A Study About Most Used Learning Styles

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This paper addresses the

issue of learning styles in the
academic environment and
advocates the support of
student-centered education
program to optimize learning
among students.
There are actually very
important observations.
Educational science has
studied this topic for years
and has determined that
when some individuals
struggle with learning it may
be entirely a question of how
they are being taught.
We are focusing in four
major learning styles.
There are 4 types of
learning styles the first is
visual learning style that
students learned more
using picture, videos, and
spatial understanding.
Second is the auditory
learning style that you
prefer using sound or
music. Third is verbal
learning style that you
prefer using words both in
speech and writing.
Fourth is the kinesthetic or
physical learning style that
you prefer using your
sense of touch of touch or
body movements. Those
are the 4 different types of
learning styles.
This paper want to show how
each of this learning style
help the students to learn
faster. Our reason why we
choose this topic is to help the
teachers to teach easily with
different learning styles. But
we know each of us has
different prefer to learn. So
lets see how the teachers
adjust for their students

Spatial Understanding,
Academic Environment,
Learning Style,
Visual Learning Style,
Learning Style,
Auditory Learning Style
The purpose of this study is to determine the
most used learning styles of grade 10

Specifically, it will seek to answer the

following questions:
1. What are the purposes of
this learning styles?
2. What is the educational
implication of this study?
3. How may this study affects
academic performances?

This research want to determine

what is the most use learning
style and how does these
learning styles affect the
academic performances of the
students. And to know that was
is the most used learning style of
the grade 10 students
This study is intended to:
1. To determine the most used
learning style.
2. To determine if the learning
style of the students helps
them in their academic
3. To associate the knowledge
with learning styles of the
grade 10 students.

1. The most used learning style of the

students might be verbal learning
2. Verbal learners will learn best with
verbal instructional methods (e.g.,
reading a book)
3. Whereas visual learners will learn
best with visual instructional methods
(e.g., watching a video)
Spatial Understanding – also called
Spatial awareness is the ability to be
aware of oneself in space. It is an
organized knowledge of objects in
relation to oneself in that given space.
Spatial awareness also
involves understanding the
relationship of these objects when
there is a change of position
Academic Environment - may
be defined as one that best
prepares students for their future
professional life and contributes
towards their personal
development, psychosomatic and
social well-being. A number of
diverse factors significantly
influence the way students
perceive and experience their
Learning Style - is a student's
consistent way of responding
to and using stimuli in the
context of learning. Stewart
and Felicetti (1992) define
learning styles as those
“educational conditions under
which a student is most likely
to learn.”
Visual Learning Style - often
referred to as the
spatial learning style, is a way
of learning in which information
is associated with images.
This learning style requires
that learners first see what
they are expected to know.
Verbal Learning Style -
The verbal style involves both
the written and spoken word.
If you use this style, you find it
easy to express yourself, both
in writing and verbally. You
like playing on the meaning or
sound of words, such as in
tongue twisters, rhymes,
limericks and the like.
Auditory Learning Style - is
a learning style in which a
person learns through
listening. An auditory
learner depends on listening
and speaking as a main way
of learning. They also use their
listening and repeating skills to
sort through the information
that is sent to them.

To the students. The

importance of learning styles in
their academic performance.
This is an advantage to them
in terms of studying and more
capable to partake in their
academic performance.
To the teachers. They will be
able to teach their students
easily but capable to learn
more. This may help teachers
to understand their students
too and communicate with
them in times of teaching.
To the future researcher.
This paper will give them some
information about the most
used learning style. They can
get some info or idea that can
help them about their

This study determines the

academic performances of
the grade 10 students. This
Research will be held at the
Alexis G. Santos National
High School in Liciada,
Bustos, Bulacan.
Besides, this study is
limited to determines only
the most used learning
styles in terms of academic
performance. The sample
size involve of 20 students
in grade 10.

Today, thanks to a
respectable stockpile of
SLA research, there is a
greater recognition of our
need to gain a deeper
understanding of our
their learning differences,
learning styles, learning
difficulties and their
predisposition to certain
types of tasks to achieve
their goals successfully
(Pawlak, 2012)
Moreover, there is a great deal
of evidence that a mismatch
between students’ learning
styles and teacher’s
instructional style may have a
negative impact on classroom
learning (Felder & Henriques,
1995; Mulalic, Mohd Shah &
Ahmad, 2009).
Many Iranian teachers who
are the product of a
traditional educational
system, do not seem to be
aware of their students’
styles and just try to draw
upon a limited number of
teaching styles within their
comfort zone.
It should be noted that few
studies have addressed the
relationship between
perceptual learning and
teaching styles in Iran (e.g.
Alemi, Daftari & Tobolcea,
2011; Azizi-Pajoh, 2007;
Hayati, 2008).
The concept of learning styles
has been applied to a wide
variety of student attributes
and differences (Felder and
Brent, 2005). Learning style
refers to an individual’s
habitual and preferred way of
absorbing, processing and
retaining new information and
According to Capretz
(2006) each learning style
has its own strengths and
weaknesses and therefore
a person who sticks to one
style is never going to be an
ideal learner (Moradkhan
and Mirtaheri, 2011).

Rezaeinejad, M. (2015). The Study of Learning Styles and its

Relationship with ... - Science Direct
Kirschner Paul, A. (2015) learning-styles hypothesis – 3-Star
learning experiences

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