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 The project focuses on the use of blockchain and distributed ledger
technology for government services and digital identity in relation
to those. The essential features are that a blockchain has no central
data controller or storage and that it is an append-only immutable
record store with reliable timestamping, thus can be used to help
the refugee identity crisis by authenticating and storing their digital
id on blockchain platform.
 The emergence of blockchain technology offers significant opportunities for the
provision of decentralised services in a trustless or low trust setting, with
decentralisation, in particular, being relevant for cross-border
applications. Blockchain serves as a bookkeeping platform or ledger that is
incorruptible, enforces transparency, and bypasses censorship[1][4].
 The project tackles with issues of financial, political and institutional corruption. It has
the potential to create massive social change and greatly protect the human rights
of every individual.
I. The API is used to make the first request in terms of validating the wallet address.
Each validation of the wallet address can be used just once to register a digital
identity, and must be validated again to register a second one.
II. To validate the wallet address sent in the first request, you'll need to create a
signature from the message returned in the API.
III. The access will be granted for 5 mins or for just one registration and within that
time the data of digital identity will be added to it the Blockchain by providing
the unique ID proof number [3].
IV. Anyone can see all the data of the digital identities registered to a specific
wallet address by providing address as a parameter.
 JavaScript for coding in Blockchains.
 The Database is implemented using LevelDB (Google).

 The project will give transparency and

authenticity of the identity data of refugees
seeking asylum in the western countries.
 The free movement of people across the EU(the
hub of refugee crisis) brings with it the need for
citizens to interact with and use government
services outside their countries of origin, in many
or all of the contexts in which those services are
accessed by citizens of the host country. Asset
registries, currency, healthcare, voting, taxation
and education are not only needed within a
country but also, more specifically, between
countries, to account for the (common) situation
in which an individual needs to access services
across borders.
 We have created a private blockchain using Javascript, its various
frameworks and libraries like npm, crypto-js, express, level, body-
parser etc. The database storage is implemented using LevelDB. We
have also created a server on localhost and an Express API with
several endpoints which adds a block to the blockchain using POST
request and returns a block, full chain when certain GET requests are
made. Next, we have to add the validation process to gain access
to chain using wallet address and a timeout feature.
1) Request for Validation - User
sends a POST request at
“/requestValidation” route with their
wallet address and gets response
with message in it.
2) Generating Message Signature ¬– After this, User
creates a signature from the message in previous
response with their address in their wallet
3) Message signature validation – User sends the
message signature and wallet address through a
POST request to “/message-signature/validate”
route. If the signature is valid after verification then
user is granted the access for 5 minutes to add data
on blockchain.
4) Adding Block on Blockchain – Users sends POST
request to “/block” route with the unique ID number
as parameter.
5) Search Using Wallet Address – If a user wishes to see data of all the blocks
registered to a particular wallet address, they can send a GET request to the route
“/id/address:WALLET_ADDRESS” and all the blocks are returned in response.
6) Search using Block hash - If a user wishes to see data of a block by
using its hash, then the user can send a GET request to the route
“/id/hash:BLOCK_HASH” and the block is returned in response.
7) Search using Block
height - If a user
wishes to see data of
a block by using its
height in the
blockchain, then the
user can send a GET
request to the route
HT” and the block is
returned in response.

 In future, we will try to integrate third party applications

like Digilocker with this blockchain platform to verify/add
data of different IDs and to implement mobile app
viewing of the digital identity documents and implement
a scan feature using IOT and hardware.

1. Febin John James, “3 Popular Types Of Blockchains You Need To Know” from
7a5b98ee5 45a” (2018)
2. Satoshi Nakamoto, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” from
“https:///”, 2008
3. “Chain | Enterprise Blockchain Infrastructure.” Chain | Enterprise Blockchain
Infrastructure. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2016.
4. Government services and digital identity, Dr Allan Third, Dr Kevin Quick, Mrs
Michelle Bachler and Prof John Domingue Knowledge Media Institute of the
Open University

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