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Media Information

“Imagine yourself as a
Journalist. You were tasked
to write an Article.
Accomplish the media and
information design
framework for the article by
answering the matrix
Who is the intended audience?
Our intended audience is every
single person that listens to the
radio every now then, because
with more people listening, we
can disperse the content we want
to a wide variety of people.
Who is the producer?
The group that we
consist of will be the
producer of the radio
show that we will do
What is the purpose?
The purpose that we intend to
impose is to entertain and inform
the people, just like a news
channel but unlike one, we shall
give facts, funny jokes and
musical breaks once in a while.
What is the topic?
What are the facts?
Topics will range from news,
issues, health and everything in
between. Like a channel for
general information.
Facts will be from any subject
available, this will be interesting
for a lot of people.
How can I present this information?
How would this affect my
We can present the information
through a radio broadcast
Our audience would not have
difficulty and would not affect
them, maybe just the signal or
finding our channel.
What platform will I use?
We can use the most obvious
platform, which is the radio, or the
internet. This is because some
radio channels can be found on
the internet and this will give our
broadcast more accessibility

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