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whats &
SIM hows
SIM or Strategic
A teaching aid meant to
reteach the concept or
 stimulatesthe activity
of the students to
master a competency
 increases
level of
Intervention???? What is this?

 Intervention means that…..

 the learning of the students is
Enhanced with the integration
of the use of
Strategic Intervention Materials (SIM)
What competency????
 Least Mastered Skills
 Skills to be mastered
 Abstract concepts are concretized
Who will use the SIM?
Learners at Risk


 Remedial class

Regular Class
SIM major parts
Preliminary & Additional parts
1. Title Card  Title page
2. Guide Card  Copyright page
3. Activity Card  Table of Contents
4. Assessment Card  Preface/Introduction/Foreword
5. Enrichment Card
6. Answer Key Card
7. Reference Card
Title Card

 Presents the title

of the SIM
Eye catching/Interesting

Guide Card
 Gives a preview of what students will learn.
 Provides the relevant information
 Stimulates interest in the topic.
Guide Card

 Presents the focus skills.

 a. Mentions the learning competency (LC).
 b. States at least 3 sub-tasks (activities).
 c. Builds on prior learning/ prerequisite skills.
 d. Mentions the concrete outcome or product students
are expected to demonstrate/ produce.
Guide Card

 Cites briefly the activities.

 Challenges the learner in performing the
Activity Card
 Translates the focus skills into at least 3 activities.
Activity Card

 Provides activities that:

 a. are organized based on the sequence of the focus skills (in
the Guide Card).
 b. have clear directions.
 c. provide examples to concretize the concepts, particularly
those drawn from real-life experience.
Activity Card

 students can complete independently, in pairs, or in small groups.

Activity Card

 guides and challenges students’ thinking and learning.

Activity Card

 uses local data and situations (e.g., interacting

with people in the community).
Activity Card

 Provides transition statements that recognize

students’ accomplishments.
Activity Card

 allow students to make discoveries and formulate ideas on their own.

Activity Card

 Provides questions that:

 guide the development of concepts/focus skill.

 elicit the message or meaning that a student can take away

from an activity/ experience.
Activity Card

 Provides questions that:

 a. c. elicit an explanation, not one-word answers, H-O-Ts
 d. establish the relationship between the topic/lesson and what
students already know or are familiar to them.
 e. develop the skills in the three domains.
Assessment Card
 Provides exercises, drills or activities that
allow students to:
 assess their understanding of what they have
learned and correct errors when appropriate.
 monitortheir learning and use feedback about their
Assessment Card

 Gives clear directions.

Assessment Card

 Formulated in standard test formats to give students practice in test-

taking techniques.
Enrichment Card

 Provides activities that reinforce the content of the lesson

Enrichment Card

 Provides opportunities for students to:

a. apply what they have learned to other subject areas or in new
b. work independently or in groups to explore answers to their
Reference Card

 Provides readings that relate content with students’ life experiences

Reference Card

 Provides a carefully researched list of

resources that:
a. will reinforce concepts/ skills learned
b. provide additional content not found in the
c. students may refer to for further reading.
The SIM is/has……
1 an eye-catching/interesting title & sub-title;
Cover, 2 appropriate margin & gutter, copyright page, title page
Title, and author's page;
Design, 3 appropriate page numbers, table of contents, etc.;
Paging, 4 attractive, made creatively and appealing to the users ;
Layout, 5 easy to handle and relatively light;
format, 6 indicated the name of the school, district and address;
& 7 name of author(s)/editors, page number, table of
Binding contents, , etc.;
8 used appropriate paper/material (A4 size) with good
binding & printing quality;
1 a preview of what the learners
should learn;
2 competency-based with code
number, content & performance
Learning standards;
Objectives and 3 focused on the Least Mastered Skill;
Subtasks 4 indicated the subject area/grade
level/rating period;
5 task and sub-tasks stated in
behavioral terms;
1 contextualized/localized/indigenized;
2 developmentally appropriate to the users needs
and level;
3 easy to read and has appropriate texts, color &
Guide Card/ 4 engaging, interesting and easy to understand;
Information/ 5 focused on skills, clarified and supplemented
Content and learner’s difficulties;
Format 6 good paper and printing quality;
7 infused and developed desirable values;
8 no ideological, cultural, religious, racial and
gender biases and prejudices;
9 used real, culturally-relevant and attractive
1 addressed visual, auditory and
kinesthetics learners or in
combination of these;
Card 2 competency-and Sub-tasks-

3 varied learning activities

1 alphabetically/numerically arranged options, by
length, etc.;
2 authentic, varied, valid and reliable assessments;
3 high order thinking skills(HOTs) questions;
4 not purely simple recall/one-word answer;
Card and
Answer Keys 5 observed standard rules of test construction and
provided formats;
6 observed the art of questioning techniques;
8 parallel and multiple options (for Multiple Choice
9 provided answer keys;
1 activated critical thinking,
learning by doing and problem-
solving skills;
2 addressed & supplemented
learners’ needs and difficulties;
Card 3 encouraged learners to apply the
skill in other subject(s) or in new
4 interesting and has required high
order thinking skills.
1 categorically cited sources in APA
2 no plagiarism/copyright issues;
Reference 3 used free or original images,
Card illustrations, diagrams, figues &
pictures, etc.;and
4 written permission(s) for the use
of images, pictures, illustrations,
diagrams, etc.
1 correct sentence construction,
puntuation marks, capitalization,
spelling, etc.;
Accuracy and 2 no conceptual and factual errors
Up-to- and obsolete information;
datedness of
information 3 no grammatical and
computational error; and
4 no typographical errors;
 The passing score is 108 out of 135 points.

 The SIM that passed the school evaluation shall be

recommended for Division evaluation/approval provided that
the corrections/revisions indicated in this report are made
prior to the submission to this Office.

 Attach a complete school level evaluation sheets.

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