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Supervised by:
Dr. Lubna Sunawar
Thesis Defence By:
Jaweriya Nasim
• Asia pacific region:
 Political and strategic significance at global level
 Multilateral engagement among the major regional powers
 A battle ground for great power rivalries i.e. China and India, struggling for greater
leadership role

• China’s rise - peaceful or a conflict prone process?

• Analysts believe – China want to dominate regional power through maintaining
• India and China- Not enjoying good relations from beginning, involved in great game of
engagement and containment
• China growing regional role - Insecurity of regional states, taking India as an option
to act as regional power balancer
• India is also concerned - Developed Act East Policy in 1990s
• Aim: external balancing against Chinese threat by developing deeper ties with states
• Previously Look East, transformed to Act East under Narendra Modi
• Aim shifted to defense - acting as a security provider against Chinese aggression
• Both states are dependent on each other’s economies
• Therefore, India is avoiding the perception of containing China or any overt rivalry
• Instead, adopting a hedging strategy - engagements and cooperation mechanisms
with China.
• But also, balancing Chinese regional supremacy – weakening it internally

The possibility of India to maintain its influence against China in the Asia Pacific
region has somewhat decreased because of its Act East Policy.

• What are the outstanding issues between India and China in the Asia Pacific region and
what are the significant measures which have been taken by the Indian government?
• What policies and patterns are included in India’s Asia Pacific Strategy and how are they
affecting China’s position in the region?
• Can India actually compete with China in the region by simply considered it as an
ambitious or pragmatic step?
• What specifically should be done from the Chinese side/Indian side to further strengthen
its position by avoiding the threats being posed to its security?

The aims of this research are as follows:

 To analyze India’s actual potential regarding its intentions of competing or countering

 To examine the real nature of the Act East Policy in terms of being an ambitious or
pragmatic step.
 To understand the concept of soft power and its application on India and China
relations .

The evolving relations of India and China have been entering into a new phase in post 9/11
world. From regional perspective, India and China relations are shaping the whole
regional context in particular and rest of the world in general and this is going to
determine the direction of look east policy in the long run.
Defensive Realism

• Introduced by Kenneth Waltz

• Anarchical structure of the international system responsible for state’s behavior
• Each state ensure their survival through the principle of Self help
• States opt for power – creates security dilemma for others, compels them to gain power
• Defensive realist claims - states go for power not for hegemonic reasons but to
maximize their security
• This research is analyzed under the three basic elements of power, security and wealth

• Evident in the case of China and India in Asia Pacific region

• China enhanced regional power creates security dilemma for regional states mainly India
• Thus, Look and Act East Strategy was initiated for ensuring India’s survival through:
 Limiting Chinese regional influence by developing multifaceted partnerships - external
 Emerging as a major player in the balance of power game against China

• Qualitative and analytical research

• Both primary and secondary sources of data will be used
• Primary sources include:
 Available government data in the form of their official reports
 Documents and publications from the official websites
 Online available interviews of research scholars

• Secondary sources include books, articles from journals, newspapers and magazine.

• Literature was mainly consulted on China and India separately, their relations,
China’s rise, Act East Policy and Asia Pacific region

• Data mostly collected from books including China India relations: Contemporary
Dynamics by Amardeep Athwal, Rising India in the changing Asia pacific: strategies
and challenges by Vibhanshu Shekhar, India Looks East: An Emerging Power and its
Asia-Pacific Neighbours by Sandy Gordon

• Some famous articles like India’s “Look-east Policy”-how Successful has it been?,
India and China: Regional Competitors towards a Cooperative Relationship and
Exploration or Implementation?:The Current State of India’s ‘Look East’ Policy.

• Strategy has given India a room to evolve regional security architecture

• State has also engaged itself economically and militarily with region
• But still India is not in a position to counter China though it is competing with it
• Both states don’t want a direct rivalry– aware of the outcomes.
• India does not have enough military capabilities or hard power to balance China
• But trying to strengthen itself by developing military and defense ties with the
regional states.

• Research has been done regarding China and India’s intentions to counter each
other with the use of hard power i.e. use of military against each other.
• However, my contribution to the research indicates that India is competing with China
by the using of soft power under its Act East Policy.

• Modi mind game:

 Engaging China through increased cooperation
 Competing through soft power means

• India has adopted soft power for its defensive purposes

• In defensive realism states can avoid war and engage in cooperation
• As both states are dependent on each other, thus avoiding any war
• Pursing a hedging strategy-engagement, cooperation and economic interdependence with
• Suppressing Chinese power by using indirect approach to competition i.e.
 Creating interdependence with states leading to non interdependence of China with

• Pragmatic approach of India through engaging China and competing through soft power
• Hard power is never been a good idea
• Objectives can be fulfilled more easily through the use of soft power.
• Thus, policy is not a failed one
• Increased India’s possibility to compete with China by countering its belligerent designs
• Creates a win-win situation for the state in terms of
 Developing ties with the regional states,
 Holding a stand against China and
 Having an immense support and encouragement from US and the regional states.

• Act East Policy facing issues because of China’s aggressive posture

• China’s speedy growth has posed a direct geopolitical threat to India
• India has planning to counter China in the region but still not having considerable power
• Efforts of both the states to increase their supremacy and influence in the regional waters
may lead to an open rivalry in the future.
• Such a situation created a security dilemma for India - a hurdle in the proper
implementation of its Act East Policy.
• India needs a further well structured strategy

• Diplomacy and soft power should be encouraged between India and China
• Planning Commission of India and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) should work together
to ensure the effective formulation and implementation of the policy
• Positive efforts should be made to present India’s image as a benign, security provider
and rising regional and naval power.
• India should avoid to involve China in any conflict directly., should use tactical measures
• India to play a role of an active regional player rather than a passive one
• China should increase its engagements with regional states
• China and India should strive for a conflict-free security order in the regional waters
• The Chinese policy makers adopt flexible approach towards the India - enhance state’s
regional status as a non-violent great power.

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