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Introduction to ADAMS

Course manual for Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310

Martijn Wisse
29th december 1999
revised for V2005.0.0 by Bram Soethoudt
May 2005
Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 1

1 Example 3
2 Program Overview 15
3 Layout & View Control 19
4 Parts & Geometry 23
5 Joints & Motion generators 26
6 Markers 30
7 Springs & Force generators 31
8 Simulations & Animations 35
9 Plotting & Measures 41
10 Tips & Useful Tools 45

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Contents 2

Creating a new model
• Start ADAMS-View: Data Analysis & Simulation Software  Adams 12.0 
Aview  ADAMS-View
• Use the startup dialogbox or from the Menu-bar select Build  Model  New…

• Change the Model Name to ‘example_1’

• Click OK, ADAMS is now ready to construct a model

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 3

Environment Settings
To set gravity and units settings:
• From the Menu-bar select Settings  Gravity…

• In the Gravity Settings window check the Gravity checkbox

• Apply

• From the Menu-bar select Settings  Units…

• Select

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 4

Creating a new link

• In the Main Toolbox click the icon Rigid Body: Link

• Check options Length, Width and Depth,
• Fill in desired dimensions: ‘(373mm)’, ‘(6mm)’ and ‘(6mm)’
* Hit return after entering the dimensions
* Notice instructions in lower left corner of screen
• Pick location of first end of link
• Pick second location to define orientation of link

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 5

Creating a new joint

• In the Main Toolbox click the icon Joint: Revolute

• Select construction options:
- 1 Location
- Normal to grid
• Pick the location of the revolute joint on an existing rigid body

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 6

Naming the model elements

• Right click on the created link

• Select Part: Part_1  Rename
• Change name into ‘.example_1.pendulum’
• Repeat procedure for the created joint
• Rename joint as ‘.example_1.hinge’

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 7

Naming the view window

• From the Menu-bar select View  View Accessories...

• In the View Accessories window type your id
• Click Enter
• Close View Accessories window
• Your id appears in the upper left corner of the model view

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 8

Rotating model elements

• In the Main Toolbox select the Select-tool

• Left click on the pendulum to select
• In the Main Toolbox select the Center-tool
• Center the view at the hinge
• In the Main Toolbox select the Position-tool
• Rotate the pendulum 30 degrees

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 9

Saving the model

• From the Menu-bar select File  Export

• In the File Export window right click at File Name
• Select Browse...
• Save model as ‘example_1.cmd’ in the File Selection window
• In the File Export window click OK
• Save your work frequently

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 10

Loading a model

• From the Menu-bar select File  Import

• In the File Import window right click at File
To Read
• Select Browse...
• Open existing ‘.cmd’ - file
* Note: if the model was already loaded,
a number of errors appears

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 11

Running a simulation

• In the Main Toolbox select the Simulation-tool

• Change the number of steps into ‘100’
• Left click the Start or continue simulation button
• To simulate again, first press the Reset to input configuration button
* Note: The viewport shows the simulation; to return to the model view,
left click the Select-tool
* Note: The simulated motion is stored, and available for animation or

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 12

Plotting simulation results
• In the Main Toolbox select the Plotting-tool
• For the Object to plot choose Constraint  hinge  Ax_Ay_Az_Projection_Angles  Z
• Click Add Curve

• Double-click Page_1 and click on Plot_1

• Add Title and insert your id as Subtitle
• Click OK

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 13

Simulation results

• Print your graph

• To leave the Plot Window click Return to modeling environment
This is the end of the example

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Example 14

The ADAMS interface
The ADAMS interface consists of two main windows:
- the View Window, displaying your current model
- the Main Toolbox
Most common ADAMS functions can be accessed through the Main Toolbox. All functions can also
be found under the the Menu bar in the View Window.
Main Toolbox Title Menu Bar

Modeling and
simulation tools Working Grid
Right click to
open individual
tool stacks

Display changes
depending upon
the tool selected
from the tools
above Coordinates Window
Triad Instruction Bar

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Program Overview 15

ADAMS Online Help
ADAMS has an extensive online help facility in HTML and PDF format.
Most documentation on model construction is to be found under ADAMS/View.

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Program Overview 16

The ADAMS model hierarchy
The model element naming is consistent with the
hierarchy (e.g. model_name.part_name.geometry_name
or model_name.joint_name) Database

Model Plot GUI


 More...
Simulation Output Model Elements

Do not get Analysis Measure Constraint Force Part

saved in
command Results Set
file format
(.cmd) Marker Construction points Geometry
(See next Component
Page for

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Program Overview 17

File Handling in ADAMS

The two most common formats in which models in ADAMS can be saved are:
1 ADAMS/View Database files (.bin)
 Include the entire modeling session including models,
simulation results, plots, etc.
 Are large binary files
2 ADAMS/View Command files (.cmd)
 Includes only the model elements and their
 Are relatively small, editable text files
The other formats in which data in ADAMS can be
imported and exported are:
 ADAMS/Solver Input files (.adm)
 Geometry files (STEP, IGES, DXF, DWG,
Wavefront, stereolithography)
 Test and Spreadsheet data files
 Simulation results files (.msg, .req, .out, .gra, .res)

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Program Overview 18

View settings
View settings from the Main Toolbox:
Background Color
Triad visibility (the global coordinate system displayed in the
lower left corner of the View Window)
View layout
Icon appearance: double click on the Icons button

Setting the View Title:

• From the Menu-bar choose View  View Accessories
• Set your id as View Title in the View Accessories window

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Layout & View Control 19

Viewpoint controls

The Viewpoint can be controlled from the Main Toolbox. Click the Select-
tool and use the following view controls:
Fit Rotate
Window zoom Pan
Center Zoom

And the preset view orientations:


Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Layout & View Control 20

Setting Object Appearances
The appearance of a displayed object can be altered when the object is selected

• color: From the Menu-bar select Edit  Appearance

change Color by right-clicking the Color-field

render mode: From the Menu-bar select View  Render Mode

toggle render on/off in the Main Toolbox

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Layout & View Control 21

The Working Grid
The Working Grid is used:
• as a plane for creating objects
• to draw, move, resize, reshape geometry by snapping to grid

Change Working Grid settings by double-clicking the Grid-button

on the Main Toolbox (first apply the Select-tool)

When creating a new model element, first set the Working Grid with the
correct location and orientation.

Set the location of the Grid origin by:

• global origin, or
• pick location

Set the orientation as one of the principal planes:

• Global XY,
• Global YZ, or
• Global XZ

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Layout & View Control 22

Creating Parts & Geometry
Each rigid body in ADAMS is modeled as a part. Each part has one or more
geometries. To create a new part, start with a geometry, e.g. a box or a cylinder.
To create a new geometry:
• In the Main Toolbox right-click on Rigid Body
• Select the appropriate geometry:
Link Sphere
Box Torus
• Choose New Part or Add To Part
• Enter required dimensions
• Follow instructions in lower left corner of screen
* When adding a geometry to an existing part, check the position of the
automatically generated ‘Center of Mass’-marker

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Parts & Geometry 23

Positioning Objects

Reposition objects
relative to viewing Reposition objects
coordinates relative to the
working grid

Translate from an
initial location to

Rotate about or align

with grid or features Position objects by
aligning faces

Rotation: Translation:

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Parts & Geometry 24

Modifying Part Properties
To modify Mass and Inertia properties of a part:
• Right-click on the part to be modified
• ADAMS/View displays the names of all model elements near the cursor
• Select the part to be modified and then select Modify
• In the Modify Rigid Body window enter the user specified mass and inertia values

To modify the name of the part:

• Select the part to be modified and then select Rename

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Parts & Geometry 25

In ADAMS joints are used to connect rigid bodies to each other or to the ground with a
limited number of degrees of freedom.
To create a new joint:
• Both parts to be connected by the joint should already exist
• In the Main Toolbox right-click on Joint
• Choose the appropriate joint:
• Choose a connection between one part and the ground: 1 location,
or between two parts: 2 Bod - 1 loc
• Choose the orientation of the joint by setting the axis for the degree of freedom:
- normal to the Working Grid
- in a direction indicated with the mouse
• Follow instructions in lower left corner of screen

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Joints & Motion Generators 26

Creating a Motion Generator

A degree of freedom in a joint can be replaced by a prescribed motion. A motion can be

defined as displacement, velocity or acceleration as a function of time.
To create a motion generator:
• A joint should already exist
• In the Main Toolbox right-click on Rotational Joint Motion
• Choose the type of motion, equal to the degree of freedom allowed by the joint:
rotational, or
• Enter the desired constant velocity
* When applying a rotational velocity, enter the letter d to ensure that ADAMS uses as
units degrees/second
• Follow instructions in lower left corner of screen
• If an other motion function than a constant speed is desired, modify the motion
generator afterwards

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Joints & Motion Generators 27

Motion Generators with non-constant velocity
The prescribed motion of a motion generator can be a complex function of time. First,
a motion generator with constant velocity must have been created.
To modify the motion function:
• Select the motion generator and then select Modify

• In the Impose Joint Motion window select the type of motion generator
• Right-click in the ‘F(time)=’-field
• Select Function Builder…
• Define a runtime function, using ‘time’ as independent variable, or
• Enter a more complex predefined function (next page)

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Joints & Motion Generators 28

The Function Builder
To enter a complex mathematical function of time for the motion generator:
• In the Function Builder window select the desired math function
• Use the Assist… dialog box
• Use the Verify button before closing
the Function Builder

* Note: The Function Builder cannot read lines over 80 characters long
* Note: If the function is new to you, see the description in the Help

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Joints & Motion Generators 29

In ADAMS, important geometrical points on a rigid body are represented by Markers. A marker is a
massless entity, only possessing a location and an orientation. When a new rigid body or joint is created,
ADAMS automatically creates the necessary markers (e.g. the ‘Center of Mass’-marker).
When a spring or other force must be attached at a previously undefined location on a part, first a new
marker must be created.
To create a new marker:
• In the Main Toolbox right-click on Rigid Body
• Select Marker
• Choose Add to Ground or Add to Part
• For the orientation of the marker, choose one of the principal planes:
- Global XY
- Global YZ
- Global XZ
• Follow instructions in lower left corner of screen

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Markers 30

To create a spring/damper combination:
• Two markers on different parts should already exist for spring attachment
• In the Main Toolbox choose Connector: Translational Spring-Damper
• Check applicable properties and enter user-specified values
• Follow instructions in lower left corner of screen

To change properties and graphic representation:

• Select spring to be modified and then select Modify

* Note: in order to see the diameter ratio option, load the <Sayfield> menu from the menu bar

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Springs & Force Generators 31

Applied Force: Torque
To create an applied torque on a rigid body:
• A marker should already exist as point of application for the torque
• In the Main Toolbox right click on Connector
• Select Applied Force:Torque (single component)
• Choose a Runtime Direction and Construction (initial direction)
• Choose Characteristic: - a simple force, or
- a to be defined complex custom function
• Follow instructions in lower left corner of screen

To alter the force function:

• Right-click on the torque and select Modify
• In the Modify a Torque window right click in the ‘F(time,…)’-field
• Use the Function Builder
* Note: In contrast with a motion generator, an applied torque can be a function of positions of objects

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Springs & Force Generators 32

Special Force: Tire
A tire is represented in ADAMS as a special type of force. This special force automagically generates
a part for the wheel.

To create a new tire:

• In the Main Toolbox right click on Connector and select Tire
• In the Create Wheel and Tire window enter the following data:
• Enter Name
• Enter user specified Mass and Inertia properties
• Enter the required Tire Property File
• Enter the required Road name (create if it does not exist)
• Enter Location of the cm and Orientation of the wheel axis: default
(0,0,0) is the wheel axis along the z-axis

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Springs & Force Generators 33

Creating a Road
A tire in ADAMS needs a road. Multiple tires can use one road.

To create a new road:

• In the Create Wheel and Tire window right click on
Road and select Create
• In the Create Road window enter the following data:
• Name
• Part that the road is attached to (usually ground)
• the required road Property File
• adjust the Euler Angles to (0,-90,0) for the plane
y=0, contact if y<0

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Springs & Force Generators 34

Before running a simulation, you should check your model; are all parts
connected as intended?
To check the number of Degrees of Freedom:
• use the Verify tool in the lower right corner of the screen
• the Information window displays the number of degrees of freedom, the
number of moving parts and the number of joints

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Simulation & Animation 35

Running a simulation
To run a simulation:
• In the Main Toolbox select the Simulation-tool
• Select Default analysis
• Enter the desired End Time or Duration
• Enter the desired integration Step Size or Number of Steps
• Select the Debug option, ADAMS shows the Maximum Equation Error window
• Use the Start, Stop and Rewind buttons
• To access advanced simulation settings, apply … (More)
See (next page)

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Simulation & Animation 36

Simulation Settings
Advanced Simulation Settings:
• In the Main Toolbox select the Simulation-tool, then select …(More)
• To find static equilibrium, apply
• To perform a linear modes analysis, first find static equilibrium, then apply,
In the Linear Modes Controls window use , and to display
and animate the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes
• To change the integration accuracy, apply Simulation Settings…

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Simulation & Animation 37

Types of Virtual Simulations in ADAMS

Assembly Operation

Linear Non-Linear

Eigensolution or State Matrices Motion Study Equilibrium Calculation(s)

Linear Default* Static*


Kinematic* Dynamic*
*Automatically performs an assembly operation
Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Simulation & Animation 38
Basic Animation Control
After Performing a simulation, the Animation Container on the Main
Toolbox can be used to control the animation

Stop Animation
Step Backward
Step Forward
Reset to Frame 1
Modify Animation View
Frame Slider Fixed Base: camera is fixed on the
Drag until the required frame is ground
Base Part: camera is fixed on the
CM of the part
Base Point: camera is fixed on the
Loop Function
selected CSM
Select to replay animation
Advanced Animation features

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Simulation & Animation 39

Animation and Rendering
ADAMS has a built-in movie generator, which produces computer animations in .AVI-format.
To make an .AVI-movie:
• After running a simulation, select View  Load Animation from the Plotting Main Menu
• Select desired view with the View Control toolbars or right click in main window
• If desired adjust settings for Animation, View, Camera, Record, Overlay, Contours
• Press record and press play to start the recording
• Movie is saved in working directory (default is L:\)

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Simulation & Animation 40

Overview of the Plot

Plotting main menu Plotting toolbar Manage pages of plots Return to modeling

Plot formatting Plot location

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Plotting & Measures 41

Overview of the Plot Builder
Displays list of current Manages curves of plots
simulations Detailed List of Output

Parameter to plot against

Types of results to be displayed:
Objects, Measures, Requests and Results

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Plotting & Measures 42

Useful Plot functions

Useful functions in the Plot Window:

Display Plot Statistics
Return to modeling environment

Useful functions in the Plot Builder:

Surf; automatically clears and updates plots as items are selected

Data filter

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Plotting & Measures 43

Creating Measures in ADAMS
To create measures…

1 Use the Main Menu

Build| Measure
can be used for all measures

2 Use the Measure Tool Stack on

the Main Toolbox
can be used for point-to-
point and included angle

3 Use the right mouse button and

select Measure from the pop-up
can be used for object and
point measures

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Plotting & Measures 44

Tips & Tricks

Some general tips & tricks:

• Use the Escape key to abort a command.
• Press ‘Enter’ after input to make sure that the new value is set.
• Edit  Copy generates a copy at the same location as the original.
Right-click on the model to select the copied element.
• Right click on any field for suggestions or options.

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Tips & Useful Tools 45

Navigating through a Modeling Database
Use the Database Navigator to view and select
objects in a modeling database
To open the Database navigator… “+” indicates
existence of
hidden children
 Use the menu bar
Tools| Database Navigator “-” indicates all
children objects
are displayed
 Execute an editing command
when no object is selected

The Database Navigator only displays those types
of objects that are appropriate for the command
you are executing

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Tips & Useful Tools 46

Using the Command Navigator

Use the command Navigator to enter ADAMS/View commands without knowing the
entire command syntax
The Command Navigator…

 displays a list of all the “+” indicates

ADAMS/View command existence of hidden
keywords command levels

 corresponds to the matching “-” indicates that the

menus available in previous next command level
is currently
versions of ADAMS/View displayed
 lets users perform advanced No indicator- when
commands not immediately selected, a dialog
accessible box appears in
which you enter
 helps users learn the command values to execute
the command
syntax when customizing

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Tips & Useful Tools 47

Using the Information Window

The Information window displays different types of information about a


Display Set the Display a

parent and information text file
child mode
Display Display an Clear Save
object object’s information information
information modify window to a text file
dialog box

Copy text

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Tips & Useful Tools 48

Using the Select List Manager

The Select List manager is used to…

 get a list of selected objects

 add/remove objects from a list
 work with multiple geometries

Multibody Dynamics A, wb1310 Tips & Useful Tools 49

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