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PSC Prequalification

Process Overview

What is a Pre-qualification Process (PQ)?

 A formal process where supplier appraisal is

done prior to issuing the solicitation

 A method of assessing suppliers against pre-

determined criteria and only suppliers who
meet established criteria are invited to tender.

 The process guarantees that solicitation

documents are extended only to suppliers
with adequate capabilities and resources.

 The end result of a PQ process is a roster of

organizations qualified to perform a specific

Pre-qualification in PSC

 A general assessment of an organization’s

technical, organizational and financial capabilities
in relation to a specific PSC Technical Category.

 As a default, only Pre-Qualified organizations will

be invited to bid/tender for a specific contract in

 In some circumstances, a tender may be openly

advertised. If so, Pre-Qualified companies will be
waived from submitting background
documentation already been assessed as part of
the PQ.

When do we use our roster of PSC Why do we use our roster of PSC
Pre-qualified Organizations? Pre-qualified Organizations?

 For complex and high value services  To mitigate risks by ensuring that the contract
will be awarded to qualified organizations with
 For PSC formal processes (normally RFPs above proven experience, financial stability, relevant
250k) covering the Technical Categories listed in SOPs and quality standards in place.
the next slide.
 To facilitate a more efficient and robust
Evaluation Process as the Evaluation Panel will
only have to focus on the solutions being
proposed in response to a specific RFP/ ITB
instead of the organizational and financial
capabilities of the bidding organization.

PSC Technical Areas for Pre-qualification:

Interested Organizations may apply and get pre-qualified in one

or more Technical Area.

How to Apply for PSC Pre-qualification:

Review the requirements

Register with the United Respond to the PSC Pre- and submit all
Nations Global qualification Process documentation
Marketplace (UNGM) once posted in UNGM stipulated in the PQ

PSC PQ panel reviews

Organizations will be Respond to any submissions received
notified of the results clarifications, if
•Some aspects are PASS-FAIL
upon completion of the contacted by PSC during
•Some aspects are scored with a
evaluation the evaluation stage minimum score required

PQ certificate is issued PSC will send the

by PSC to successful Request for Proposal or
organizations Invitation to Bid to Pre-
(valid for 2 years with a
possibility of extension) qualified Organizations

Sample Requirements: Pass/ Fail

 Legal/Formal Requirements
Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration, and principal place of business;
Written power of attorney of the signatory of the documents on behalf of the firm or consortium;
Information regarding any litigation, current, pending or during the last five years, in which the firm(s) is involved, the parties concerned and disputed amount;
evidenced by provision of a Legal draft signed by Company Principals

Confirmation that the company will obtain a full coverage insurance if and when contracted by UNOPS (correspondence detailing such)
Compliance with UNOPS General Conditions of Contract and the UN Supplier Code of Conduct. (

Compliance with Industry standards / Professional Body certification

 Financial Requirements
Liquidity Ratio (Average Current assets / Current liabilities) over the last 2 years must be equal or greater than 1

Proof of available cash/ liquid assets or access to credit with a minimum value of USD XXXX

Sample Requirements: Weighted Score

 Organizational and Technical Capability


Previous experience (at least 5 years experience for existing companies and at least 10 years experience of the senior management for
newly established companies/ start ups) with similar contracts in one or all categories with copies of client evaluations and references –
include details of achievements and accidents.

Copies of relevant SOP in accordance with international best practice and guidelines – provide references and outline the specific HMA
services to be covered

Evidence of sound logistical planning process such as: Company Logistics SOP dealing with movement of Personnel, Animals and
Equipment; Copies of Final Reports indicated completion of mobilisation and demobilisation to a satisfactory standard; Client Testimonials

Details of previous accreditations with UNOPS or other international organizations (desk and field accreditations for example); ISO
accreditation or similar evidence of capacity to attain accreditation

Evidence of previous capacity to source/ provide sufficient qualified, competent staff in support of projects in the area of HMA in which
they are applying for pre-qualification.

Evidence of how qualified and competent technical staff are identified for projects and include an outline of how that quality is maintained
(via examination of recruitment process, training and development policy and previously completed successful projects with said staff
where appropriate).

Evidence of how contractors or senior staff within the organization were able to access, deploy and utilize appropriate technical support
(i.e. from company's HQ) to facilitate successful project completion.

When can you apply for PSC Pre-qualification?

 PSC runs PQ Processes once a year.

PSC may decide to launch a special
round of PQ on a case by case basis.

 The next PQ Process will be launched in

October/ November of 2019.

 The PQ Notice will be posted in UNGM.

Please make sure you are registered in
Thank You
Email for more info!

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