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Narogong Root Cause Analysis – July 2011

1. Kiln Stop due to 444-FN1 vibration
(Stop date 11.06.2012 04:28:00 , Total Duration 4.03 hrs)
 Symptom
- The latest water blasting at 5 April, the ILC IDF vibration was relatively low (max 4.6 mm/s at free side)
with good kiln availability.
- Coating formation was detected start on 29th April 2012 by vibration level increase from 2.6 mm/s to 7.8
mm/s and to prevent stop ID Fan speed was reducing from 96% to 93% then vibration become
- At 4th June ILC ID Fan indicated at 7.3 mm/s with speed 95% then Fan speed continuously decrease
until 88 % but vibration still increase, then Kiln stopped interlock at 11th June 2012

 Root Cause
- ILC ID Fan vibration due to uneven coating on ID fan impeller
 Action
- Clean up impeller by water blasting (PIC : Safrin) DONE
- Proposing auto balancer at 444-FN1 (PIC : M. Dahlan) CAPEX 2013

Holcim Indonesia Manufacturing Directorate Report.ppt

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