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As amended by RA No. 9442
The acts that constitutes discrimination
with respect to employment:

(a) Limiting, segregating or

classifying a disabled job applicant
in such a manner that adversely
affects his work opportunities;
(b) Using qualification standards,
employment tests or other selection
criteria that screen out or tend to
screen out a disabled person.
c) Utilizing standards, criteria or
methods of administration that:

i) have the effect of

discrimination on the basis of
disability; or
ii) perpetuate the discrimination
of others who are subject to
common administrative control.
d) Providing a lower compensation,
salary, wage or other forms of
remuneration and fringe benefits to
a qualified employee with disability
e) Favoring an able-bodied employee
over a qualified employee with
f) Re-assigning or transferring an
employee with disability to a job or
position he cannot perform by reason
of his disability;
g) Dismissing or terminating the
services of an employee with
disability by reason of his disability;
h) Failing to select or administer in
the most effective manner
employment tests which accurately
reflect or measure the skills, aptitude
or positive traits of the applicant
with disability.
i) Excluding employees with dis
ability from membership in labor
unions or similar organizations.
The following constitute acts of
discrimination in the use of public
accommodations and services:

a) denying a passenger with

disability to enter the terminal,
station or depot premises;
b) denying a passenger with disability
to purchase travel tickets, prepare
waybills, secure boarding passes,
claim tags for baggages and other
transactions which are able-bodied
passenger may do;
c) Failure to provide accessibility
features such as ramps, signages and
stickers inside the terminal station or
d) Failure to designate seats in the
waiting area for passengers with
disability, if there are seats available;
e) Denying a passenger with disability
to use the toilet/washroom or failure
to make such facilities accessible.
Ridicule of persons with disability,

Public ridicule is the act of making

fun or contemptuous imitating or
making mockery of persons with
disability whether in writing or in
Following acts constitute public
a) Making fun of the person on
account of his/her disability even
through jokes in a manner that is
degrading resulting to the
embarrassment of the person with
disability in front of two or more
b) Making mockery of a person with
disability whether oral or in writing.
c) Imitating a person with disability in
public gathering, stage shows,
carnivals and other forms of
entertainment that are offensive to the
person with disability.
Vilification of persons with disability,

Vilification is the act of:

a) Uttering slanderous and abusive

against a person with disability, such
as but not limited to:
Vilification of persons with disability,

i) Calling a person by his disability

in public which results to

ii) Using the disability of a person as

an example in a manner that is
embarrassing and humiliating
Vilification of persons with disability,

b) Inciting in public, hatred, serious

contempt, or severe ridicule of
persons with disability.
Persons caring for and living with a
person with disability are entitled to
the following incentives:

a) Single persons shall be

considered head of the family shall
be entitled to one basic personal
exemption equivalent to Twenty-five
thousand pesos (P25,000.00).
b) Married persons who have a
child or children with disability
dependent on him for support, are
entitled to an additional exemption
of Eight Thousand Pesos
(P8,000.00) for qualified dependent
(not exceeding four).
c) Single or legally separated
persons with child or children with
disability dependent on him for
support, are entitled to additional
exemption of (P8,000.00) not
exceeding four.
d) Grandparents not legally
separated or a widow/widower solo
parent are entitled to a basic
personal exemption of (P32,000.00)
personal exemption granted to a
married individual.
e) Grandparents legally separated or
a solo parent, are entitled to the
basic personal exemption accorded
to a head of the family in the
amount of Twenty-five thousand
pesos (P25,000.00).
Sec. 42 (c) Local manufacturing or
technical aids and appliances use by
persons with disability are considered as a
preferred area of investment and as such,
shall enjoy the rights. Privileges and
incentives as provided in said Code such
as, but not limited, to the following:
(1) repatriation of investments;
(2) remittance of earnings;
(3) remittance of payments on foreign
(4) freedom from expropriations
(5) freedom from requisition
of investment;
(6) income tax holiday;
(7) additional deduction for labor
(8) tax and duty exemption on
imported capital equipment;
(9) tax credit on domestic capital
(10) exemption from contractor's tax;
(11) simplification of customs
12) unrestricted use of consigned
13) employment of foreign nationals;
(14) tax credit for taxes and duties on
raw materials;
(15) access to bonded manufacturing/
traded warehouse system;
(16) exemption from taxes and duties on
imported spare parts; and
(17) exemption from wharfage dues and
any export tax, duty, impost and fee.
Violation of the Magna Carta
for Persons with Disability
entails the following penalties:
SEC. 3. Section 46 of Republic Act
No. 7277 is hereby amended to read
as follows:

SEC. 46. Penal Clause. - (a) Any

person who violates any provision of
this Act shall suffer the following
(1) For the first violation, a fine of not
less than Fifty Thousand pesos
(P50,000.00) but not exceeding One
hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00)
or imprisonment of not less than six
months but not more than two years, or
both at the discretion of the court; and
(2) For any subsequent violation, a
fine of not less than One hundred
thousand pesos (P100,000.00) but not
exceeding Two hundred thousand
pesos (P200,000.00) or imprisonment
for not less than two years but not
more than six years, or both at the
discretion of the court
(b) Any person who abuses the
privileges granted herein shall be
punished with imprisonment of not
less than six months or a fine of not
less than Five thousand pesos
(P5,000.00), but not more than Fifty
thousand pesos (P50,000.00), or
both, at the discretion of the court
(c) If the violator is a corporation,
organization or any similar entity, the
officials thereof directly involved
shall be liable therefor.
(d) If the violator is an alien or a
foreigner, he shall be deported
immediately after service of sentence
without further deportation

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