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The Canterbury


Natalia Molina
Henry Laporte
Geoffrey Chaucer
 He was a writter,
philosopher and Poet.

 He was born in London, in


 Because of his writings, he

is considered the father of
English Language.
His life
• During his life, He was a Royal emissary, who
was frecuently sent to the continent on secret
business for the king.
• In one of this travels to Italy he knew two
importants writters, one was Bocaccion who
wrote the Decameron, a book that contains 100
stories. It might be the inspiration to Chaucer to
write “The canterbury Tales”
• In the Canterbury Tales, Chaucer wrote about
the people he had met along his travels.
The Canterbury Tales
 The Canterbury Tales
were written in 14th
century. (Around 1387-

 This is a collection of 24
stories, that express and
tell the life in the middle
age in England.
Caracteristics of the text

 Written in Middle English.

 Mostly in verse, although some

are in prose.
About the tales
 The stories are told by a group of pilgrims as they
travel together on a journey from London to the
Canterbury Cathedral.
 Chaucer represents through these people the life in
the middle age, especially the religious and social
Why is The Canterbury Tales an
important piece of literature?
 It’s considered a masterpiece of
Middle English, the language spoken
by Anglo-Saxons in England from
the 13th to 14th century.
 The Sondry Folk represent all
facets of English social life-
aristocracy, clergy, commoners, and
even a middle class
What things are described?

 Jobs
 Clothing
 Accessories
 Status in society
 Way to speak / accent
 Mode of transportation

sondry folk: (noun) various sorts of people

Why go to Cantenbury?
 Cantenbury has always been an important
religious center in England.
 St. Augustine was sent by Pope Gregory the
great to establish the Catholic faith in the
 Religion played an important part in medieval
The Host Chaucer Reeve Wife of

Monk Friar Knight Miller

Parson Pardoner Summoner Shipman

Nun’s Priest Physician Prioress Squire

Cook 2nd Nun Franklin Man of

Oxford Clerk Yeoman Manciple Merchant

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