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Faculty of Foreign Languages


Chapter 1
Written Communication
Presented by Nguyễn Thị Nhất Phương
6/16/2019 000019- Chapter 1 1
Why is written communication

Official record of the message

Taken more seriously
Sent to many people at once
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Why is written communication
- Tests
- Papers
- Notes
- Reports
- E-mails to teachers
- Letters to faculty
- Etc.
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Why is written communication
- E-mails
- Memos
- Business letters
- Reports
- Company presentation slides
- Résumé
- Application letters
- Etc.
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Why is written communication

- Journals
- Research papers
- Questionnaires
- Etc.

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Why is written communication
In personal life:
- E-mails
- Text messages
- Shopping/To-do lists
- Notes
- Letters
- Etc.
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Benefits of EFFECTIVE written
communication skills
• Better grades in school
• Higher confidence to do academic research
• Greater opportunities to land a good job
• Higher ability to express/support/…your ideas in life
• Etc.
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Task: You can’t attend the class. Write a letter to your
teacher asking for his/her permission.

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• Dissertation Proposal
• Personal statement

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• Dissertation Proposal

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1.1. Basic Principles Of Effective Written Communication

1.2. Ways to Improve Written Communication
1.3. Giving and Receiving Good Instructions
1.4. Communicating at Your Own Organizational Levels

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Written communication skills can be learned and
developed. ([1]: 22)

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1.1. Basic Principles of Effective
Written Communication

17 basic principles [Krotov, V (2016)]:

1) Write coherent sentences
2) Write coherent paragraphs
3) Use short sentences
4) Be specific
5) Omit redundant words
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1.1. Basic Principles of Effective
Written Communication

6) Keep it simple
7) Use active voice
8) Avoid jargon, idioms, acronyms, and cultural references
9) Structure the writing
10) Put important things first

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1.1. Basic Principles of Effective
Written Communication
11) Avoid strong claim and hype
12) Be factual
13) Pay attention to spelling
14) Pay attention to grammar
15) Use proper punctuation
16) Use text formatting to aid understanding
17) Use tables and figures to aid understanding
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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication
Successful written communication requires
careful thought and clear planning

THREE important stages:

Planning Writing Editing

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
(a) Consider AUDIENCE
Planning (b) Determine PURPOSE
(c) Give DETAILS

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
(a) Consider AUDIENCE
Planning - Who is your reader?
- How will he/she feel about your

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
Determine PURPOSE
Planning - What is the reason for writing?
- What you want your reader to

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
Planning - Collect INFORMATION
- Think way to organize and present

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
Writing (a) ORGANIZE details
(b) IMPROVE writing
(c) Improve STYLE

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
Writing (a) ORGANIZE details
- Beginning
- Middle
- Ending

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
Writing (b) IMPROVE writing

Ask Qs:
- Ideas: main point clear? Details accurate, complete?
- Organization: each paragraph develop 1 main idea?
- Voice: polite, respectful tone?

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
Writing (c) Improve STYLE
Ask Qs:
- word choice: clear, natural words?
- sentence fluency: smooth-flowing

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
Editing - Check for conventions: errors in
pronunciation, mechanics, grammar?
- Prepare a final copy

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
Written document should have:

Efficiency Equity Effectiveness

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1.2. Ways to Improve
Written Communication?
FOUR common errors:
• Confusing language
• Verbosity
• Poor sentence structure

• Information Overload 30
1.3. Giving and receiving
good instructions
What must effective communicators consider?

Purpose Occasion Audience

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Read materials in advance
[1]: p.320 – 337
[2]: p. 10-11
[4]: p. 66-86
[5]: p. 97-108

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