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Beshale Hotel
Addis Ababa
April 16’ 2019
 WHAT in the PAST?
 Who is KGM Engineering?
 Vision, Mission, Values, Objectives … as a company
 What KGM were working?
 KGM Staff Composure
 KGM Engineering NOW
 KGME’s Success
 Completed Activities
 On progress Activities
 KGM’s partnership with MARC
 KGM Engineering in the FUTURE
 Future PLANS
KGM Engineering in the PAST ▶

KGM Engineering NOW

KGM Engineering in the FUTURE

 A business company intended to provide total
engineering solutions for a variety of problems for a
broad flexibility.
 Established in 2008 by Kibret Getachew (General
 Led by a well experienced team of senior
professional engineers and technicians.
 Location: Addis Ababa (Head Office) & Hawassa
To be a leading player in the provision of innovative
engineering services and solutions.
To deliver world class engineering services and solutions
that exceed customer expectations while earning
equitable returns.
Innovational and Solution based Selling model to provide
superior engineering offerings.
 Different components and parts for Manufacturing
Industry, Agricultural machineries, Earth moving
machineries, Small and heavy trucks…
 Different small scale machineries as per customer’s
technical requirements
 Engineering design and consultancy services for different
sector organizations: Manufacturing, Agriculture, Food and
Beverage, Textile,…
 Detail activities include:
◦ Reconditioning or Fabricating different machine parts and
◦ Engines Reconditioning for Automotives, Generators, …
◦ Heavy duty spare parts fabrication; like Gears, Shafts, Spindles,
Bushings, Flanges, ...
◦ Installation & Maintenance of Hydraulic and Pneumatic
machinery lines
◦ Manufacturing of different tools and machineries as per
customer’s demand
◦ On site professional engineering support services…
◦ etc
 A Well experienced Team of Versatile
Engineers, Technologists, Technicians
 More than 70 employees
KGM Engineering in the PAST ▪

KGM Engineering NOW ▶

KGM Engineering in the FUTURE

 A Complete set of manufacturing tools and
 Research & Development is established
 More than 42 partners (Workshops and
suppliers) in the supply chain
 A Competitive Technical Expertise
 Improved Quality, Short Delivery Time and
Reasonable Price
Our engineering workshop have visited
by Agro Industry Experts
 Manufacturing of 200 Mould board plough
for EIAR, Melkasa Agricultural Research

 Manufacturing of 50 Mittering Units for a
Planter adopted by Melkasa ARC.
 Costs Birr 120,000.00
 Birr 40,000 covered by KGM’s R&D
KGM Engineering in the PAST ▪

KGM Engineering NOW ▪

KGM Engineering in the FUTURE ▶

the only way forward to enhance small scale
mechanization in Ethiopia.
 AND, KGM Engineering is working together
with partners to add on small scale
mechanization’s progress.
 To create a partnership with different engineering
companies to build a strong supply chain in order to work
on replacing imported machines, components and parts
which can save the foreign currency.
 To work with governmental and non governmental
organizations to improve agricultural systems in the
 To provide expanded engineering solutions in order to
optimize community gains.
KGM Engineering is
Passionate to Serve You!!

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