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 Aryans from steppes of central Europe entered

India through Hindu Kush.

 Being nomadic, not interested to settle in Indus

valley but to destroy the cities. Indus valley people
shifted to south.

 Damaging all the Indus valley cities, they

descended east to more fertile lands between rivers
Ganga and Yamuna in 1500 BC.

 Rich , fertile Gangetic plain made the nomadic

Aryans to settle down without any further travel.
 Brick was a new building material for them and was already used
by Indus valley which they conquered.

 Knowledge on using timber, bamboo and thatch as building

materials .Timber & bamboo – easily available, easy to maintain
and rebuild in case of rain or floods .

 Most huts circular in plan – simplest to build with thatch.

 Walls – bamboo twigs tied together. Roof – bamboo – domical /

conical shape & made watertight by overlapping thatch / grass .

 Rectangular huts with bamboo roofs – bamboo bent into

semicircular shape and tied with a cord like a bow creating a
barrel like roof and covered with thatch/grass .
Concept of fencing – to protect from the wild animals
from the forest .

Timber fences – vertical, rectangular timber posts with 3

horizontal bamboo bars.

Bamboos strung between the holes carved in the

rectangular posts.

Entry was projected out with a raised gateway allowing

the passers and cattle's to go in and out.

 The timber & bamboo gateway installed along the

villages boundary wall form later transformed into the
famous stone toranas of the Buddhist.
Fence and Gate way

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