Architecture Profession in Pakistan

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OBJECTIVE Earning Profit Rendering Services
QUALIFICATION Nothing Specialized knowledge
ESTABLISHMENT Entrepreneur decision Membership of the
and fulfillment of legal professional and
formalities certificate to practice is
CODE OF CONDUCT No prescribed code of Code of conduct
conduct prescribed need to be
AVERTISEMENT Products and service Advertisement is strictly
are advertised to prohibited as per code of
increase sale conduct
REWARD Profit Professional Fee
RISK FACTOR Always present Not always present
TRANSFER OF INTEREST Possible Not possible
CAPITAL Capital requires based Limited Capital is required
on the size & nature of
the business
Architecture Professional Practice



Section -1: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Introduction About Pakistan 2
Administrative Divisions …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
Geography and Climate ……………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Culture & Society …………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………2

Section -3: Architecture Professional Practice in Pakistan

History of Profession in Pakistan……………………………………………………………………………….. .5
Institutions in Pakistan …………………………………………………………………………………………….. .6
Registration & Licensing …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Fee Structure ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...10
Competitions & Prizes …………………………………………………………………………………………….....10
Business Practice & Management ………………………………………………………………………………11
Building Bye Laws & Codes ………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
Ethics & Professional Conduct .………………………………………………………………………………….13
Issues faced by the Architects …………………………………………………………………………………… 14
Section -1: About Pakistan

1. Introduction:

Pakistan, officially the Islamic

Republic of Pakistan, is a sovereign
country in South Asia. With a
population exceeding 205 million
people, it is the sixth most
populous country in the world.
Located at the crossroads of the
strategically important regions of
South Asia, Central Asia and Western
Asia, Pakistan is bordered by India to
the east, Afghanistan to the west and
north, Iran to the southwest
and China in the far northeast.
Section -1: About Pakistan

2. Administrative Divisions:

Pakistan is a federation of four

provinces: Punjab, Sind, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan, as
well as the Islamabad Capital
Territory and the Federally
Administered Tribal Areas in the
northwest, which include
the Frontier Regions.

Some of the major cities of

Pakistan are Karachi, Lahore,
Peshawar, Islamabad, Faisalabad,
Peshawar, Quetta, Multan.
Section -1: About Pakistan

3. Geography & Climate:

Pakistan covers an area of 796,095 km2 (307,374 sq mi), approximately. It is the 36th
largest nation by total area.
Pakistan is divided into three major geographic areas: the northern highlands, the Indus
River plain and the Baluchistan Plateau.
The climate varies from tropical to temperate, with arid conditions in the coastal south.

4. Culture & Society:

Pakistani society is largely hierarchical, emphasizing local cultural etiquettes and

traditional Islamic values that govern personal and political life.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

1. History of Profession in Pakistan:

A history of architecture is a record of man’s efforts to build beautifully and it is as old

as the origin of mankind.
Pakistan has a long and rich history and a remarkable, varied architectural heritage.
Pakistani architecture has four recognized periods: pre-Islamic, Islamic, colonial and
post colonial.
It includes variety of structures built during different time periods. With the beginning
of the Indus Valley Civilization that flourished in the 3rd millennium B.C. in an area
which encompasses today’s Pakistan, an advanced urban culture developed, with large
structural facilities, some of which survive to this day.
History of Architectural Profession & Practice in Pakistan
East India Company 1757-1858

British Raj 1858-1947

To Establish the Kingdom

New Building for Government to be


British architects were invited to India

Famous Colonial Buildings Constructed in


Required trained Assistants to work

Started School of Architecture Mumbai &

Started Mayo School of Industrial Arts at
Lahore 1875
Professional Organizations in Pakistan

Council of Pakistan
Medical &
Architects & Bar
Town Council

Institute of Institute of
Architects Engineers
g Council
Profession of Architecture in Pakistan is
Governed by

It is an organization & Association of Architects It is a statutory regulating body

To Unite Architects in Pakistan To protect public from unqualified persons

To Promote Architectural profession in Pakistan It is unlawful for any person to designate himself
as architect
To Encourage Architectural Education in India
Architects require qualification, experience &
To organize Conferences, Seminars & registration under this act
To accredit schools of architecture, to register
To promote awareness among public architects & architectural firms
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

2. Institutions in Pakistan:

There are about 15 accredited schools of architecture in Pakistan and it is likely that the
number will increase to 25 in the next five to seven years. Currently, each year, on an
average, 30 students graduate from each institution and hence there are 450 fresh
graduates in all. However, only about 40% of these graduates, mostly male, enter the
profession. Of the rest, mainly comprising of female architects, many get married and
move on and do not practice, others, including males opt for higher studies aboard and
many of them do not return.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

The course of architecture studies is of 05 years duration, approved by HEC (Higher

Education Commission). During their 3rd and 4th years, the students are required to
intern with established practices. This has now become an integral part of their
education. Similarly, many practicing architects teach at schools as adjunct faculty and
others are invited to lecture at schools on specialized topics and to participate in the
design critiques, particularly for the thesis projects. This continuous interaction also
prepares students for working in an office environment after graduation.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

3. Registration & Licensing Bodies:

The Registration Body for Architects is the PCATP (Pakistan Council for Architects and
Town Planners) which also gives accreditation and validation to architecture schools.

The PCATP Ordinance 1983 was promulgated with a view to give recognition and
protection to the professions of architecture and town planning in Pakistan. It is
mandatory for graduate architects to get themselves registered with PCATP, to become
eligible to practice as architects. Once the architect is registered with PCATP, he is
eligible to practice. However, there are now moves afoot to grant registration only
after the graduate passes a licensing examination.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

There is no single licensing body in Pakistan for issuing licenses to the architects. Each
city has different license issuing agencies. This greatly affects the architectural practice
since one architect with a widespread practice may end up paying large sums of money
towards licensing fee to different municipal authorities across Pakistan.

The Institute of Architects Pakistan (IAP) is the “Executive Arm” of PCATP in all matters
of architectural education except accreditation.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

4. Fee Structure:
Although a generalized fee structure for the architectural consultancy has been
mentioned in the PCATP regulations, this is only followed partly at the corporate level.
Generally, a fee structure is developed through mutual understating of the architect
and the client depending upon the project and quantum of work.
5. Competitions & Prizes:
Design competitions are commonly held, both for public and corporate clients. The
competitions are conducted according to internationally recognized rules adopted by
both PCATP and IAP. Clients, whether they be the Government or Corporate are
forewarned to follow PCATP competition rules and the members are also advised to
desist from participating in any “illegal” design competitions.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

6. Business Practice & Management:

The profession of architecture is practiced in Pakistan at government, semi government

and private levels. For the government and semi government agencies there are certain
set rules prescribed by PPRA (Public Procurement Regulatory Authority). It is an
autonomous body empowered with the responsibility of prescribing regulations and
procedures for public procurement by Federal Government owned public sector
organizations. Thus, the architects working on projects for the government or semi
government agencies are required to follow the same rules (which are not strictly in
consonance with internationally recognized practices of procuring professional work).
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

Private firms do not follow the PPRA rules and set their own rules & regulations
depending upon their system of working.

Most of the larger firms are A/E and other purely architectural firms have some
mandatory in-house services like drafting (manual as well as computer aided) and 3D
modeling & visualization. For other professional services like Structural Design, MEP,
Landscaping, etc., either professional firms or individuals are hired.

In some cases the architect is offered by the client to take up a project on Turn-key
basis and many architects are currently engaged in this.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

7. Building Bye-Laws & Codes:

There are building bye laws & codes set by the building control authority of each city or
municipality. These may vary for different areas throughout Pakistan. The architect has
thus to keep himself updated with these codes and byelaws.

8. Ethics & Professional Conduct:

Professional conduct and professional ethics are governed under the PCATP
Regulations. Any violation of these regulations can lead to suspension or even
cancellation of registration, after due process.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

9. Issues Faced by the Architects:

Following are the main issues that the Architects face during practice:
 Since there is no single licensing body in Pakistan for issuing licenses to the
architects and each city has different license issuing agencies, this greatly affects the
architectural practice since one architect with a widespread practice may end up
paying large sums of money towards licensing fee to different municipal authorities
across Pakistan.
 The job opportunities for architects in government and semi government agencies
are severely restricted as in many development authorities; the architect is not given
role and functions that are clearly within an architect's domain. These are being
performed by other professionals.
Section -2: Architecture Professional Practice In Pakistan

 Because of an engineer dominated environment in the public sector, architectural

services are often awarded to engineering firms depriving architects of their
legitimate market share.

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