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 1: Basic concepts and

opportunities in producing major
lowland and semi-temperate
vegetable crops
Answer the following questions
 1. What is a vegetable?
Possible answers
 a. A vegetable is a plant or part of a
plant used as food, typically as an
accompaniment to meat or fish, such as
cabbages, potatoes, carrots, or beans.
 b. In culinary terms, a vegetable is an
edible plant or its part that is intended
for cooking or eating raw.
 c. In biological terms, "vegetable"
designates members of the plant
2. Give five importance of vegetables.
Possible answers
 a. It is one of the most important
sources of food.
 b. It provides much of the family‟s food
 c. It provides an additional source of
income for the family
 d. It serves as a good source of food nutrients
needed by human body.
 e. It provides healthy outdoor exercises for
the gardener.
 f. It provides an opportunity to learn a
profitable hobby or an avocation as gardening,
farming, food processing, farm management,
or any other activity as an outcome of areas
related to school gardening.
 g. It helps in the prevention of air pollution
 . h. It beautifies the premises of the school and
the home.
 3. Cite situations from the lesson that
there is a future waiting in the production
of vegetables.
Possible answers:
 a. The Philippines is endowed with a
favorable climate and hectares of fertile
soils for the production of vegetables all
year round.
 b. Vegetables grown in the Philippines
have export opportunities.
 . Enumerate some problems in the
production of vegetables in the
Philippines. Possible answers
 a. Erratic supply and low quality of produce
 b. Poor farm to market roads
 c. Inadequate storage and facilities
 d. Limited access to reliable market
 e. Lack of entrepreneurial skills among
 f. Cooperatives obstruct the industry‟s
potential in the world market
Activity 1
 Teacher says: Divide the class into four
groups and appoint a rapporteur in each
group to take down notes.
 Discuss among yourselves and agree
on how you are going to present your
 Draw lots and talk about the topic you
 Group 1 – What are vegetables?
 Group 2 – Why grow vegetables?
 Note: Present your output to class in any
manner you feel best.
 You are given 3 minutes for
 Other suggested activities:
 1. Show pictures of different vegetables
grown in the lowlands and highlands
and let the students react on what they
have seen.
 2. Why grow vegetables?
 /Ask students why vegetables should be
Activity 2
 Let the students perform the following
formative assessment/activities.
 1. To develop the knowledge and skills you
learned in your Basic Computer subjects,
research on the vegetables commonly
grown in your locality or the vegetables
commonly sold in the market and find out
their nutrient value.
 2. Compare your work with your
classmates to learn more from each other.
3. Submit your output to your teacher.

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