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Judiciary has a very important role to play in the life and governance of this

country. At the outset let me admit that all is not well about the service
credentials of district judiciary. We have little achievements to our credit to
paint hardly a rosy picture.
To be brief, the most difficult task is to encircle the problem areas .
Thereafter the solutions to the problem are not hard to be found out.

A. Delay in adjudication.
B. Ex-parte and fraudulent decrees.
C. Abscondence of accused.
D. Imbalanced equation between the bench
and bar.
Following are the main reasons for delay in administration of justice:
I. Summoning of respondent or accused.
II. Inexperienced or unwilling judges and lawyers.
III. Procedural glitches.
IV. Non-cooperative attitude of lawyers.
V. Role of investigating agency
VI. Non-appearance of witnesses.
i. Summoning through SMS and recorded phone calls along with
conventional modes of service.
ii. Establishment of bailiff agency headed by serving police inspector.
iii. Fixing of time frame for civil and criminal cases.
iv. Miscellaneous applications should be coupled with arguments.
v. Revamping civil and criminal procedure codes and law of evidence.
vi. Improving service of process serving agency.
vii. Biometric attendance of process servers.
viii.Training of judges and lawyers.
ix. Introduction of interim relief clause in CPC.
x. Allocation of time and date to the lawyers.
xi. Holding the lawyers accountable and bring them under some discipline.
Administration of civil justice system is plagued with ex-parte and
fraudulent decrees which takes decades to be remedied
I. There is no system to curb false and frivolous litigation.
II. Summoning system needs to be improved and made effective.

i. Ex-parte judgments should be avoided unless there are compelling

ii. Summoning system should be improved.
iii. Imposition of heavy cost on frivolous litigation or unnecessary
I. Surety system is flawed.
II. Sureties are not held accountable.
III. Police inefficiency.
IV. Non-usage of modern devices.
V. Frequent release of accused on bail (abuse of bail).

i. Section 513 and 514 Cr.PC needs to be revisited.

ii. Cash surety should be made as open option for the court for grant of bail.
iii. The property of the accused should be brought under encumbrance.
iv. Strict action against the surety should be taken.
v. Blocking of identification of the accused.
It is highly unfortunate that the bar has totally high jacked the justice system.
I. Judges are transferred or posted on the request of bar leaders.
II. Sense of insecurity in the judges and fear of complaints.
III. There is no check and balance system on the bar.
IV. No training of lawyers.
V. Deteriorating standards of legal education.
VI. Easy grant of license for high court.
i. Establishment of District Conduct and Discipline Committee (DCDC)
comprising Sessions Judge, Senior Civil Judge and ASJ-I and two
members from bar with the powers to hold any lawyer accountable and
keep watchful eyes on the judges.
ii. Vesting of powers in the hand of Sessions Judge to suspend the license of
a lawyer for a week and refer the matter to bar council.
iii. Reporting system of the lawyers and blacklisting the crafty layers, as is in
vogue in the west.

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