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Some Ideas from PNQT1

Cost saving opportunities
• By optimizing the Utilization by BP Vehicles as well as BPs Capacity.
• Use Vendor vehicle KMs up to 95%.
• Use Captains as ambulance.
• Pre day planning for BP’s load, Insist BP not stick with route stick with load.

ODA Deliveries
• By Internal Categorization of ODA

• By reducing the run for ODA deliveries , By preplanning of CPD data and ODA location If possible Use
only 2-3 runs per week without affecting Performance.

• Try to get full utilized and maximum CNs should go with Single run of ODA.
Cost saving opportunities


• By using more touching Feeders depends on load like




• By pre utilization planning of feeders.

• Use Captains in place of feeders if less load for particular branch

Cost saving opportunities

Warehouse & welfare

• Consider a new, advanced Warehouse Management System (WMS)

• Use the five step approach, This approach: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control reduces costly process variations.
Plan to increase productivity


• Measure Individuals productivity

• Give weekly report of work done by Individual OA and point of improvement where they needs.

• Need to give basic targets to individual OA to enhance their performance like no. of vehicles, time limit.

• Giving more responsibility like real owner who gives 100% every time.

• Taking briefing of OAs during Oath on each topic like deps, loading pattern, planning, manpower handaling.

• Implement reward system for major accomplishment which encourage the OAs to do the same.
Plan to increase productivity


• Reshuffling the Fauji between PNQT1 and PNQT2. Like In morning fauji of T2 can be sent to T1 and during evening fauji of T1 sand to the T2.

• Teach fauji about handling of consignment loading pattern.

• Teach fauji to work more effectively and accurately.

• Weekly Audit of each fauji about their understanding of work and their learning process.
Plan to increase volumes

Feeder Utilization

• Try to give more touching of feeder vehicle.

• If there is less load for particular branch give connectivity to some other branch.

• We can hold vehicle for maximum 1 hour with approval of CLM if less load for particular branch and some LH is their we can connect the shipment from LH.

• Try to get minimum utilization up to 70%.


Action plans already implemented & its results

• We already implemented the feeder connectivity for city and wadki which give average utiliazation performance of 65%.

• For deliveries we are taking acknowledgement from BP, Vendors and captains while sending for delivery about proper condition of boxes so that they taking
full responsibility of each box.

• Used captains in place of feeder vehicle which ultimately reduce the no of trips.

Actions to be implemented

• Use of bikers for delivery of consignment of small sizes weight upto 5 KG.
New projects status


• For cod dod connection zt should be implement in such a way that whenever we are updating COD cn as deliver immediately a window for new CN no. in which
we can update the cod courier no. so we have to not wait for ack. From consignee.

• Need daily data of CODs connected with tracking no.

New projects status

DEPS buzzer.

• Effectively implemented the deps buzzer in PNQT1.

• Daily report of deps buzzer attendee is created by QC team.

• 90% on spot resolution done.

• Aware the faujis about the deps buzzer system.

New projects status

Kaizen initiative

• More than 10 kaizen implemented in PNQT1 and many more under progress.

• Taking weekly briefing about the Kaizen initiative with OAs and TLs.

• Kaizen like.

• Inbound document Check sheet.

• POD connected check sheet.

• Acknowledgement from BPs , vendors and captions about condition of consignment.


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