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Fruit Preparation

Group 3 Group 4
Leader: Jasmin Tugaoen Leader: Irish Mae
Members: Chrizler Jhon Tabuan
Valeriano Members: Carl Joshua
Ritchie Mae Ulep
Sardido Randell Jay
Ana Viernes Asuncion
Mark Failogna Mikaela Benigno
Angeline Benigno Novelyn Panag
Beia Pascua Rhea Mae Pajela
Jhonibel Pedronan Glaidel Cruzado
Kayna Silvestre
• Cooks high as one of the • Fruits are the means by
most abundant, attractive which angiosperms
and appealing of all foods. disseminate seeds. Edible
• An important source of fruits, in particular, have
several vital nutrients. propagated with the
• Are the freshy, juicy seed movements of humans
containing post of plant and animals in a symbiotic
usually taken as the end of relationship as a means
the meal farms of fruits. for seed dispersal and
nutrition; in fact, humans
• In Botany ,a fruit is the and many animals have
seed-bearing structure in become dependent on
flowering plants(also fruits as a source of food.
known as angiosperms)
formed from the ovary
after flowering.
• A fruit is a the seed- • It contain lots of water
containing part of a to help you stay
plant. If you want to get hydrated.
all botany-nerdy, a fruit • Because fruit have a
is the fleshy or dry high water and fiber
ripened ovary of a plant. content; they’re low in
• They are alkaline calories relative to their
producing, which can volume of food intake
help to preserve bone since the humans
mass and muscle tissue. consume a consistent
• They are rich in volume of food , a high
antioxidants, vitamins, consumption of low
minerals, fiber, and calorie density foods
phytonutrients. can help to control
overall food intake and
manage body weight.
Fresh Fruits
• Many fresh fruits are as pathogen attack and
subjected to a range abiotic stress, such as
of post harvest temperature and
treatments and physical damage
storage during
transport to make
fresh fruits including
the Bet v1 homologues
and LTPs are through
to have a role in plant
protection, the
expression of which is
affected by factors
Food Processing
• Food processing is the fermenting, sun drying,
transformation of cooked preserving with salt and
ingredients, by physical various types of cooking
or chemical means into (such as roasting, smoking,
food or of food into steaming, and oven baking)
another forms. Food such basic food processing
processing combines raw involved chemical
food ingredients to enzymatic changes to the
produce marketable food basic structure of food in
product that can be easily it’s natural form, as well
prepared and served by served to build a barrier
the consumer. against surface microbial
• Food processing dates activity that caused rapid
back to the prehistoric decay.
ages when crude
processing incorporated,
Canned Foods
• Fruits canned in heavy syrup coat
healthy pieces of fruit with loads
of added sugar. One-half cup of
pears canned in their own juice
provides 60 calories and 12 grams
of sugar. However, when packede
in heavy syrup, the same amount
contains 100 calories and 19
grams of sugar.
Frozen Fruits
• It’s understandable. Fresh contributed to making
is great, and it has long frozen, well, cool.
been a mantra for healthy • It’s important to get your
eaters. And, old notions of servings of fruits and
frozen-those established veggies. They are simply
prior to quick freezing the best avenue to
technology-can bring to maintaining weight,
mind ideas of ice-encased improving health, and
foods that lack taste or preventing disease.
nutritional value. But
those ideas are old-school
. A rising interest in
competitive prices and low
waste, along with an effort
by consumers to raise the
bar on their nutrition has
Dried Fruits
• Dried fruit is a fruit that been dried,
either naturally or artificially by a
machine, such as a dehydrator.
Examples of dried fruits are Raisins,
Plumsor Prunes and Dates. Apples,
Apricots< Bananas<,cranberries,
Figs, Mangoes<. Pawpaw, Peaches,
Pineapple, Pears and Tomatoes are
the other dried fruits.
Brazing Dried Fruits
• Dried fruits is fruit from Nearly half of the dried
which majority of the fruits sold are raisins,
original water content followed by dates, prunes,
has been removed figs, apricots, peaches,
either naturally, apples and pears, these are
through the use of referred to as conventional
specialized dryers or or traditional dried fruits.
dehydrators. Dried
fruits has a long
tradition of use dating
back to the fourth
millenium BC in
Mesopotamia and is
prized because of its
sweet taste, nutritive
value and long shelf life.
Dried fruits
consumption is
Way in which water is
evaporated from it
•Artificially Dried
•Freeze Drying
Uses of Fruits
• Salads and Fruits • Pudding
• Juices and Jams- are • Ingredients
chopped pulp fruit • Jelly- a coagulated
cooked with sugar gelatinous juice of
• Ice Cream fruit cooked with
• Candies sugar
• Wine
• Mar malades
• Pickle
• Paste candy
• Fruit cocktail
• Cooking varistles like
Food Values of Fruit
• Nutrients most fruit are • Dietary fiber from fruits,
naturally low of fat, as part of overall healthy
sodium and colories none diet, help reduce blood
have cholesterol . Fruit are cholesterol level and may
sources of many essential lower risk of heart disease
nutrients that are under , fiber is important for
consumed including proper bowel function. It
potassium clietary, fiber, helps reduce constipation
vitamin (and folate (fulic and diverticulosis, fiber
acid). Diets rich in containing food such as
potassium may help to fruit help provide a feeling
maintain healthy blood of fullness with fever
pressure. Fruit sources of calories whole or cut up
potassium includes fruit are juices contain
banana prunes and prune little or no fiber Vitamin C
juice, dried peaches and is important for growth
apricots, contaloupe honey and repair of all body
dew, melon and orange tissues helps heal cut and
juice. wounds, and keeps teeth
and gums healthy.
Principles of Fruit Preparation
A. The reception of food 5. Apples and other fruits
value should be as pared as
1. Preservation of vitamin their as posable.
C- unnecessary explosure B. Prevention of darkening
of the fruit to air should of cut surfaces
be avoided 1. Bananas, apples, peaches
2. If the fruit is to be served and pears should be
row- it should be prepared immediately
prepared mostly before it 2. Good size for particular
is to be used or held in kind
the refrigerator. 3. Free from blemishes.
3. When fruit is cooked- it 4. Not under ripe
should be done in the 5. No signs of over
shortest time rippeness such as mold,
4. When a canned of fruit softness or delay.
has been opened- store it
in a tightly covered
container in the
Ways To Use And Observe
• Fruits are part of well and minerals, fiber and
balanced and healthy other subastances that are
eating plan there are important for good health.
many different ways to
lose or maintain a
healthy weight helping
control your weight is
not only the benefit of
eating more fruits and
vegetables. Diets rich in
fruits may reduce the
risk of some types of
cancer and other chromic
diseases. Fruits also
provide essential
Effects of Cooking on The shape of
• Cooking induce many chemical and
physical modifications in foods. Among
these the phytochemical content can
change many authors have studied
variation in fruits nutrients offer among,
and great variability in the data has been
voported. In this review none than 100
articles from indexed scientific journals
were considered in order to different
phytochemical classes.

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