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Footing Design

Types of Footing

Wall footings are used to

support structural walls that
carry loads for other floors
or to support nonstructural
Types of Footing

Isolated or single footings

are used to support single
columns. This is one of the
most economical types of
footings and is used when
columns are spaced at
relatively long distances.
Types of Footing

Combined footings usually

support two columns, or
three columns not in a row.
Combined footings are used
when two columns are so
close that single footings
cannot be used or when one
column is located at or near
a property line.
Types of Footing

Cantilever or strap footings

consist of two single
footings connected with a
beam or a strap and support
two single columns. This
type replaces a combined
footing and is more
Types of Footing

Continuous footings
support a row of three or
more columns. They have
limited width and continue
under all columns.
Types of Footing
Rafted or mat foundation
consists of one footing
usually placed under the
entire building area. They
are used, when soil bearing
capacity is low, column
loads are heavy single
footings cannot be used,
piles are not used and
differential settlement must
be reduced.
Types of Footing

Pile caps are thick slabs

used to tie a group of piles
together to support and
transmit column loads to the
Distribution of Soil Pressure

When the column load P is applied

on the centroid of the footing, a
uniform pressure is assumed to
develop on the soil surface below the
footing area. However the actual
distribution of the soil is not
uniform, but depends on may
factors especially the composition of
the soil and degree of flexibility of
the footing.
Distribution of Soil Pressure

Soil pressure distribution in Soil pressure distribution in cohesive

cohesionless soil. soil.
Eccentrically loaded footings
Eccentrically loaded footings Example
Isolated Footing
D.L = 900 kN
L.L = 450 kN
Ms = 150kN.m
qall =200kpa
Area required approximated
qall( net )  20t / m 2  200kPa
Ps (900  450) 103
Ag    6.75m 2

qall( net ) 200 103

use 3.5m  2.5m 
A  8.75m 2

I 3.53 2.5
12  8.9m 4
Check stress
M 150
e   0.111  L6  36.5  0.583
P 1350
Ps M s C 1350 150  32.5
    183.7 kPa
A I 8.75 8.9
Ps M s C 1350 150  32.5
    124.7kPa
A I 8.75 8.9
Ultimate pressure under footing
Pu  1.2900  1.6(450)  1800kN
M u  200kN.m
Pu M u C 1800 200  32.5
    245kPa
A I 8.75 8.9
Pu M u C 1800 200  32.5
    166kPa
A I 8.75 8.9


Check Punching Shear

bo  4(530  400)  3720cm

For square column the suitable VC equation is :
fc ' 25
 VC   bo d  0.75   530  3720 / 1000  2464.5kN
3 3

VU  (166 245166 245)

3.5  2.5  1798kN
Check Beam Shear
 VC  0.75   530  2500 / 1000  828.13kN

VU at d from column face 

 223  245 
VU    * 1.5  0.53* 2.5
 2 
 567.5kN
VU  VC
Bending moment design
Long direction
M U at d from column face  166

P1  211(1.5)( 2.5)  791.25kN 245

P2  12 (245  211)(1.5)( 2.5)  63.75kN
M U  P1 (0.75)  P2 (1)  791.25(0.75)  63.75(1)  657.2kN.m
b  2500, d  530mm
25  2 106 * 657.2 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -   0.00254
420  0.90.8525 * 530 * 2500 

AS  0.00254  530 1000  1346mm2  13.5cm 2 use 716 / m long direction

Bending moment design 2.5m
Short direction

M U at d from column face  245

 245  166
MU   1 3.50.5  719.25kN.m 245
 2 
b  3500, d  530mm
25  2 106 * 719.25 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -   0.002
420  0.90.8525 * 530 * 3500 

AS  0.002  530 1000  1060mm2  10.1cm 2 short direction

Central band ratio =

  1.4
2 2
  0.83
  1 2.4
Central band of short direction = 0.83 As = 0.83 (10.1)=8.6cm2
214 714/m 214

Footing Design
Part II
Combined footing
Example 1
Design a combined footing As shown

qall( net )  20t / m2  200kPa f c  25 N mm2 f y  420 N mm2

Dimension calculation
The base dimension to get uniform distributed load
800 kN 1200 kN


x = 3.8m

800 kN 1200 kN

Try thickness
2x =7.6 m
Area required
qall( net )  20t / m 2  200kPa,
Pu  1.3( Ps )  1.3(2000)  2600kN
Ps 2000 103
Ag    10 m 2
 7.6 *1.8
qall( net ) 200 10 3

Pu 2600103
qu    190 103 Pa  190kPa
A 7.6 *1.8
Check for punching Shear
d = 730 mm


bo  2(765)  1130  2260mm
fc ' 25
 VC   bo d  0.75   730  2260 / 1000  2062.3kN
3 3
  d f '  30  730  25
 VC    2  s  c bo d  0.75 2     730  2260 / 1000  6027kN
 b  12  2260  12

VU  800(1.3)  1.13 * 0.765 *190  875.8kN  Vc oK

bo  4(730  400)  4520mm
fc ' 25
 VC   bo d  0.75   730  4520 / 1000  4124.4kN
3 3
  s d  fc '  40  730  25
 VC    2   bo d  0.75 2    730  4520 / 1000  13322.5kN
 b  12  4520  12

VU  1200(1.3)  1.13 *1.13 *190  1317.4kN  Vc oK

Draw S.F.D & B.M.D

Stress under footing

= 190 *1.8 = 342 kN/m
Check for beam shear
b = 1800mm, d = 730mm

 VC  0.75   730 1800 / 1000  821.25kN
Max.  VU at d from column face  762.34kN
VU  VC
Bending moment Long direction
 ve M  1366kN.m
b  1800mm, d  730mm
25  2 106 *1366 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -   0.0039
420  0.90.8525 * 730 *1800 

AS  0.0039  730 1000  2847mm2  28.5cm 2 use 9 20 / m Top

 ve M  246.7kN.m
b  1800mm, d  730mm
25  2 106 * 246.7 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -   0.0007   min
420  0.90.8525 * 730 *1800 

AS min  0.0018  800 1000  1440mm2  14.4cm 2 use 716 / m Bottom

Bending moment Short direction

Under Column A

0.765  1.8  0.4 

M     141.6
(1.8 * 0.765) 2  2 
b  765mm, d  730mm
25  2 106 *141.6 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -    min
420  0.90.8525 * 730 * 765 

AS min  0.0018  800  765  1101.6mm2  11cm 2 use 714 / m

Under Column B

1.13  1.8  0.4 

M     212.33
(1.8 *1.13) 2  2 
b  1130mm, d  730mm
25  2 106 * 212.33 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -    min
420  0.90.8525 * 730 *1130 

AS min  0.0018  800  765  1101.6mm2  11cm 2 use 714 / m

Shrinkage Reinforcement in short direction

AS min  0.0018  800  765  1101.6mm2  11cm 2 use 714 / m
Footing Design
Part III
Combined footing, strip footing, & Mat foundation
Example 2
Design a combined footing As shown

qall( net )  18 t / m2  180kPa f c  25 N mm2 f y  420 N mm2

Dimension calculation
The base dimension to get uniform distributed load
1200 kN 750 kN
750(4.2)+1200(0.2)=1950 (x)
A x = 1.75m

 B1  2B2  L
x   
 B1  B2  3
Area required
qall( net )  20t / m 2  200kPa,
Ps 1950 103
Ag    10.8m 2

qall( net ) 180 103

 B1  B2 
  L  10.8
 2 
 B1  B2 
 4.35  10.8
 2 
 B1  B2 
   2.5
 2 
B1  B2  5
 B  2 B2  L  5  B2  4.35
x   1    
 B1  B2  3  5  3
1.75  1.45  0.29 B2
B2  1m Pu 1.31950103
qu    235 103 Pa  235kPa
B1  4 m A 10.8
Check for punching Shear
h= 750mm
d = 732 mm

A B2=1m

bo  2(732)  1065  2590mm B1=4m

fc ' 25
 VC   bo d  0.75   665  2590 / 1000  2160.4kN
3 3
  d f '  30  665  25
 VC    2  s  c bo d  0.75 2     665  2590 / 1000  5222kN
 b  12  2590  12

VU  1200(1.3)  1.065 * 0.733 * 235  1376.6kN  Vc oK


bo  2(633)  965  2231 mm

fc ' 25
 VC   bo d  0.75   665  2231 / 1000  1854.5kN
3 3
  s d  fc '  30  665  25
 VC    2   bo d  0.75 2    665  2231 / 1000  5273kN
 b  12  2231  12

VU  800(1.3)  0.965 * 0.633 * 235  896.5kN  Vc oK

Draw S.F.D & B.M.D
Empirical S.F.D & B.M.D

975  0.70  682

Convert trapezoidal load to rectangle

1560  (0.70)  1092

wave  235  23 (940  235)  705

2 2
 M max    1174 kN.m
8 8

Clear distance between column

B in moment design = ave. width = 2.5m
Check for beam shear
d = 665mm
b  1  2( Lx )  y
at x  0.815  0.15
1  2( 04.965
.35 )  1.5  1.7 m  1700mm

 VC  0.75   665 1700 / 1000  696kN
Max.  VU at d from column B face ( the most critical)  668kN
VU  VC
Y=1.5m b

x 1m

Bending moment Long direction
b  1  2( 24..25
35 ) 1.5  2.60m  2600
 ve M  1260kN.m
d  730mm
25  2 106 *1260 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -   0.003
420  0.90.8525 * 665 * 2600 

AS  0.003  665 1000  1995mm2  20cm 2 use 1016 / m Top


AS min  0.0018  750 1000  1350mm2  13.5cm 2 use 914 / m Bottom

Bending moment Short direction
Under Column A

b'  1  2( 34..62
35 ) 1.5  3.5m  3500mm

b'  1  2( 04.633
.35 ) 1.5  1.44m  1440mm

3.5  4
b m  3.75m  3750mm
0.733  3.75  0.4 
M     583.6
(3.75 * 0.733) 2  2 
d  665mm
25  2 106 * 583.57 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -   0.005
420  0.90.8525 * 665 * 733 

AS  0.005  665  733  3325mm2  33cm 2 use 10 20

Under Column B

1.44  1
b m  1.22m  1220mm

0.633  1.22  0.3 

M     84.6
(1.22 * 0.633) 2  2 
b  633mm, d  665mm
25  2 106 * 84.6 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -    min
420  0.90.8525 * 665 * 633 

AS min  0.0018  750  633  854.6mm2  8.6cm 2 use 614

Shrinkage Reinforcement in short direction

AS min  0.0018 1000  750  1350mm2  13.5cm 2 use 914 / m
Reinforcement details
Example 3 (Strip footing)
Design a combined footing As shown

qall( net )  20t / m2  200kPa f c  25 N mm2 f y  420 N mm2

Dimension calculation
The base dimension to get uniform distributed load
800 kN 1280 kN 960 kN

L1=0.6 x1=5.2m L2

3040 (x)
x = 5.65m,
L2=11.3 - (10.6)=0.7
qall( net )  18t / m 2  180kPa,
Ps 3040 103
Ag    16.9 m 2
 11.3m 1.8m
qall( net ) 180 10 3

Pu 1.33040103
qu    195 103 Pa  195kPa
A 11.3 1.8
Check for punching Shear
h = 700 mm


bo  4(630  400))  4120mm
fc ' 25
 VC   bo d  0.75   630  4120 / 1000  3244.5kN
3 3
  s d  fc '  40  630  25
 VC    2   bo d  0.75 2    630  4120 / 1000  6584kN
 b  12  4120  12

VU  1280(1.3)  1.032 *195  1457.1kN  Vc oK

You can check other columns

Draw S.F.D & B.M.D Stress under footing
= 195 *1.8 = 351 kN/m
Check for beam shear
b = 1800mm, d = 630mm

 VC  0.75   630 1800 / 1000  708.75kN
Max.  VU at d from column face  0.7(1009)  706.3kN
VU  VC
Bending moment Long direction
 ve M  1366kN.m
b  1800mm, d  730mm
25  2 106 *1365 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -   0.0053
420  0.90.8525 * 630 *1800 

AS  0.0053  630 1000  3362mm2  33.6cm 2 use 9 22 / m Top

 ve M  246.7kN.m
b  1800mm, d  730mm
25  2 106 * 81 
  0.85 * 1 - 1 -    min
420  0.90.8525 * 730 *1800 

AS min  0.0018  700 1000  1260mm2  12.6cm 2 use 814 / m Bottom

Design Short direction as example 1 (lecture 11)

Reinforcement details
Mat Foundation
Check for punching Shear
General Example, Ref. 2

Modified load
General reinforcement details

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