 0.000 0 0.000
Tm - WR₅ₒ 5.202 Qp x 0.50 154.327
Tm - WR₇₅ 6.282 Qp x 0.75 231.491
Tm 7.853 Qp 308.654
Tm + W₇₅- WR₇₅ 9.904 Qp x 0.75 231.491
Tm + W₅ₒ- WR₅ₒ 11.593 Qp x 0.50 154.327
Tᴃ 27.311 0 0.000
Estimation of Design Storm (Ref. Clause no. 5.2 step-2 of FER for 3f)

Design Storm Duration (Td)

= 1.1 x tp = 1.1 x 7.353
Td = 8.088 hrs say 8 hrs

Point Rainfall
( Plate 10 of flood estimation report . 50 yr 24 hour Rainfall map of India)

50 Year 24hrs Point Rainfall = 220 mm

50 Year 8 hrs Point Rainfall = 220 x 0.705 = 155.1mm

Estimation of Design Storm (Ref. Clause no. 5.2 step-2 of FER for 3f)

Point to Areal Rainfall Ratio for 8 hrs Storm duration

Ref. Annexure4.2 or fig -12(a) /12(b) of FER
Area Km2 8 8 12
500 79.83 79.830 82.5
834.2 76.63 76.630 77.90475
900 76 76.000 77
Point to Areal Rainfall Raio = 0.766

Areal Rainfall for 8 hrs

= 155.1x 0.766 = 118.8 mm
Time Distribution of Design storm
Ref.Annexure 4.1 or Fig- 11 of FER for 3f
Time in hrs. x 100
Td hrs Time Distribution =

Td hrs
Td hrs Td hrs
Time in Storm Distn. Hourly
time Storm Distn.
hours Col3x130.91 Storm
Distrn. From Table
cm cm
0 0.00 0 0 0
1 12.50 41 4.871 4.871
2 25.00 65 7.722 2.851
3 37.50 76 9.029 1.307
4 50.00 83 9.861 0.832
5 62.50 90 10.693 0.832
6 75.00 94 11.168 0.475
7 87.50 98 11.643 0.475
8 100.00 100 11.881 0.238
Design Loss Rate
Ref. Page No 14. Para 3.5 of FER for 3f
Design loss Rate = 0.4 cm/hrs

Base Flow
Ref. Page No 14. Para 3.6 of FER for 3f
Design Base Flow = 0.05 cumecs/sq.Km
= 0.05x834.2 cumecs
= 41.710 cumecs
Computation of Critical Sequence of Rainfall
Ref. Page no. 21 step -4 of FER
Hourly Rainfall Rainfall
Time in SUH increment Constant loss Rainfall Excess Peak Excess in
direct ruoff
hours Ordinates of rainfall rate excess value for Critical
(cm) peak Discarge Order
(Cumes) (cm) (cm/hr) (cm) S.U.G. cm
0 0 0 0 0 - - 0.907
1 8 4.871 0.4 4.471 4.471
2 20 2.851 0.4 2.451 2.451
3 40 1.307 0.4 0.907 0.432
4 75 0.832 0.4 0.432
5 140 0.832 0.4 0.432
6 210 0.475 0.4 0.000 0.432 90.646
7 290 0.475 0.4 0.000 2.451 710.894
8 308 0.238 0.4 0.000 4.471 1377.090
9 275 0.907 249.390
10 222 0.432 95.825
11 175
12 132 Total 2523.845
13 100 Base flow 41.710
14 75 Q50 2565.555
15 58
16 45
17 34
18 27
19 22
20 17
21 14
22 11
23 9
24 6
25 4
26 2
27 0
Computation of Design Flood Hydrograph
Ref. Page no. 22 item (b) of FER
Total Design
SUH Direct Surface RunOff(DSRO) in m3/s due to rainfall Excess increament in cm Base Flow
Time Surface Flood
Flow Hydrodrap
Hrs 0.000 0.432 0.907 4.471 2.451 0.432 0.000 cm m3/s h Ord.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13
0 0 0.000 0.000 0
1 8 0.000 3.453 0.000 3.453 41.71 45.163
2 20 0.000 8.633 7.255 0.000 15.888 41.71 57.598
3 50 0.000 21.582 18.137 35.769 0.000 75.488 41.71 117.198
4 80 0.000 34.532 45.344 89.421 19.611 0.000 188.908 41.71 230.618
5 148 0.000 63.884 72.550 223.554 49.027 3.453 412.467 41.71 454.177
6 210 0.000 90.646 134.217 357.686 122.568 8.633 0.000 713.749 41.71 755.459
7 290 0.000 125.177 190.443 661.718 196.109 21.582 0.000 1195.030 41.71 1236.740
8 308 0.000 132.947 262.993 938.925 362.801 34.532 0.000 1732.198 41.71 1773.908
9 275 0.000 118.703 279.317 1296.610 514.785 63.884 0.000 2273.299 41.71 2315.009
10 222 0.000 95.825 249.390 1377.090 710.894 90.646 0.000 2523.845 41.71 2565.555
11 175 0.000 75.538 201.326 1229.544 755.018 125.177 0.000 2386.604 41.71 2428.314
12 132 0.000 56.977 158.703 992.578 674.124 132.947 0.000 2015.328 41.71 2057.038
13 100 0.000 43.165 119.707 782.437 544.202 118.703 0.000 1608.213 41.71 1649.923
14 75 0.000 32.373 90.687 590.181 428.988 95.825 0.000 1238.055 41.71 1279.765
15 58 0.000 25.035 68.015 447.107 323.579 75.538 0.000 939.275 41.71 980.985
16 45 0.000 19.424 52.599 335.330 245.136 56.977 0.000 709.466 41.71 751.176
17 34 0.000 14.676 40.809 259.322 183.852 43.165 0.000 541.824 41.71 583.534
18 27 0.000 11.654 30.834 201.198 142.179 32.373 0.000 418.239 41.71 459.949
19 22 0.000 9.496 24.486 152.016 110.311 25.035 0.000 321.345 41.71 363.055
20 17 0.000 7.338 19.951 120.719 83.346 19.424 0.000 250.778 41.71 292.488
21 14 0.000 6.043 15.417 98.364 66.187 14.676 0.000 200.686 41.71 242.396
22 11 0.000 4.748 12.696 76.008 53.930 11.654 0.000 159.037 41.71 200.747
23 9 0.000 3.885 9.976 62.595 41.673 9.496 0.000 127.625 41.71 169.335
24 6 0.000 2.590 8.162 49.182 34.319 7.338 0.000 101.591 41.71 143.301
25 4 0.000 1.727 5.441 40.240 26.965 6.043 0.000 80.415 41.71 122.125
26 2 0.000 0.863 3.627 26.826 22.062 4.748 0.000 58.128 41.71 99.838
27 0 0.000 0.000 1.814 17.884 14.708 3.885 0.000 38.291 41.71 80.001
28 0.000 8.942 9.805 2.590 0.000 21.337 41.71 63.047
29 0.000 4.903 1.727 0.000 6.629 41.71 48.339
30 0.000 0.863 0.000 0.863 41.71 42.573
31 0.000 0.000 0.000 41.71 41.710
32 0.000 0.000 41.71 41.710
33 0.000 0.000 41.71 41.710
34 0.000 0.00 0.000

• 50 –yr return period storm rainfall produce

50- yr flood.
• Catchment used in analysis are treated as
• A generalized conclusion regarding the base
flow and loss rate is assumed to hold good
during design flood event.
Design discharge for foundation (Qf) ( Para 4.4 S.S.C)
To provide for an adequate margin of safety against an
abnormal flood of magnitude higher than the design discharge
(Q), the foundation, protection works and training works except
free board shall be designed for higher flood discharge.
The magnitude of this discharge shall be computed by increasing
design discharge (Q) estimated according to clause 4.2, by the
percentage indicated below.
Catchment area Increase
Up to 500 km2 : 30%
> 500 & upto 5000 km2 : 30% - 20%
> 5000 & upto 25000 km2 : 20% - 10%
> 25000 km2 : Less than 10%
Design of Water ways (S.C.C Para 4.5)
Para 4.5.1 In the case of a river which flows between stable high
banks and which has the whole of the bank-to-bank width
functioning actively in a flood of magnitude Q

the waterway provided

shall be practically equal
to the width of water
spread between the
stable banks for such

If, however, a river spills over its banks and the depth of spill is appreciable
the waterway shall be suitably increased beyond the bank-to-bank width in
order to carry the spill discharge as well.
Para 4.5.2 In the case of a river having a comparatively
wide and shallow section, with the active channel in flood
confined only to a portion of the full width from bank to

constriction of the
natural waterway
would normally be
desirable from both
hydraulic and cost

A thorough study of both these factors shall be

made before determining the waterway for such a
Para 4.5.3 For river with alluvial beds and sustained floods
the waterway shall normally be equal to width given by
Lacey’s formula :
Pw = 1.811 C √Q  4.83 (Q)0.5

Pw = Wetted perimeter in
metres which can be taken as the
effective width of waterway in
case of large streams

Q = design discharge in cum/sec

C = a coefficient normally equal
to 2.67, but which may vary from
2.5 to 3.5 according to local
conditions depending upon bed
slope and bed material.
Para 4.5.4 If the river is of a flashy nature i.e. the rise and
fall of flood is sudden or the bed material is not alluvial and
does not submit readily to the scouring effect of the flood,
Lacey’s regime width formula as given in clause 4.5.3
will not apply
Para 4.5.5 In case of rivers in sub-montane stage,
where the bed slopes are steep and the bed material
may range from heavy boulders to gravel, it is not
possible to lay down rigid rules regarding constriction of
water way.
Para 4.5.5(cont.)
Any constriction in such cases shall be governed
largely by :
 The configuration of active channels
 The Cost involved in diversion & training of these
 The cost of guide bunds which will need much
heavier protection than the guide bunds of
alluvial rivers.
Each case shall be examined on merits from both
hydraulic & economic consideration and best possible
solution choosen
Para 4.5.7
For gauge conversion and doubling works:
 where there is no history of past incidents of over
flow/washout/excessive scour etc during last 50 years the
water way of existing bridge may be retained after taking
measures for safety as considered necessary by Chief
Engineer In charge.
 For locations where there is history of past incidents of over-
flow/washout/excessive scour, the waterway has to be re-
assessed based on the freshly estimated design discharge
using clause 4.3.1 to 4.3.4.
 For locations, where existing bridges are less than 50 years
old and there is no past history of incidents of over
flow/washout/excessive scour etc, the water way may be
judiciously decided after calculation of the design discharge
and keeping in view the water way of existing bridges on
adjacent locations on the same river.
Para 4.5.8 For rebuilding of bridge,
waterway shall be determined keeping in view the design
discharge as worked out from clause 4.3
Para 4.5.9 For strengthening existing bridges by jacketing etc,
a reduction in waterway area as per the limits specified below
may be allowed by the CBE provided that there has been no
history of past incidents of overflow/washout/ excessive scour etc
and that measures for safety as considered necessary by the Field
Engineer and approved by CBE are taken.
1 Upto and including 3.05 m 20%
2 3.05m to 9.12m including Varying linearly from 20% to 10%

3 Greater than 9.12m 10%

Further reduction in the area shall be subject to CRS sanction and

submission of detailed calculation of waterways etc. Where the clearances
are not available, the bridge should be rebuilt
Finalisation of span arrangement & foundation depth.
Method statement for Finalisation of Span arrangement
Following steps are involved to finalise the span arrangement for a given design discharge

Step-1: Estimation of linear water way based on various guidelines:

i) Based on Flood Estimation Report ( in some reports )

The Flood estimation report suggests/ recommends the linear water way width, required to be
provided, to cater given design discharge (Q50).
Eg : sub zone 3(i) kaveri basin, Linear water way recommended is = 4.98 (Q50)

ii) Based on Lacey’s Regime width (Para 4.5.3 SSC)

Wetted perimeter Pw = 1.811 C √Q ( River with alluvial beds and sustained floods)
Where C = a coefficient normally equal to 2.67, but which may vary from 2.5 to 3.5 according to
local conditions depending upon bed slope and bed material, Considering C = 2.67
Pw  4.83 (Q50)
Accordingly Wetted perimeter Pw = 4.83 (Q50)
Step-1: Estimation of linear water way based on various guidelines:

iii) Based on width of active channel in stream/River (Para 4.5.1 of S.S.C)

 Bank to Bank width of River regime = ---------

 Extent of spilling of water beyond bank to bank width = ----------
 Width of Active channel of water in the River regime = ----------

Waterway based on width of active channel including spilling of water if any = ----

Illustration -1) Suppose bank to bank width of river is 18 meters and active channel
width is 9 meters then waterway to be provided can be taken as 9 meters provided it
satisfies all the norms in terms of velocity of flow, free board, clearance, HFL.

Illustration 2) Suppose bank to bank width is 21 meters, the river is flowing full bank
to bank and there is a water spilling beyond banks by say 4 meters width. In this case
the waterway to be provided shall be 25 meters
Step-2: Selecting type of bridge (pipe culvert / Box culvert / Arch / Slab / Girder
The type of bridge shall be selected on the basis of various factors such as
design discharge (Q50), linear water way requirement, velocity of flow, scour
depth requirement, approach bank height, soil strata conditions.

Step-3: Fixing norms for Free board, vertical clearance based on type of bridge
 Norms for velocity of flow
The norms for velocity of flow can be taken as 3 m/sec based on sub structure
code Para However, velocity during annual peak flow if available can
be used for guidance.
 Norms for HFL
The computed value of HFL based on depth of flow calculated for assumed
water way width should be close to observed HFL. River flow conditions during
annual peak flow can also be used for guidance.
Step-4: Value of n & bed slope of stream:
2/3 1/2
Slope (S) :While calculating velocity of flow ( V = 1/n x R xS ), the average
slope (S) of the river bed is to be determined from a point about 2 kms
upstream of the Railway crossing to a point 2 kms downstream of the same. In
case there are sharp changes in the bed slopes, the local bed slope should be
determined over a shorter length. (Para 305(2) Bridge manual).

Channel / stream condition Value of n

i) Natural channel in fairly good condition 0.030

ii) Natural channel in fairly bad condition 0.040

iii) Natural channel with variable section & some vegetation growing 0.050
on banks

iv) Vegetation growing on banks in very bad condition 0.060 - 0.10

Step-5: Working out depth of flow (d) for assumed width of water way (B)

V= Q /A Q is Design discharge
2/3 1/2
V= (1/n x R xS ) Manning formula

Total width of waterway assumed = B,
No of piers assumed = N
Effective width of pier assumed = b
Effective width of waterway shall be (B’) = B – n x 2 b

2/3 1/2
=> Q50/( B’ x d) = (1/n) [(B’x d)/ (B’+ 2d)] (S )

Using above equation, work out depth of flow (d) for assumed value of width of
water way (B)/ effective width of waterway B’.
Step-6: Estimating various parameters for the set of assumed value of B
(width of water way) & calculated value of d (depth of flow)

 Calculate Actual Velocity of flow V

 Check for Froud No.(Fr)= V / √(gxd), should be less than 1
 Calculated HFL = Bed level + d
 Vertical clearance = bottom of slab / girder or underside of box top/pipe –
( HFL + afflux)
 Free board = Approach bank height – (HFL + afflux)

Note: For various widths of waterway as assumed @ suitable interval , between the
minimum & maximum possible width of waterway estimated in the step-2,
workout depth of flow d for 5 to 7 values of assumed width of waterway & the
calculate the above 4 parameters i.e. velocity of flow , calculated HFL, vertical
clearance, free board. Compare the values of calculated parameters with laid down
norms as discussed in step 4 above.
Step-7 : Finalisation of span & working out various parameters for chosen

Based on the exercise done under step-7, the minimum span, which satisfy
all laid down norms in terms of velocity of flow, HFL, vertical clearance, free
board and which can utilise as far as possible the available standard spans
of RDSO is finalise.
Now for this proposed span arrangement, the depth of flow is calculated on
the basis of accurate value of hydraulic radius and the various parameters
i.e. actual velocity of flow, HFL, vertical clearance & Free board are
computed, compared & checked again with norms laid down for these
parameters to finalise the span arrangement.
Sample calculations
Working out depth of flow (d) for assumed width of water way (B)

Bridge Opening- 3 spans X 6.5m

a) Discharge (Q50) = 245.240
b) B (total width of Existing opening) = 3 x 6.5
c) Mannnings Coeff (n) - Open Channel Hydraulics by Van Te Chow = 0.05 for minor stream
d) Slope of stream (as per Site Survey of River - Level Diff at 100m 0.004545 1 in 220
u/s Side is = 235.188-234.733 = 0.0.455m)

Equate V Assume Y= 4.450

Q/(BxY) =
245.24/(3 x 6.5x4.45) = 1/0.05x(3 x 6.5x4.45)/(3 x 6.5+2x4.45)^2/3x0.004545^1/"2
2.83 m/sec = 2.84 m/sec

Check for Velocity

Froud No. (Fr) = = 0.4297 < 1

Flow is Sub-Critical
Checking for adequacy of waterway provided For Bridge:-

Discharge (Q) = 245.240 m3/sec

Mean velocity ( allowed ) (V) = 2.830 m/sec
Average waterway required = Q/V = 245.24/2.83 = 86.66 m2
Exsisting opening = 3 x 6.5 = 19.5 m
Ht.of water = Ave. waterway/Exist. opening = 86.66/19.5 = 4.440 m
Average Bed level = 234.933 m
OH.F.L. = 238.048 m

As Waterway requirment fullfilled , hence there is no contraction in waterway at c/s of Ex. Bridge
Therefore Afflux at bridge section will be zero.

Therefore C.H.F.L .= Bed Level + Height of Water = 239.373 m

Vertical Clearance required as per Br.Sub.Struc.Code = 1.077 m Ref.Cl.No. 4.8

Required Bottom of Slab/Girder = CHFL + Vertical Clearance = 240.450

Proposed Bottom of slab/girder : 241.735 m, Hence OK

Calculation of afflux For Bridge
- Velocity of flow (V) = 2.830 m/sec
- Unobstructed sectional area of river (A) = 126.1404 m2
- (Clear distance between abutment x Height)
- Obstructed sectional area of river (a) = 104.8284 m2
- Afflux = = 0.207 m

Required free Board as per Br. Sub Struct. Code = 1 m

Formation Level
Minimum Formation Level Required = CHFL+Afflux+Free Board = 240.580

Checking for adequacy of waterway provided For Bridge:-

Calculation of afflux For Bridge

- Velocity of flow (V) = 2.830 m/sec
- Unobstructed sectional area of river (A) = 126.1404 m2
- (Clear distance between abutment x Height)
- Obstructed sectional area of river (a) = 104.8284 m2
- Afflux = = 0.207 m

Required free Board as per Br. Sub Struct. Code = 1 m

Formation Level
Minimum Formation Level Required = CHFL+Afflux+Free Board = 240.580

Proposed Formation Level = 242.605 m, hence OK

Depth of Scour (Para 4.6 S.S.C)
Depth of Scour (Para 4.6 S.S.C)

Para 4.6.1 The probable max depth of scour for design of

foundations and training & protection works shall be estimated
considering local condition

Para 4.6.2 Wherever feasible & especially for flashy rivers and with
beds having boulders or gravels sounding for purpose of
determining the depth of scour shall be taken in the vicinity of
site proposed for the bridge. Such sounding are best taken
during or immediately after flood
In calculating design depth of scour allowance shall be made in
the observed depth for increased scour due to
i)The Design discharge being greater than observed discharge
ii) Increase velocity due to constriction
iii)Increase in scour in the proximity of pier/abutments
Para 4.6.3 In the case of natural channels flowing in alluvial
beds where the width of waterway provided is not less than
Lacey’s regime width,
the normal depth of Scour (D) below the foundation design
discharge (Qf) level may be estimated from Lacey’s formulas as
indicated below
D = 0.473 (Qf/f)1/3
where D is depth in metres,
Qf is in cumecs and
f is Lacey’s silt factor for representative sample of bed material
obtained from scour zone.
Para 4.6.4 Where due to constriction of waterway,
the width is less than Lacey’s regime width for Q or
where it is narrow and deep as in the case of incised
rivers and has sandy bed, the normal depth of scour
may be estimated by the following formula :

D = 1.338 (qf2/f)1/3
qf = the discharge intensity in cubic metre per second per
metre width and
‘f’ = silt factor as defined in clause 4.6.3.
Para 4.6.5 The silt factor ‘f’ shall be determined for representative samples
of bed material collected from scour zone using the formula :
f = 1.76 √m Where m is weighted mean diameter of the bed
material particles in mm

The Values for ‘f’ for different types of bed material, commonly met with are given below:

Type of bed material Weighted mean dia of Value of

particle (mm) ‘f’
(i) Coarse silt 0.04 0.35
(ii) Fine sand 0.08 0.50
0.15 0.68
(iii) Medium sand 0.3 0.96
0.5 1.24
(iv) Coarse sand 0.7 1.47
1.0 1.76
2.0 2.49

D1/D2  (f2/f1)(1/3)  (m2/m1)(1/2) x (1/3)  (m2/m1)1/6

D1/D2 = (2/0.04) = 1.92
Para 4.6.6 The depth calculated (vide clause 4.6.3 and 4.6.4
above) shall be increased as indicated below, to obtain
maximum depth of scour for design of foundations, protection
works and training works :
Nature of the river Depth of scour
In a straight reach 1.25 D
At the moderate bend conditions e.g. Along 1.5 D
apron of guide bund
At a severe bend 1.75 D
At a right angle bend or at nose of piers 2.0 D
In severe swirls e.g. Against mole head of a guide 2.5 to 2.75 D

Para 4.6.7 In case of clayey beds, wherever possible, maximum

depth of scour shall be assessed from actual observations
b) Method statement for Estimation of depth of foundation for given span
arrangement based on scour depth criteria

Step 1 - Design discharge for foundation: The design discharge for foundation
(Qf) shall be estimated based on Q50 & size of Catchment (Design discharge for
foundation (Para 4.4 S.S.C)

Catchment Up to > 500 & up > 5000 & up > 25000

area 500 km2 to 5000 to 25000 km2
km2 km2

Increase 30% 30% - 20% 20% - 10% Less than

over Q50 10%
Step 2 – Normal Scour depth: Now for the given of, the scour depth is
estimated using following formula.

a)The normal depth of Scour (D) below the foundation design discharge
(Qf) level may be estimated from Lacey’s formulas as indicated below
D = 0.473 (Qf/f) --------- Eq-1 ( Para 4.6.3 SSC)

b) Where due to constriction of waterway, the width is less than Lacey’s

regime width for Q or where it is narrow and deep as in the case of incised
rivers and has sandy bed, the normal depth of scour may be estimated by
the following formula
q 2 1/3
D = 1.338 ( f /f) -------------Eq-2 (Para 4.6.4 SSC)
Step 3 - Maximum anticipated scour level from water level
corresponding to Qf :

The depth calculated based on Eq- 1 OR Eq-2 above ( as the

case may be), shall be increased as indicated below, to obtain
maximum depth of scour for design of foundations,

For Abutment: 1.25 x D

For Pier: - 2xD

Step 4 - Maximum anticipated scour level from bed level:

The scour depth calculated in step 3 above, refers to maximum anticipated scour
level from the water level corresponding to Qf, therefore the depth of maximum
scour level from the bed level can be ascertained if depth of flow corresponding to
Qf is known.

The depth of flow corresponding to design discharge for foundation (Qf) for given span
arrangement shall be worked out using equation discussed under para A step-6 above.
The maximum anticipated scour depth from bed level shall be accordingly worked out
after deducting the depth of flow corresponding to Qf.

Step 5 - Grip Length :

The foundation should rest below the maximum anticipated scour length for certain
length called as grip length, the value of grip length in case of open foundation is
1.75 m in case of ordinary soil. However if the rock strata ( soft or rock ) is available
at higher level which is considered as non-erodible bed then the foundation should
keyed in rock for 0.3 m ( in case of hard rock) & 1.5 m ( in case of soft rock) .
Water level
corresponding to Q

D = 0.473
Water depth or
Bed level
1.25D for Abutment = 1.338 f
2D for Pier
Scour level
Foundation depth
Max. anticipated scour level

Grip length
This should be the level
where foundation should Foundation level
Step 6 Depth of foundation: The depth of foundation shall be accordingly = Maximum
scour depth from bed level (as worked out in Step 4) + Grip length (as discussed in Step

Note : In case non scour able strata (rock strata) is available at shallow depths, then
the foundation shall rest at that level suitably keyed into the rock strata (as discussed in
Step 5 above), irrespective of scour depth calculated in the Step 2 and 3 above.

Note: Rly Board Instructions on Minimum span size: (Ref: Correction slip 25 dated 17-
12-12 of bridge manual)

Minimum clear span =1 m for new bridges and Rebuilding of existing bridges
Minimum headroom =1.2 m for new bridges, however while constructing /
rebuilding new bridges on existing lines all efforts to provide it, otherwise
PCE/CBE may permit relaxation
1. Sub Structure Code -2013
2. RBF-16 report published by RDSO
3. Flood estimation report for kaveri basin sub zone – 3(i)

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