Isni Lailatul Maghfiroh., M.Kep

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Isni Lailatul Maghfiroh., M.

Peradangan pada jaringan pembungkus otak
(selaput meningen)

Penyebab :
Bakteri, Virus, atau Jamur

 Infeksi saluran nafas atas

 Invasi ke dalam aliran darah (bakteremia)
 Cidera kepala  cidera meningen
 Kanker & penyakit autoimun (SLE)
Mikroorganisme Penyebab
 Pneumococcal, Streptococcus pneumoniae (38%)

 Meningococcal, Neisseria meningitidis (14%)

 Haemophilus influenzae (4%)

 Staphylococcal, Staphylococcus aureus (5%)

 Tuberculous, Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Istilah yang sering dijumpai pada meningitis
adalah :
 Meningitis Bacterial
 Meningitis Virus
 Meningitis Aseptik
 Septekemia
Meningitis Bakterial
 Potentially life threatening disease.
 Can affect all age groups but some are at higher
 Treatment available : antibiotics as per causative
 Humans are the reservoir .
 Pneumococcal meningitis is the most common
Meningitis Virus
 Etiological Agents
Enteroviruses (Coxsackie's and echovirus) most common.
 Reservoirs
‐ Humans for Enteroviruses, Adenovirus, Measles, Herpes
Simplex, and Varicella
‐ Natural reservoir for arbovirus birds, rodents etc.
 Modes of transmission
Primarily person to person and arthopod vectors for
 Incubation Period
Variable. For enteroviruses 3-6 days, for arboviruses 2-15 days
 Treatment
‐ No specific treatment available.
‐ Most patients recover completely on their own
Meningitis Aseptik
 Definition
A syndrome characterized by acute onset of meningeal
symptoms, fever, and cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis,
with bacteriologically sterile cultures.
 Laboratory criteria for diagnosis
‐ CSF showing ≥ 5 WBC/cu mm
‐ No evidence of bacterial or fungal meningitis.
 Confirmed
A clinically compatible illness diagnosed by a physician
as aseptic meningitis, with no laboratory evidence of
bacterial or fungal meningitis
 Aseptic meningitis is a syndrome of multiple etiologies,
but most cases are caused by a viral agent
 Meningitis - bacteria enter the blood stream and travel to
the meninges and cause inflammation.
 Septicaemia - when bacteria are present in the blood
stream they can multiply rapidly and release toxins that
poison the blood. (The rash associated with meningitis is
due to septicaemia.)
 Meningitis and septicaemia often occur together.
 Meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia may not
always be easy to detect (can be similar to flu)
 It is important to remember that symptoms do not
appear in any particular order and some may not appear
at all
 Septic shock - DIC
 Cerebral oedema
 Seizures
 Arteritis/venous thrombosis
 Subdural effusions
 Hydrocephalus
 Brain abscess & damage
 Deafness
 Pemeriksaan fisik
 Pemeriksaan darah
 Pemeriksaan CSS
 Kultur darah / CSS
 Counter Immuno Electrophoresis (CIE) 
Deteksi antigen bakteri pada cairan tubuh
Penaatalaksanaan Umum
 Antimikroba segera
Ex : penisilin, ampisilin, kloramfenikol, atau
satu jenis sefalosporin
 Rehidrasi cairan IV
 Kontrol kejang dg anti-kejang (Ex: Diazepam,
 Mengurangi edema serebri dg diuretik
osmotik (Ex : manitol)
Masalah keperawatan
 Hipertermia
 Nyeri akut
 Resiko gangguan perfusi serebral
 Mual
 Nutrisi kurang dari kebutuhan
 Resiko cidera
Intervensi Keperawatan
 Pengkajian tanda vital dan GCS secara intens
 Pemberian O₂ tambahan
 Pemantauan O₂ perifer dan arteri
 Pemantauan tekanan arteri  waspada syok
 Catat : vasokonstriksi, sianosis menyebar, ekstrimitas
 Penggantian cairan IV  perhatikan resiko edema
 Peningkatan kenyamanan  kebersihan mulut & kulit
 Penatalaksanaan kejang atau saat penurunan

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