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PC Maintenance

Explain the Steps of PC Maintenance


Dasar Kejuruan Level I ( Kelas X ) Level II ( Kelas XI ) Level III ( Kelas XII )
1 2 3
Merakit Personal Menerapkan teknik elektronika Melakukan instalasi perangkat Melakukan instalasi perangkat
Komputer analog dan digital dasar jaringan lokal (Local Area jaringan berbasis luas (Wide Area
Network) Network)

Melakukan instalasi Menerapkan fungsi Mendiagnosis permasalahan Mendiagnosis permasalahan perangkat

pengoperasian PC yang yang tersambung jaringan berbasis
sistem operasi dasar peripheral dan instalasi PC luas (Wide Area Network)
tersambung jaringangnosis

Menerapkan K 3 LH Mendiagnosis permasalahan Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau Membuat desain sistem
pengoperasian PC dan setting ulang koneksi jaringan keamanan jaringan
periferal an

Melakukan perbaikan dan/ Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi Melakukan perbaikan dan/ atau setting
jaringan berbasis GUI (Graphical User ulang koneksi jaringan berbasis luas
atau setting ulang sistem PC
Interface) dan Text (Wide Area Network)

Melakukan perbaikan periferal Mengadministrasi server

dalam jaringan

Melakukan perawatan PC
perawatan PC
Merancang bangun dan
menganalisa Wide Area
Melakukan instalasi sistem operasi
berbasis graphical user interface (GUI) Merancang web data base
dan command line interface (CLI)
untuk content server

Melakukan instalasi software

Learning Objectives

After learning of this study is able to prepare

participants Training materials and equipment
used to perform treatment in accordance with the


Module 6 PC Maintenance
Computer peripherals is a supporting equipment from a
PC. A PC consists of several components, where each
component has a function that will be inter-related.
Although the PC component is located in a computer
case, but still a lot of dirt that can interfere with the
functionality of components from both dust and insects

To clean the dirt can be used simple equipment and

materials as :

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Mini Vacuum Cleaner

At the end of a vacuum cleaner

equipped with a mini brush with a
variety of sizes are intended to
adjust the limited wide-angle on
the corner of the component. This
is a very appropriate tool to use to
clean the chain on the mainboard
and in the corner of the computer

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Dry Cloth or Tissue

Liquid sewage is
dangerous, because this
type of dirt can bring cash
so that the contact can
lead to short or fatal
damage to the PC
While the cleaning fluid
used to clean the stains
or dirt that has been kiln
such as sprinkling of
printer ink.

Module 6 PC Maintenance

Brush used to
clean the dust
cover on the
casing ventilation.
Brush can also be
used to clean the
motherboard and
the heatsinks on
the processor.
Module 6 PC Maintenance
Disk Cleaner

Disk cleaner is used to

clean the head of diskdrive
of the influence of dust or
dirt attached on the head
Floopy drive.
Disk cleaner consists of
cleaning fluid and
floopydisk the which the
plate is replaced with
tissue paper.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
CD Cleaner

The principle of working

with the CD Cleaner is
wipe the dusty or dirty
with the cleaning fluid
by utilizing lap. In
addition, in the CD
Cleaner,there is a small
brush or a fin is installed
on the disk.

Module 6 PC Maintenance

Screwdriver is
important tools for
computer engineers,
because with this tool
the technicians are
able to open and
release the
components in a PC.

Module 6 PC Maintenance

Types of pliers in the PC

component treatment are
shark pliers and combination
Pliers.Shark pliers used to
hold the head of skrup or
small jumpers. While for the
combination pliers used to cut
the cables and other

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Evaluation 1

1) Describe the functions of Disk Cleaner!

2) Describe the function of the CD Cleaner!
3) What is the difference between Disk Cleaner Cleaner with CD?

Task 1

1) Learn the materials, solvents, according to the peripherals.

2) Learn more about the relationship between the trouble-shooting on

the PC with the PC component cleanliness.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
PC Maintenance

Do the PC Maintenance

Learning Objectives

After learning of this study training participants

are able to know the procedure to do cleaning of
the PC components.


Module 6 PC Maintenance
To clean the components of the PC must be
through a certain way, or procedures.
Between one component with another
component has a different sequence so that
the rule or method in the cleaning is

Module 6 PC Maintenance

The problems that often occur in

the computer case is the dust
brought by the computer fan casing
itself or nidus.
The tool used to clean computer
case is so simple with a brush or
with a mini vacuum cleaner. For the
corners, especially the front needs
more attention the wiring is easy to
be separated because of the beat
especially in the cable to key

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Floppy Drive

How to clean the dirty disk drive, with

enough disk cleaner, which is as follows:

- Operate the computer system.

- Insert the disk cleaner which has been
given cleaning fluid to drive A.
- Select drive A: \ so that the computer
will read the drive A. Because the floppy
disk is replaced with tissue paper that
has been given cleaning fluid,so the
head will left by the tissue so that it will
clean the dirt from head to dust or other

Module 6 PC Maintenance
CD-Rom dan CD-RW

Steps used to clean the optic or

lens from dirt, is using a CD
The cleaning steps are as
- Operate the computer system
- Insert the CD cleaner,
CD cleaner will revolve and
brush or fin attached to the disk
will wipe optic or lens on the CD-
Rom or CD-RW.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Hard disk

Treatment for the hard disk from the hardware side, should be
added a fan to reduce heat on the hard disk. Fan is very
recommended for hard disks with speeds up to 7200 rpm. In
addition, note the data cable setting that air circulation can be run

For treatment of the software, enough with the tools that are
available when installing the operating system. Tools include
scandisk, and disk Defragmenter. In addition to the tool, there are
tools used to perform low-level format. Low level format is used to
configure the hard disk on the back cover the head, cylender, and

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Scandisk is a tool that is used to
check file system structure, the table
location of the file (the file allocation
table), and to know if there is any the
bad sector.

Disk Defragmenter is a tool that is

used to set the structure or layout file
so that it will reduce fragmentation a
hard disk space.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
VGA Card

To clean the fan and heatsinks is

enough with a small brush because the
VGA card fan is also small. In addition,
VGA cards often have a problem with
the noisy fan.
This problem comes on the fan that is
not fast or if it is revolved unstable. In
addition, it can also be caused by the
fan holder is not strong so it can not
sustain a fan well. To overcome this can
be done by clean,and secure fan
position to the appropriate position.

Module 6 PC Maintenance

Interference in the RAM is located on

the conector or legs, if RAM is often
left out and removed by hand can
cause corrosion and even RAM may
be corrupted due to static electricity.

To clean the RAM from corrosion due

to touch of hands can be done using
liquid solvents, or simply with scrub
the eraser rubber on the RAM feet.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Power Supply

Maintenance needs to be done

to treat power supply,so that the
power supply fan can work

Because this is the fan that is

capable of reducing heat in the
power supply. In addition should
be added a tool that is often
called the voltage stabilizer,
because this tool will make the
work of the power supply
easier,so that will reduce the
heat that is produced by power

Module 6 PC Maintenance
CPU (Central Processing Unit)

For treatment on the processor is to pay

attention to fan location so that the air fan
can rotate smoothly. Then we need to
choose a fan processor with a high rotate
(at least 5400 rpm) and also need to
choose heatsinks with a good heat
conductor materials, such as copper and
If you frequently remove the processor do
not forget to silicon grease in order to
spread heat more smoothly.

Module 6 PC Maintenance

Treatment which is done on the motherboard

is to maintain
temperature of the motherboard, with
smooth air circulation in the system.
Because the motherboard is the place
where is various component connected,
so the cables need to be stick together
with the cable-tied , in addition to make it
neat also make the air circulation to be
To interference from dust and insects
nest is cleaned with a brush or vacuum
cleaner with a mini adjust brush size on
the corner of a narrow, not to interfere
with the installed components, such as
RAM and processor.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Expansion Card

To care expansion card, need

to pay attention to its feet from
the influence of corrosion due
to touch hands or causes the
The treatment is enough with
corrosion cleaning fluid or
polish with a rubber eraser. In
addition, make sure that the
expansion card should also be
inserted with a strong and

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Evaluation 2

1) A step or procedure of the PC component of the following: Hard disk,

CPU, Memory, Expansion Card, Power supply
2) Corrosion that occurs on the PC will work with the equipment. How
do I care procedures that need to be done to prevent corrosion.

Task 2
Read the Instruction Manual of each component of the PC
have in the lab to your computer.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
PC Maintenance

Checking the Results of PC Maintenance

Learning Objectives

After learning of this study training participants

are able to know the tool or program that is used
to check the condition of the PC component.


Module 6 PC Maintenance
To perform PC maintenance, first we should know the
components information that were installed on the PC. This
information can be made using the software utilities / tools
available on the windows or the software supplied by its

Some of the tools used to check the PC components:

- Device Manager
- Bios
- Direct X
- Disk Defragmenter
- Scan Disk
- Free RAM XP pro 1:40
Following conditions of each components that we need to
know :
Module 6 PC Maintenance

To know the condition of these

components need to be checks
directly into the computer case.
Note the switch cable and led
need to be styled or tied
neatly. Cleanliness of the case
need to
be notice because the case is
very easy to dust and dirty
from the nest

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Disk Drive

To find out the disk drive condition can

be done with trying to insert floppy
disks. Results from the disk readings
can be observed from how fast the disk
to read and the sound produced when
reading floppy disks. If reading the files
faster and smoother sound produced,
so the disk drive is still good. And if the
sound produced is very loud and often
failed in reading the file, diskdrive
already broken so that the checks
should be performed.

Module 6 PC Maintenance

To find out the condition of the CD ROM

or CD RW still good or not, can be done
by inserting the CD. With notice to the
speed of reading files and sound
produced when reading the CD we will
now whether CD ROM or CD RW still
good or not. Noisy sound and
sometimes have a voice "krak“ means
the conditions of a CD-ROM or CD-RW
already experiencing symptoms of
damage of the mechanical part. While, if
the CD crash when reading the CD can
be caused by dirty optics or damaged.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Hard disk

The condition of your hard disk can be seen from two sides, namely
software and hardware. However, for accuracy and better accuracy
when used software. From the hardware can only be known if the
condition of the hard disk already experiencing damage symptoms
that is from sound of hard drive that started to be noisy when it is
While from the software we could know the condition of the
hardware more depth include the condition of empty hard disk
space, file fragmentation, and if there is any bad sectors on your
hard disk. To find out the condition of the hard disk can be used a
tool that is available in windows operating system, that are the
scandisk and disk Defragmenter.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
VGA Card

Conditions that we need to pay

attention in the VGA Card is the
lap chipset fan on the VGA
card remains smooth without
Have a noisy sound. While for
the software can
direct use tool X, with this tool
can be no trouble or not.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
To ensure the RAM installed correctly
make sure the sound of 1,2, and 3
beeps for AMI bios, 1-4-1, 14-2, or 2
to beep phoenix bios. Then after the
system can run with the normal things
to note is the use of memory by the
system. With a tool such as free RAM
XP pro can know the condition of
empty space from the RAM, with this
tool it can be done to RAM or
cleaning of the unused RAM so you
can work optimally.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
CPU (Central Processing Unit)

For the temperature of the processor is

Heat sinks and fan is used. For that condition
must be ascertained heat sinks stick closely with
the processor, while for the fan
must be able to revolve smoothly and have a
minimum of 5400 rpm putaran. One thing that is
very important in the use of voltage or processor
often called VCORE.
VCORE must be within the scope of tolerance,
because if the voltage is less or more will be
problematic in the CPU, all the above conditions
can be seen in the BIOS, especially on the
hardware monitor or to the motherboard already
provides a tool for monitoring
Conditions of temperature and voltage

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Power Supply

To condition the power

supply needs to output
voltage is 12 volt and 5
volt it. To know the
voltage can be used with
a multi meter or see in
the BIOS, especially on
the hardware monitor.

Module 6 PC Maintenance

Conditions that need to be

in the motherboard is the
temperature and
Functionality of the system
itself. For the temperature
can be known from the
hardware monitor or use the
default tool motherboard.
While for the functionality of
the system can be seen with
display results in the device

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Expansion Card

The general conditions that

need to be on the expansion
card is the position of
expansion cards that have
been installed perfectly on
the PCA PCI or ISA slot
correctly. If this component
has been inserted with the
correct components will be
detected by the system, and
then install the appropriate

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Tool or Component Check Program

BIOS is the firmware that is a tool that has been provided in
the motherboard. Bios can be used to detect the hard disk
is inserted and can also be used to identify the temperature
of the CPU, and motherboard. In addition, also be used to
detect the CPU fan speed lap and the FAN system

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Device Manager

Device manager is used to

identify components that can
be detected by the system or
component does not have
conditions on its driver
trouble. Device manager can
also be used to turn on and
off for a particular
From the device manager
this is a driver update can be

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Disk Defragmenter

Disk Defragmenter tool is

a windows default, this
tool is used to treat the
hard disk from the file that
fragmented. File
fragmented that will
reduce the hard disk
space and will slow the

Module 6 PC Maintenance

DirectX is used to diagnose

overall component associated
with the multimedia, such as
VGA card, Soundcard, and
LAN card. In addition, DirectX
is also equipped with a tool
that is able to be used to
diagnose the condition of a
component in trouble or not.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Scandisk is used to perform maintenance
on hard disk and the system,
include: alocation file table, file structure,
there are no bad sector in hard disk.
Scandisk tool can be called from
start -> programs -> accesoriess ->
system tools -> scandisk.
After that it will be provided the option to
choose what drive will be scanned and
that there are two types of scan options is
provided that is the standard format and
the format Trough. Standard format will
Contoh hasil Scandisk only check the file and folder errors, while
the through-men used to scan files and
folders from the error plus the hard disk
surface scan.
Module 6 PC Maintenance
Free RAM XP pro 1.40

Free RAM XP pro 1.40 is

freeware, this tool is used
monitor the use of the
resource from the RAM,
CPU, virtual memory,
overall use of memory in
the system, and long
A computer uptime.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Evaluation 3

Describe the function of each of the following software:

1) Device Manager
2) Bios
3) Direct X
4) Disk Defragmenter
5) Scan Disk
6) Free RAM XP pro 1:40

Task 3
Operate some software available for the condition information
component that is PC.

Module 6 PC Maintenance
PC Maintenance

Perform Corrective Action

Learning Objectives

After learning of this study participants were able

to conduct Training corrective action and able to
report the results of treatment in the form of a
PC logsheet.


Module 6 PC Maintenance
Corective Action

• Corrective action is intended as a first step that can be

taken to overcome the abnormal conditions.
• Abnormal symptoms in the PC component can be from
an error in the computer.
• Corrective action that needs to be done is to identify the
error message that appears.
• We need to make records or reports for any damage or
maintenance occurs on a PC components. Reports can
be a log sheet or the like.

Module 6 PC Maintenance

Reports can be logsheet or a similar, with logsheet created

for each maintenance action or treatment will make it easier
for checking the condition of the PC. In logsheet that need
to be reported include:
• Date: time when we do a maintenance component
• Component name: name or type of component
• Damage symptoms: symptoms of the PC component
• Corrective actions: actions taken to make improvements to
the PC component
• Description: can be a result of the repair of components
both can be fixed and can not be

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Tabel Log Sheet

No Date Component PC Damage Symptoms Corrective Description

Name actions

Module 6 PC Maintenance
Evaluation 4

1) What corrective action needs to be done to ensure that the PC

can still work well?
2) Mention the steps of making a report of a PC!

Task 4

1) Do corrective steps that need to be done for the PC.

2) Do records and preparing reports for the PC in logsheet


Module 6 PC Maintenance
Dikmenjur, 2004, Melakukan Perawatan PC, Modul TKJ
Dikmenjur, Jakarta


Module 6 PC Maintenance


Module 6 PC Maintenance

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