Overcoming Challenges in Managing Diversity

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1. Educate:
I. At grass-root level in textbooks and schools to address problem in formative years
II. Effect will seep from bottom to top through role plays, trainings & Seminars
III. Ad Campaigns focusing on Inclusion
a. Detergent – Boys using Washing Machine
b. Boys should learn cooking and housekeeping to help wives later

2. Recruitment & Hiring Process:

I. Remove Unconscious Bias ( John VS Female ratio)
II. Brand Image ( Top Recruiters for XYZ List , Apple Ad – OPEN culture)
III. Advertising (Heineken Beer Vs Pepsi)
IV. Recruitment
a. Looking beyond traditional talent pool ( Reality TV Contestants)
b. Reword Job Descriptions ( Master, Young, Male, Local etc) eg. FB Lawsuit
c. Change in CV format ( Age, Gender, Religion, Marital Status, No. of Children, Sexual
Orientation, Medical History, History of Medication etc) eg. US navy recruitment
d. Change in Interview/Selection Process ( Blind Auditions ( 25-46% more women
selected), Inappropriate Questions, Assign Challenges ( 60% inc in applicants, 125%
more women selected)
IV. Inclusive Infrastructure ( Prega News Ad)
V. Criterion of Evaluation in Performance Appraisal ( EnY , Sodexo)
VI. Diversity Audit
VII. Grievance Redressal
VIII. Top Management Commitment

3. Diversity and Sensitivity Training:

I. Not to focus on outward characteristics
II. Create Awareness ( Internal Vs External Diversity statistics)
III. Cultural Etiquettes Training
IV. Diversity Neutral Language – Eg. NASA, He – Managers, She – Secretaries, Don’t cry
like a women, etc)
V. Appreciate and Understand rather than feel threatened
VI. Example – Divide into groups of elder/younger/middle sibling or Sunsigns
Industry Examples :
 DuPont Sponsored All expense paid African American Conf to discuss problems faced by
 AT&T Conducts Seminars for increasing acceptability of Gays by others and enhance
4. Mentoring opportunities:
I. Provide mentors who are not like them ( Male-female, Young-Old)
II. This can break preconceived notions and increase bonding's and it will help
understand other’s perspective
III. This will also help them feel supported, build confidence and encourage them to
move up the career ladder
IV. Alternate to this can be DEVELOPMENT NETWORKS ( eg. Coguide/Supervisor)
V. Male-Female pairing can have harassment issues later so appropriate freedom can be
given to change mentor if uncomfortable

5. Build relationships at work:

I. Aim to create cross-functional teams focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses
II. Consider doing DIVERSITY PARTNERSHIPS with firms having similar aim. Don’t reinvent
the wheel
III. Offer paid time off for knowing each other and initiatives attracting minorities – e.g.
GOOGLE Core Diversity Program
IV. Adapt family friendly policies
Example Johnson & Johnson ( paid time off to volunteer, phased retirement, child care
discount, day care, resources and referrals for parenting and grand parenting)
Mac D – focused effort to purchase from Minorities. 50% vendors are Minority groups.
v. Best Companies for Blacks – Mariott Int, AT&T, Sodexo, MacD, Verizon Comm etc
6. Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s)
I. GOOGLE – Conversations about issues/events and solutions to problems. Groups like
( Greyglers, Gayglers, Flipino, Hispanic, Indus Googlers, Black Googler Network etc)
II. Feel a sense of belongingness and gain confidence.
III. Unity in Diversity

7. Perceived Organization Support ( POS)

I. Employees should feel that they are being supported in every way by the organization
to work better without fear of discrimination
II. Inclusion Vs Diversity Vs Affirmative Action ( Tokenism/White Male Bashing) eg.
Whirlpool Bonus to all
III. Example – Rent-a-minority service
IV. US Supreme Court – 40+ need not prove intention of discrimination but only that it
happened and that there was a disparate negative impact on them
V. Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Elder care leave, Meternity leave, Parental leave,
Family Leave, Sabbatical, Study leave etc
8. Breaking Stereotypes:
I. Disability related stereotypes - Liability not asset, more absenteeism etc
II. Costly to accommodate elderly and disabled ( eg. BMW)
III. Muslims are hostile
IV. Punjabis are rude and Loud
Pizza Hut – Turnover rate 20% Vs 200%
Mariott Int Hotel – 8% Vs 105 %
Spain banned child bonus to protect culture degradation
Switzerland banned construction of Minarets
Hidden Figures Movie (Oscar Nominated)


Heineken Beer Ad - Worlds Apart


TED talk

Google's steps in creating diversity


BMW Chages in Production


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