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Basic Virology

A structural component that is found in all viruses is:

a. Spikes
b. DNA
c. Capsid
d. Envelope
e. Tail fibers
A chemical component that is found in all viruses is
a. DNA
b. RNA
c. Glycoprotein
d. Protein
e. Lipid
Which of the following is not an RNA virus
a. Retrovirus
b. Enterovirus
c. Rhabdovirus
d. Adenovirus
e. Rubellavirus
Enveloped viruses mature by
a. Rupturing the cell membrane causing cell death and releasing the
b. Allowing the recombination of RNA sequences in cells co-infected
with two or more different cells
c. Budding from the cell membrane
d. Incorporating cell DNA into the viral genome
Retroviruses (e.g HIV) are
A. Nonenveloped, ss, RNA
B. Enveloped, ds, RNA
C. Enveloped, ss, RNA
D. Nonenveloped, ds, RNA
One of the member family Retroviridae is Human immunodeficiency
virus, what type VAPs they have
a. gp70
b. gp90
c. gp110
d. gp130
e. gp 150
All of the following picornaviruses are resistant to the acidity of the
stomach except:
a. Coxsackievirus A
b. Coxsackievirus B
c. Echo virus
d. Poliovirus
e. Rhinovirus
activate macrophage to become a killer cell and producer of IL-12, an
inducer of T helper 1 (TH1) responses. This is a function one of type
protein called
a. IFN-α
b. IFN-β
c. NK cells
d. Complement
e. None of the above
All antiviral below that have action at phase penetration and uncoating
(replication viral), except
a. Arildone
b. Rimantadine
c. Amantadine
d. Trimontadine
The viral envelope can protect against:
a. Enzyme
b. Change pH
c. Change temperature
d. Change in light

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