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 How to Reduce Diaphragm Effects:

1. Use Larger Diaphragms

2. Use Roll-Out Diaphragm to keep the effective
Diaphragm Area Constant.
Spring Effects : -
In a self operated regulator spring is used as a loading
force. Let us see the behavior of a spring having spring
constant (K) = 5 lbs

Initial Diaphragm Area = 10 in2

The Spring is Compressed to = 2 in2
Force Produced = 10 lbs if the diaphragm did not move downwards
Let us assume the diaphragm moves 0.2 in (Valve travel) for full open condition
In this condition the spring has not compressed to 2 inches, but in fact it has
compressed 0.2 inches lesser
The less force exerted by the spring = 0.2 × 5 lbs/inch = 1 lbs
Fu = Fd
Fd = K × Compression = 5 × (2 – 0.2) = 9 lbs
Fu = Ad × P
9 = 12 × P
or P = 0.75 which is less than the pressure due to diaphragm
effect alone
Body Effect: Effect of turbulence between diaphragm and
point of measurement on D/S pressure.

} Diaphragm Effects
Out let Pressure

} Spring Effects
} Body Effects

Rate of Flow
Inlet Pressure Effects: The inlet pressure acts on the front side
of the regulator seat, whereas outlet pressure acts on its back.
The force due to differential pressure acts in the direction of the
force exerted by the diaphragm i.e. this force should be added to
the upward force., which means that as the inlet pressure will
increase from the initial conditions.
Example: -
Area of Seat = As = 1 in2
Inlet Pressure = 10 psig
Outlet Pressure = 1 psig
Fu = Fd
(Upward Force) = (Downward Force)
Force on Seat + Force on Diaphragm = Force of Weight /
As (Pi – Po) + Ad × Po = Force of Weight / Spring
1 (10 – 1) + 10 × 1 = 19 = Force of Spring or Weight
Now if the inlet pressure is increased to 11 psig what happens
to the outlet pressure
Fu = Fd
1 (11 – Po) + 10 (Po) = 19
Po = 8 / 9 = 0.89
This means that outlet pressure decreases with an increase of
inlet pressure by 1 psig. This is the reason that :
 Appliances regulator have narrow inlet pressure limits and
have relatively larger diaphragm areas in comparison to the
seat area.
 High pressure regulators such as our domestic regulators
have smaller orifice sizes
 High pressure large capacity regulators imposes limits on
inlet pressure with respect to the orifice size to be used.

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