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Shields Regents Chemistry U05 L09

John Dalton (1766 – 1844)

- Developed the Law of Partial Pressures (abt. 1801)

Partial Pressures
Dalton said that molecules of different gases
in a mixture act independently of one another in
exerting a force on the wall of the container.

In other words, the frequency of collisions of one

gas is independent of the presence of other gases

The PRESSURE created by the collision of one gas in a

mixture of gases is called the Partial Pressure of the gas
Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures
the following:

The sum of the partial pressures of all the

components in a gas mixture is equal to the total
pressure of the gas mixture

In other words: Ptotal = Pgas1 + Pgas2 + Pgas3 + …

Ptot = PHe + PNe + Par

Ptot = 1 atm + 2 atm + 3 atm = 6 atm

Partial Pressure Problem
A diving tank contains a mixture of Oxygen and
Nitrogen. The pressure exerted by these gases
Is 7.2 atm. The partial pressure of the Nitrogen
Is 5.76 atm. What is the pressure exerted by
The Oxygen in atm. & KPa?

Ptot = PO2 + PN2

7.2 atm = P02 + 5.76 atm

PO2 = 1.44 atm
PO2 = 1.44 x 101.3 = 145.87 Kpa
Partial Pressure Problem 2
The gases carbon dioxide, oxygen and Argon
are mixed in a tank. All gases have the same
Partial pressure, and the total pressure of the
Tank is 48,420 Pascals.
What is the partial pressure of O2?

Sol’n: Ptot = PCO2 + PO2 + PAr

48,420 = 3P (since they’re all equal)

PO2 = 48,420/3 = 16,140 Pascal

Diffusion and Effusion

Movement of one gas through another gas from a area of

High concentration to an area of low concentration

When you smell the skunk in the backyard or the fish in

The kitchen its diffusion of gas molecules that bring the
Smell to your nose
Diffusion and Effusion

A process closely related to diffusion.

It’s the movement of molecules or atoms through a tiny

Hole, one so small that only one molecule at a time can
Pass through

An example of effusion is the deflation of a

helium filled balloon overnight.
Graham’s law of effusion
In 1846 Thomas Graham studied the rates at which
Different gases move through a small opening into a

What he discovered was….

Gases with smaller MW effuse (or diffuse) more rapidly

Than gases with larger MW’s



Graham’s law of effusion
Problem: Arrange the following gases from highest to
lowest rate of diffusion

He Cl2 Ne O2 H2 N2 Kr

H2 He Ne N2 O2 Cl2 Kr

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