Objectoriented Testing

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To ensure about the software product software

testing is a testing fundamental which is an

essential thing that further gives software quality
and fulfills the requirements of the customer.
Definition: testing is the process of finding the
difference between the expected behavior
specified by the system models and the observed
behavior of the implemented system.
benefits:1. high quality software products.
2.Satisfaction of the customer.
3.Lower maintenance rate.
4.Accurate and reliable result.
Different kinds of non conformance
Error:it is difference between the measured value
and specified value.
Types of error:
1.Syntax error:if we use improper code for writing
programming language then syntax error occurs.
2.Logical error:if there is mistake in logic then this
kind of error occurs.
3.Run time error:this kind of error generates after
the execution of the program that means at the
time of the program is in running mode.
Test case design for object oriented software
1.Test case is a suit of probable input and outputs that are tested
on particular components with the purpose of detecting
2.Test cases reviewed for correctness early in the project.
Attributes of test cases

Arrtibutes Description
name Name of test case
Location Full path name of executable
Input Input data or commands
Oracle Expected test result
log Output produced by the test
Report Summary of test result
Test case design stages:
1.Identify test resources.
2.Identify conditions to be tested.
3.Rank test conditions.
4.Select conditions for testing.
5.Determine correct result of processing.
6.Create test cases.
7.Document test conditions.
Types of testing
1.Black box testing
i.It is also called behavioral testing or functional testing.
ii.Black box testing involves only the fundamental testing of the components for
certain input values it doesn’t involve code testing.
2.White box testing
i.It is also called as glass box testing or structural testing
ii.White box testing involves the complete knowledge of internal structure of
source code
iii.It is error based testing.
3 usability testing
i.This is one of the user acceptance tests.
ii.This test works as bridge between the user requirements and developed system.
iii.This test is not only concern about after coding stage it should begin in the early
stages of software product development.
Types of usability tests:
Scenario test,prototype test,product test.
Unit testing:
i.Unit testing cannot be concern with the whole system together.
It focuses on the building blocks of the system one by one.it finds
faults in the subsystem.
Class testing:
i.Class testing is same as module testing.
In class testing each separate class with its instance is tested.
It also test all types of methods encapsulated in each class –
private public ,methods.
iii.Class testing is the first level of integration testing which test
the individual classes .
iv.In class testing all methods are tested.
Integration testing:
In integration testing multiple modules tests together .
Types of integration testing
1.big-bang testing:
i.In big bang testing all smallest component in the product are
tested individually then that are combine together and tests
the combinational work of the system.
ii.Top down testing
Component which are at the top layer are tested first and
then it is integrated with just below components and then
tested it and so on.
A top down approach is about breaking down of a system
into its compositional sub system. each subsystem is tested in
greater detail until the entire system is reduced to base unit.
Bottom up approach :
This is exactly opposite of the top down testing since the
component at the bottom level is tested first. afterwards the
lower level components are integrated with the above
components and then combine testing is done. this
integration goes on for many levels until a complete top level
system is formed and testing is done.
Sandwich testing :
This is combination test of top down and bottom up testing
If two units are supposed to interact with each other ,and
only one unit has been developed then a template of the
other unit can be developed just to test the interactions.
This template is called stub.
Acceptance testing:
i. Acceptance testing access whether the software is built as per the
expectation of customer.
ii. This test includes functional
requirements,transportability,compatibility,error recovery and
Types of acceptance testing:
1.Configuration review :according to this review ,we ensure the
software configuration.
2.Alpha testing: this test is done at developer side in consideration of
the user requirements .environmental parameters are also
considered in this testing.
ii.alpha testing is done when development is near to completion so
as to find if any minor design changes are still required to be made .
iii.customer uses the software at developers site and give their
feedback to the developers so as to make further changes if
3.Beta testing:
i.This testing is done at the customer side in live environment ,so it is
also called as live testing.
The developer is not present in beta testing.
The end user document all error that he comes across during beta
testing and submits the reports to the developer at regular
intervals individual according to which the software the software
engineers make modification and then start preparing for the
release of the software product.
4.User satisfaction:
This is one of the user acceptance kind of test .in this test it is checked
that user satisfies with measurable parameters or not such as
cost,product functionality etc.

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