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1. Merry Apriliana 21116060

2. Jonandi Hirwanto 211160
3. Eric Refarendi 211160
 Toothache is a condition when there is pain in or
around the teeth and jaw.
Sign and Symptoms
Sign Symptoms
 Sharp throbbing or constant  Pain lasting more than one or
pain or pain occurs when you two days
hit the teeth  Fever
 Swelling around the teeth  Severe and unbearable pain
 Fever or headache  Swelling and discharge of
 The rotten fluid from the odor
infected tooth  Earache or pain when
opening the mounth
 If the doctor finds the cause of a toothache, such as a
hole, the proper treatment is to patch a hole or pull a
Treathment at home
 Gargle with warm water
 Apply clove oil
 Place cold compress outside the cheek
 Quit smoking
 Use toothpaste containing fluroide

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