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Food waste reduction

Panel discussion
Albin Keuc
SLOGA, platforma NVO na področju mednarodnega
razvojnega sodelovanja, globalnega učenja in humanitarne
60‘ies – waste management in Slovenia
70‘ies – below Šmarna gora
Hunger, food and responsibility
• Some 795 million people in the world do not have
enough food to lead a healthy active life. That's about
one in nine people on earth.
• The vast majority of the world's hungry people live in
developing countries, where 12.9 percent of the
population is undernourished.
• 1,3 billion tons of food lost annualy
• Value of food lost in developed countries is 680 billion
USD, in developing countries is 310 billion USD
• However, quantities are very similar - 670 & 630 million
Global goals by 2030
• end hunger and ensure access by all people, in
particular the poor and people in vulnerable
situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and
sufficient food all year round
• halve per capita global food waste at the retail and
consumer levels and reduce food losses along
production and supply chains, including post-
harvest losses
• substantially reduce waste generation through
prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
Volk sit, koza cela
• prov. The wolf is fed, the lamb alive – to allow us to
challenge local culture of problem avoiding ;) and
„every compromise is a rotten compromise“, deeply
• National campaign (events, news)
• Comprehensive web survey (933 respondents)
• 16 tools – Do-It-Yourself at every „food waste
generation point“
• National platform initiative „For Zero Food Waste
Slovenia“ (Za Slovenijo brez zavržene hrane)
Web survey
Example: Our behavior and self perception

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