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The variation in

human conditions
promotes diversity
and plurality
in cultural traditions.
This could lead to
discrimination and
- is a perspective
that promotes an individual’s
culture as the most efficient and
superior; hence, the individual
who exhibits ethnocentrism feels
that his or her culture is the
most appropriate as compared
with other cultures.
This may also manifest in a
belief that one’s set of
moral codes is better than
those of others, such that
one’s religion is accepted as
a truer form of belief
This perspective evaluates a
particular culture based on
the observer’s understanding
of the other, which is often
problematic, given the bias of
the observer due to his or her
own culture’s preconditioning.
Using this perspective as a
lens in understanding society
is problematic on the basis
that each culture is
efficient and appropriate
for the environment where it
finds its practice.
Forcing the Maasais to wear
fur-based clothing that
Eskimos typically wear would
be inappropriate due to the
difference in the
environments where these
two groups came from.
When faced in the plurality
of culture, you may adapt the
conceptual tool of cultural
relativism, which promotes
the perspective that cultures
must be understood in the
context of their locality.

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