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By the end of tis lesson students will be able to
recognize the most basic prepositions of place
use them properly in a sentence.

Target Grammar: Prepositions of place IN/ ON/


Target Vocabulary: Around the clasroom (objects

and furniture
Teacher sings the hello song! To help the students to feel
relaxed and focused.

Hello, hello, I’m fine, thank you,

Hello, hello, I’m fine, thank you,
Hello! how are you? I’m fine, thank you .

The song has some mimics that students must follow

Teacher writes on the board
A: What is this
B: It’s a ……
Then teacher points and holds on different
things in the classroom by asking: What’s is
this? It’s a….. pencil
teacher writes on the board
A: What is this
B: It’s a ……
Then teacher points different things in the classroom
by asking: What’s is this? It’s a….. pencil

odeling and encouraging students to answer: It’s a…..

pencil, chair, desk, computer, etc, etc. introducing
some new vocab
Then teacher plays the following video:
Teaching students the mimics for the song and
encouraging them to repeat after her.
Teacher introduces to the students the prepositions
and its relationship between noun or pronoun and
the other words in the sentence by showing students a box and
a teddy bear.
Teacher asks: What is this?
Holding on the box then the teddy bear.
Encourage the students to answer: it’s a box, it’s a dog.
Then teacher asks where is the dog?
Teacher begins to move the dog to different positions
introducing the prepositions of place e.g.: the dog is in the box,
under the box, etc. , etc.
The mouse is …………………
Identify the
objects in the
classroom and
make sentences

The pencil is
on the desk.
Teacher asks for the students to draw their classroom and
describe it in 7 sentences using the following prepositions.


The pen is on the desk.
Teacher sings the good bye song!
Encouraging students to do the same mimics as the teacher

Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, see you again!


By the end of class students will be able to…
Identify and use ‘at,’ ‘in’ and ‘on’ in sentences in the
context of TIME.
Target Grammar: Prepositions of time
Teacher gives each student a slip of paper. On each slip of
paper is a question:
What were you doing AT 9:00 am today?
How old will you be IN two years?
Where are you doing ON Saturday?
What are you doing AT 6pm tonight?
What classes are you taking IN January?
Do you have a break for lunch ON Thursday?
Do you eat breakfast AT 3pm?
Do you sleep during the day or AT night?
Are you going out of town IN December?
Do you have time to study for the test ON Wednesday?
Each Student have to walk around the room and ask
their question to three other students. Other students
should do their best to answer the questions using
complete sentences.
Once everyone has asked three people, they sit
Did they see a pattern in any of the questions or
answers? Lead in to lesson on prepositions of time.
Teacher writes on the white board:
Give sentence examples of each one.
Students can copy the above information in their notebooks

 For exact time – “At nine o´clock.”

Meal times. – “ at breakfast.”

Specific parts of the day.- “ at night”

Festivals. – “at Christmas”

Some time expressions.- “ at the moment, at the weekend…”

For days of the week. - On Tuesday.”

For dates. “ On June 23rd.”

For aniversaries. – “ On my birthday”

For special days. – “ on Christmas day.”

For months of the year. . –”In July.”.”

For seasons. –”In Autumn.”

For years. –”In 1971.”

For parts of the day ( but AT night). –”In the

Teacher uses the same questions from the warm up, deleting the
preposition of time.
Students have to fill in the blank with the correct preposition of time –
writing their answers individually. Teacher goes around the classroom
helping students if necessary.
1.- Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions
What were you doing …... 9:00 am today?
How old will you be …... two years?
Where are you doing …... Saturday? IN
What are you doing …... 6pm tonight?
What classes are you taking …... January? ON
Do you have a break for lunch …... Thursday? AT
Do you have breakfast …... 3pm?
Do you sleep during the day or …... night?
Are you going out of town …... December?
Do you have time to study for the test …... Wednesday?
Once again teacher uses the same questions from the warm up, now students
work in pairs
Each student has to ask these questions to his partner, then take notes of the
Once the students have finished asking and answering all the questions
They have to present in front of the class at least three questions.
1.- Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions
What were you doing …... 9:00 am today?
How old will you be …... two years?
Where are you doing …... Saturday?
What are you doing …... 6pm tonight?
What classes are you taking …... January?
Do you have a break for lunch …... Thursday?
Do you have breakfast …... 3pm?
Do you sleep during the day or …... night?
Are you going out of town …... December?
Do you have time to study for the test …... Wednesday?
I.- Choose the right preposition.

1) Goodbye! See you (on/at) Friday.

2) Where were you (in/on) 28 February?
3) I got up (in/at) 8 o’clock this morning.
4) I like getting up early (on/in) the morning.
5) My sister got married (on / in) May.
6) Diane and I first met (in / at) 1979.
7) Did you go out (in / on) Friday evening?
8) Did you go out (in / on) Friday?
9) Do you often go out (in / on) the evening?
10) Let’s meet (on / at) 7.30 tomorrow evening.

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