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Perunchoor, Karumandurai Post, Kalrayan Hills, Attur T.K, Salem : 606 139

Teaching Generation Z in the

S. Jerald Sagaya Nathan, M.A., M.Phil., SET., NET., M.A. (M.C. & J).,

Assistant Professor of English

St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous),
Tiruchirappalli- 620002
Tamil Nadu, India.
Mobile Nos.: 9843287913/ 962928791
Let’s Break Ice…
15 June 2019 3
Dictate and have the monster
Dictate and have the monster
• One volunteer to the board.
• The volunteer questions the audience regarding
the various features of the monster like:
– How many eyes does it have?
– How big is the head?
– How many teeth does it have?
• The students must stand up in turns and gives
the features of the monster in full sentences.
• The volunteer must must draw the monster
being described by the audience, to the best of
their ability

15 June 2019 5
Narrate a story using your

15 June 2019 7
Narrate a story using your
imagination (1)

15 June 2019 8
Narrate a story using your
imagination (2)

15 June 2019 9
Narrate a story using your
imagination (3)

15 June 2019 10
Narrate a story using your
imagination (4)

15 June 2019 11
Logically Connect and Narrate…

15 June 2019 13
Logically Connect and

15 June 2019 14
Logically Connect and

15 June 2019 15
Logically Connect and Narrate…

15 June 2019 16
Logically Connect and Narrate…

15 June 2019 17
Teaching is a Noble
The Kothari Commission for Higher Education:
National Education Commission (1964-1966)

“The destiny of the India is shaped

inside its classrooms”
Problems in Teaching and Learning…
Digital Migrants & Digital Natives
Understand Your Learners…
Teacher’s Attitude
• The Pygmalion Effect
(Eliza Dolittle/ Colonel Pickering (Treats as
Lady)/ Professor Higgins (Treats as Flower Girl)
• Towards Authority
(Attitude of Respect)
• Towards Students
(Attitude of Concern)
• Towards Colleagues
(Attitude of Respect)
• Towards Work
(Total Commitment and Dedication)
Different Generations of
• Mature or Silent Generation (1928-
• Baby Boomers (1946-1964)
• Generation X (1965-1979)
• Generation Y or Millennials (1979-
• NET Generation or Generation Z (1994
– the present day)
Mature or Silent Generation

• willingness to work • Slow to Change

hard/ Hardworking
• Flexibility
• Inability to adapt to
• Determined
• Will power • Not modern
• Loyal • Sticking to old
• Respect Authority ideologies
• Strong during odd times • Believe in fatalism
• Conform to rules and • one-to-one
interpersonal skills
• Traditionalists
• Waste not, Want not • Love eye-to-eye dealing
Baby Boomers (1946-1964)

• They think they • Formal in

deserve good fortune communication
• generally optimistic • take responsibility for
• Experimental actually making things
• Individualistic better.
• Self-believing • Respect is a path to
• Ecological-mined engagement with this
• Short attention span group.
• rejection or redefinition • Selfish
of traditional values
Handling Baby Boomers…

• Respect is a path to engagement with

this group.
Generation X (1965-1979)

• Headache for parents • Pragmatic

• Love freedom/ Self- • skeptical of leadership
• quick to disengage if
• Rebellious they feel slighted
• Radicals
• want to do things their
• Independent way
• Respect
accomplishment • lack the optimism
• Workaholics • Believe in fatalism
• Unrealistic
Handling Gen X

• To engage Gen X, leaders must give

them the space to do it their own way,
relax the rules a bit, and realize they’ll
question every attempt made to
engage them.
Generation Y or Millenials

• demand recognition for even • Pro-multi-cultural

routine tasks
• want to know why before they do • Communicate with texts
• expect to be consulted on
• Share things
matters big and small • Focused on the present
• Comfortable with authority
• Will work hard as needed • Optimists
• Work and life balanced • Want to be discovered
• Work for respect
• They’ll be most engaged
• Techno savvy
• Goal Oriented when working with
• Achievement Oriented people they think are
• Socially and environmentally smart, social and
aware committed.
Handling Generation Y

• The enthusiasm and self-confidence of

Millennials is infectious and inspiring
if it’s channeled.
NET Generation or Generation Z
(1994 – the present day)

• Digital Natives/ Selfie • Future focused/ Career

Generation Focused/ Entrepreneurs
• Fast Decision Makers/ Super
connected • Seek Quality
• Feel that they are special • Time is valuable
• Want to feel protected • Expectation of convenience
• Highly optimistic • Need for speed and space
• Social Advocates • Hunger for options
• Inclusiveness
• Sense of right/ entitlement
• Accomplished
• Pressured • Communicates with images
• Multi-tasking • Want to work for success
• Brand conscious • Easily depressed
• Community minded • Realists
• Pro-multicultural • Creative and innovative
• Pro-equality
NET Generation or Generation Z
(1994 – the present day)
• They love activity based learning
• Ideal Learning Environment
– Less lecture
– Use of Multimedia
– Collaborating with peers
– Be non-authoritarian
– Provide rationale
– Create less formal environment
– Interact informally
– Show interest in them
– Touch them emotionally
– Connect with them on a personal level
What is teaching?

• Teaching is the process of attending to

people’s needs, experiences and
feelings, and intervening so that they
learn particular things, and go beyond
the given.
Teaching is a Group Task
Teacher is the most influential
person in the World…
• Circle of Concern
• Circle of Influence
(Teacher can impact for eternity: They
can make or break a nation)
– Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
(1989) by Stephen Covey
– Story of the Boy and Crippled Butterflies
Teacher as Compendium of Values…
Follow Work Ethics…
Team Building Tasks…
Crazy Tasks – Team Building…
• Time: > 1 hour
Number of Participants: Two or more small groups
Tools Needed: Pen and Paper
Rules: Break the group into teams of two or more.
Make a list of goofy tasks for each team to do as a
• Tasks can include taking a selfie with a stranger, taking
a picture of a building or object around the office, etc.
Give the list to each team, along with a deadline by
which they must complete all tasks. Whoever completes
the most tasks the quickest, wins! (You can even create
your own point system according to task difficulty if you
• Objective: Great team bonding exercise that helps
break up office cliques by encouraging people to work
with colleagues from other teams, departments, or just
social circles.
Blindfold Game
• Time: 15 - 30 minutes
Number of Participants: 4 - 10 people (even numbers)
Tools Needed: Various handheld objects, several blindfolds
Rules: Find an open space such as an empty parking lot or a
park. Place the objects (cones, balls, bottles, etc.) sporadically
across the open space. Have everyone pair up, and make one
person on from each pair put on the blindfold. The other
person must lead their teammate from one side of the open
space to the other without stepping on the objects — using
only the verbal instructions. The blindfolded person cannot
speak at all. To make it more difficult, create specific routes
the blindfolded team members must walk.
• This game focuses on trust, communication, and effective
• This activity makes a great team building beach game as well.
How to Handle Present
Generation of Students?
• Recognize that the people who work for
you are individuals with intrinsic human
• Reward excellence, and encourage and
educate those who come up short.
• Engage by committing to shared goals,
committing to building a great place to
work, and sharing your sense of
engagement with the goals of the
How to Handle Present
Generation of Students?
• Communicate via Visual and catering to
diverse audience
• Connect via technology of different types
• Keep communication short/ stretchable
• Feed their curiosity/ provide them with
options/ preferences and settings
• Inspire them/ Be updated with social
issues and pull them into discussion and
action research
• Find their expertise and initiate them
Flipping the Classroom…
Engaging Students Using
Education is not the filling of a pail
but the lighting of a fire.
— William Butler Yeats
Classroom File Sharing Apps…
• This application allows the teachers to
upload the presentation photos, videos,
• The students can have an easy access to the
materials in the classroom
Ted or at their homes.
• With the help of this app, the teachers can
edit as well as create Microsoft Office files in
their smart phones and the file links can be
shared with the students without flooding
their inbox with massive files.
Google Classroom
• Generally used by the school for the purpose
of distributing and grading the assignments
of the students.
• This Classroom app is used by the teachers
for storing the class materials in G drive so
that the students can have an easy access to
the materials in case of urgent requirements.
• The teachers also use this app for making
certain announcements and debates.
• Edmodo is a full-featured social learning platform designed to
connect and collaborate within the educational environment.
• It is a social media network which is not only perfect for
teachers and students but also to parents or guardians to
use to share information in school.
• It collaborates and connect, share content and get access
homework, school notices and grades.
• Can use Edmodo as an online blackboard and inbox.
• Can post polls, quizzes, and assignment guidelines, and
invite students to submit finished assignments.
• There are various ways to use Edmodo as teacher including
to communicate with your students when you’re out of the
classroom, or provide updates to students who are absent
from class , facilitate project based learning in your
classroom by leveraging Edmodo’s small-group feature.

• Evernote is indispensable note taking

• It helps teachers eliminate printed
handouts for outside-the-classroom
• Can share projects and assignments
with students using shared
• Nearpod offers teachers an easy-to-use tool for
creating interactive lesson plans, presentations,
assessments, and digital content.
• Nearpod allows teachers to create digital lesson
plans, share it with students during class, and
track individual progress.
• Lessons are comprised of teacher-created slides
that can include text, video, images, websites,
questions, quizzes, polls, and assignments.
• Students are able to follow the lesson on their own
devices at their own pace or teachers can lead a
synchronized session where students can follow
the lesson in real-time.
• With the Quizlet app, students can
search an online database of more
than 13 million user-created flashcard
sets on a wide variety of topics.
• This app is free, and the content
varies from highly useful to useless.
• The app is for reviewing flashcards
and students can use it to create their
own sets of flashcards.
Mathletics Student
• Mathletics is the world’s leading educational
resource for mathematics, created by the
team behind the World Education Games.
• Many schools have introduced their students
to the competitive thrills provided by
• Let your students experience learning and
practicing maths by competing against
children from all over the world.
Other Resources…
Ted Talks
• TED tools innovate the education system and
enrich student engagements with intriguing
lecture sessions delivered by leading subject
matter experts.
• It acts an outstanding resource for teachers
and enables unique presentation techniques,
covering a wide range of interesting topics.
• With its effective online debates and creative
lesson plans, Ted perfectly accompanies
teachers by making the classroom discussion
interactive and knowledge-rich experience.
Useful Language Apps…

15 June 2019 75
The Hindu editorial Vocabulary
English app

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15 June 2019 81
Final Word…
Unleash Your Creativity…
Stay Updated…

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