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Video is a series of images that when
combined, can form moving visual

Video File Formats

Video Production
Video Production
Producing a video. It goes into the
three processes namely,
preproduction, production and post-

Preproduction Process
Prepoduction process includes
everything that you do before
starting your video, Brain storming,
scriptwriting, storyboarding,
scheduling, props/wardrobe
preparation, location scouting are all
under this process.
Production Process
Production is the actual recording
abd capturing of the video.
Production will start from the
technical rehearsals and any video
taping or producing of elements
needed for the project.

Post-Production Process
Post-production includes editing of
video, exporting your video to a file
format, and distributing.
History of Video Timeline 1990
Photo CD
1971 System In
1895 1990, Kodak
First VCR The
first VCR came up with
1867 Motion 1978 1982
was sold by 1967 1986 the Photo CD
“Wheel Picture 1928 Concord Autofocus Video Sensor system.
Sony in
of Life” Camera Animation 12 Ips Camera Equipment
1948 1971.

1964 1973
1885 1897 1942 1956 VTR Sony SX-70
The First CCTV First 1981 1985
Reel introduce 1987
Video d the first Still Imaging Kodak’s 1991
of Television
Recorder CV-2000 Video Professional
Film Camera Processor Release Camera
VTR in
1964 to
the US.
1. 1867 “Wheel of Life”
In 1867 William Lincoln patented the “wheel of life” or
“zoopraxiscope” that were moving photographs watched through a slit
in the “wheel of life”.

2. 1885 Reel of Film

In 1885 the first reel of film was created out of sensitized paper made
with a gelatin emulsion. It was invented by two men called George
Eastman and William H. Walker.

3. 1895 First Motion Picture Camera

In 1895 a Frenchman named Louis Lumiere invented the first motion
picture camera. Other people created this around the same time, but
what made his different was that it was portable.The first motion
picture ever made was “Horse In Motion”, it was a groundbreaking
motion picture created by Eadweard Muybridge.
4. 1897 The First Television Camera
The first television camera was invented in It employed earlier
versions of the cathode ray tube.

5. 1928 Animation
Animation came around during the Great Depression. More
specifically, in 1906.
“Mickey Mouse” came out twenty-two years later in 1928 with his
first clip, Steamboat Willie.

6. 1942 CCTV
First CCTV cameras are installed. German engineer, Walter Bruch, is
responsible for this design.

7. 1948
Owner of the Polaroid Corporation, Edwin Land, invented the first
one-step camera.
8. 1956 First Video Recorder
A German scientist during World War 2 invented the first video tape

9. 1971 VCR The first VCR was sold by Sony in 1971.

10 . 1964 VTR Sony introduced the first CV-2000 VTR in 1964 to the

11. 1967 Concord 12 Ips

Concord released the 12 Ips as a significant improvement sold by

12. 1973 SX-70

Polaroid comes up with a one step instant photography with the SX-
13. 1978 Autofocus Camera
Konica introduces the first aim-and-shoot autofocus camera.

14. 1981 Still Video

In 1981, still video was first demonstrated by the Sony Mavica
single-lens reflex.

15. 1982 Video Equipment

In the 1980s, Sony started to bring prices of professional equipment

16. 1985 Imaging Processor

Pixar introduces digital imaging processor in 1985.

17. 1986 Sensor

In 1986, Kodak’s scientists invented the first megapixel sensor.
18. 1987 Kodak’s Release
In 1987, Kodak released products for storing, recording,
manipulating, printing, and transmitting electronic still images.

19. 1990 Photo CD System In 1990, Kodak came up with the Photo
CD system.

20. 1991 Professional CameraKodak released the first professional

camera, Nikon F-3.
Different Types of Video Uses for
Youtube is a popular source of videos that were made
not only to entertain but also to enhance the learning of the

A vodcast is similar to podcast. However, audio clips, which
includes videos and pictures can be accessed through it. Video
podcasts can be created by teachers with the use of the audio
combined with pictures. Audio can be recorded using an audio
software and can be uploaded. A special software is used to merge
the audio and the pictures together. Teachers can create podcasts to
be shared to the class for review or remedial lessons.
Video Conferencing

This is used to give lectures, seminars to students who cannot be

present during the lecture, can do virtual field trips, and can be a
venue for the students to work collaboratively with each other.
Skype is a popular program that is used to communicate with other
people using only their webcams.
Video Recording
To make a video recording for classroom use, you need the
 Video camera to record
 A tripod to keep the camera steady
 Microphone to capture the sound coming from the speaker
 Good Lighting
 Computer and video editing software
1. Save time in learning

2. Make students easily receive what the teacher explains

3. Motivate students in learning

4. Facilitate Thinking and Problem Solving.

5. Demonstrate Procedures to Assist in Mastery Learning

6. Ideal for Visual Learners

7. Accessible on Multiple Devices

1. Hard and time consuming to find quality videos.

2. Lack of knowledge in preparing or making a video.

3. Different learning style.

4. Can’t used without electricity.

Tips for creating or using in the classroom
• Use an external microphone if your camera does not have a
strong built-in mic.
• Use windscreens when shooting outdoors so as not to
ruin your audio.
• Avoid background noise.
• Switch off the light infront of the class and switch
on the light at the back portion of a classroom.
Using Video Effectively
Preparation is needed to effectively use video in the classroom.
• Before Viewing
- Preview the video.
- Prepare the classroom environment and video
- Prepare the learning experience.
Using Video Effectively
• During Viewing
- Video can be paused for clarifications or questions.
- You should not present the leader ( the part of the film with
the number countdown on it). The first image the students see
should be the title or opening scene of the film.

• After Viewing
- After watching the video, the students might retell, discuss
or do a post viewing activity. Activities can deepen the viewing
experiences of the students.
Uses of Video in the classroom
Video can be used in the classroom in several ways. When using
a video, a teacher can:

• Provide a common experience for all students.

• Offer a different perspective on or another approach to a topic.
• Generate interest and stimulate imagination.
• Connect student to faraway places.
• Demonstrate abstract ideas.
• Stimulate the development of critical thinking skills.
• Equalize educational opportunities.
• Enhance self-respect and break down social stereotypes.
• Promote critical viewing skills and media awareness.
Creating Music Video Together
1. Select your own music. (Minimum of 3
2. Follow the process of producing a
3 2 1

Theme Chosen theme is Chosen theme is Chosen theme is not

very appropriate to appropriate to song. appropriate to song.

Transitions and Multipl transitions/ Some transitions/ Little to no

effects effects of a wide effects of few transitions/ effects
variety used. variety used. of no variety used.

Overall Quality of Video displays a Video displays a low Video displays little
the Video high level of level of creativity or to no creativity or
creativity and professionalism. professionalism.

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