Internet Addiction and Intellectual Proficiency Among Grade 10

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Internet Addiction and Intellectual Proficiency

among Grade 10 Students in San Vicente

National High School

Eroy,Sheika Mia
Enaya, Nico
Marcellones,Velly King Jasper
Chapter 1

Background of the Study
Because of the advancements of today's generation, there are
enormous improvements in the Mobiles and the Internet. Nonetheless,
the Internet is currently fast, an effectively accessible wellspring of
Information to world and hindrances of messages are falling against
these past advances.
People read the articles, writes more on the Internet as opposed to
papers or books. In ongoing time the abuse of the web is expanded
radically exceptionally in the adolescents. Web compulsion builds the
reliance on the individual more on the Internet and Mobiles.
Background of the Study
One can have the upsetting feeling like's misery, vacancy, and so on.
when he isn't on the web. Likewise, some client has a mental issue in
light of compulsion. Some of them are using the internet to an extent
that it affects their physical and psychological health, occupational and
social life too. The concept of internet addiction was proposed by
Goldberg in 1995 (Cited in Gonzalez, Gauttierrez, Garrosa, & Bernardo,
Goldberg (1994) thought about web enslavement or conduct reliance
on the web as mental damage or a social issue. Specifically, certain
Asian nations report it as a genuine general medical problem.
Background of the Study
• Liu (2007), delegate secretary-general of the Chinese Society of
Juvenile Delinquency Research, has been cited as saying "the
developing number of youth beguiled by unfortunate Web locales
and grounds savagery has turned into an earnest social issue." A
main, additionally pronounced that 90 percent of adolescent
wrongdoing in the city was Internet-related" (Sebag-Montefiore,
2005). As an aftereffect of these worries, - governments in South
Korea, Japan, and China have set up training camps, which furnish
treatment to manage Internet habit (Ransom, 2007). China has
additionally issued a prohibition on new Internet bistros to cinch
down on Internet habit (Watts, 2007).
Background of the Study
It has been recognized as maybe the most significant creation of the
twentieth century. The Internet has reformed the data and
correspondence stream of individuals, changing the manner in which
we interface with others, assemble and scatter data, work together,
express and engage ourselves. However, for every one of its
advantages, the Internet has likewise been recognized as an accomplice
to issues including additional conjugal issues, sex entertainment, and
betting. There likewise seems, by all accounts, to be a developing
concern, particularly in Asia, for what has been marked "Web
dependence" (Caplan, 2002).
Background of the Study
Internet addiction, also defined as pathological internet use, is defined
as an individual’s incapability to manage his or her use of the internet,
which eventually causes psychological, social, school and/or work
difficulties in a person’s life (Davis 2001; Young & Rogers, 1998).
Background of the Study
• National
Research Objectives
This study aims to determine the relationship between Internet addiction
and Intellectual proficiency among Grade 10 students in San Vicente National
High School.
More specifically, it seeks to answer the following objectives:
1. To determine the level of internet addiction of student in terms of:
1.1 Salience
1.2 Excessive Use
1.3 Neglect Work
1.4 Anticipation
1.5 Lack of Control
1.6 Neglect Social Life
Research Objectives
2. To determine the student’s intellectual level in terms of :
2.1 Grades
2.1.1 Math
2.1.2 English
2.1.3 Filipino
3. Is there a significant relationship between Internet
addiction and intellectual proficiency?
Theoretical Framework
This study anchored the theory of Young(1998). Stated that
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The Internet Addiction Test (IAT; Young, 1998) is a 20-thing scale that
estimates the nearness and seriousness of Internet reliance among
grown-ups. Dr. Kimberly Young, an educator at St. Bonaventure
University and chief of the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery, built
up the IAT to evaluate indications of Internet addiction and
compulsivity in an assortment of test settings.
Theoretical Framework
Internet Addiction Student’s Intellectual
1.1 Salience
1.2 Excessive Use
2.1 Grades
1.3 Neglect Work
1.4 Anticipation 2.1.1 Math
1.5 Lack of Control 2.1.2 English
1.6 Neglect Social Life 2.1.3 Filipino
• Cao, F., Su, L., Liu, T., & Gao, X. (2007). ‘’The relationship between impulsivity and Internet addiction in a sample of Chinese
adolescents”. European Psychiatry, 22, 466-471
• Caplan, S. E. (2002). “Problematic internet use and psychosocial well-being: Development of a theory-based cognitive-behavioral
measurement instrument”. Computers in Human Behavior, 18, 553–575.
• Goldberg D. (1994). ”Detecting psychiatric illness by questionnaire.” Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.Erdreich LS, Lee ET. Use
of Relative Operating Characteristic analysis in epidemiology. Am J Epidemiol 1981; 114: 649±662.SAS Institute Inc. SAS/STAT
User's Guide, Version 6. Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
• Gonzalez, L., Gauttierrez, J., Garrosa, A. & Bernardo, M. (2005). “Personality and subjective well-being: big five correlates and
demographic variables”. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 38, 1561-1569.
• Ransom, I. (2007). “Chinese boot camps tackled Internet addiction”. International Herald Tribune. Retrieved December 26, 2007.
• Sebag-Montefiore, P. (2005, November 20). “China’s young escape into the web”. The Observer International. Retrieved December
26, 2007 from,6903,1646663,00.html
• Watts, J. (2007, March 6). “China bans opening of new Internet cafes”. Guardian Unlimited. Retrieved December 26, 2007.
• Young, K., & Rodgers, R. (1998). “Internet addiction: Personality traits associated with its development”. Paper presented at the
69th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association.

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