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“Development Task”




Childhood also called as Pre-school, in this phase the

children have transition from infant to childhood
Development task of childhood can be divided into 2
that are :

• Early childhood
• Middle childhood
Early childhood is period from birth to the age of 6 years old.
There some development task of early childhood that are :

• Learning to walk
• Learning to take a solid food
• Learning to talk
• Learning to control elimination of body wastes
• Learning to walk
To walk the babies need to have many skill including balance,
coordination and standing up.

• Learning to take solid food

The parent give the babies solid food because they are still
hungry after getting a milk and to full fill their nutrition from
vegetables and fruits.

• Learning to talk
the children language skill will grow. They will string more
words together to create simple sentences.

• Learning to control elimination of body wastes

the parent tried to teach the babies where he/she should pee
and poo.
Middle childhood
Middle childhood is the developmental between early
childhood and adolescent. It is from 6 – 12 years old. The
development task of childhood :

• Learning physical skill for ordinary games

• Learning to maintain their health ,safety toward themselves
• Learning basic skill in reading, writing, and counting
• Learning to develop everyday concept
• Learning physical skill for ordinary games
in this age, the children learn to get the basic skill to play such
as kicking ,jumping ,passing.

• Learning to maintain their health and safety

in this age, the children knew that health is important.

• Learning basic skill in reading, writing, and counting

the children learn to read, write and count not only at school
but their parent also play important role.

• Learning to develop everyday concept

in this period, children have various concept that needed in life
such as pray, to make it easier carry their lives.
• Adolescence is a transitional phase of growth and
development between childhood and adulthood. It started from
the age of 12-19 years old.

There are some development task :

1. Achieving more mature relations with both sexes
2. Accepting one’s physique
3. Achieving emotional independence
4. Planning and preparing for a career
• Achieving more mature relations with both sexes
Adolescence are expected to accept friendship not only
from male or female friends but from both. In order to work
together and achieve a common goal.

• Accepting one’s physique

adolescence learn to accept their physical change such
as body shape, face shape and keep it health.
• Achieving emotional independence
they are able to make a decisions to resolve the
problem by themselves.

• Preparing for career

Adolescence have been able to think or plan
their career based on their interest.
Development task for children and
implications at a school.
1. Elementary school
Learning basic skill in reading, writing, and counting.
For example :
• The teacher will teaches the student in a class with
a picture then she/he read and pronounce it and the
student follow it.
• The student try to write the name of the thing
based on the picture that given by teacher.
• The teacher will teaches the student to
counting using English in a class.
2. Junior High School
• The students trained to know about many
For example : The teacher will gives them exercise
to fill the blank in a sentence, to increase they

3. Senior High School

• The students join to English organization to know
more about English.
when they join the organization it will improve
their skill in English. Then, they will learn about
public speaking such as speech, story telling etc.

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