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Victor Pakpahan, MT., MOS., MCP., MTCNA.

Agenda Pembahasan
Pertemuan 11

Data Diskusi
Management and Tanya Jawab
Capaian Pembelajaran

Describe the components of an organization’s data

and knowledge

Describe database foundation

Describe database management system

Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
The IT Infrastructure Ecosystem

There are seven major

components that must
be coordinated to
provide the firm with a
coherent IT
infrastructure. Listed
here are major
technologies and
suppliers for each
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Database Foundation

 Card catalogs
 File cabinets
 Create
 Store
 Organize
 Retrieve data
 Example: Microsoft
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage

• Database
• Collection of related data
organized in a way to
facilitate searches
• Entities
• Something you collect data
• Examples: people, books
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage

• Contains data about

a single entity
• Similar to catalog card
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage

• Specific characteristic
describing the entities
• Examples: name and social
security number are attributes
of a person
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Example : Entity Student

• Entity represented as a table, with rows as records and

columns as attributes
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Advantages of the Database Approach

1. Program-data independence
2. Minimal data redundancy
3. Improved data consistency
4. Improved data sharing
5. Increased productivity of application development
6. Enforcement of standards
7. Improved security
8. Improved data quality
9. Improved data accessibility
10. Reduced program maintenance
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Cost and Risks of the Database Approach

1. New, specialized personnel

2. Installation and management cost and complexity
3. Conversion costs
4. Need for explicit backup and recovery
5. Organizational conflict
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Effective Management of Databases

• Two components
• Data
• Structure of data
• Captured in a data model
• Entity-relationship diagram
• Data dictionary
• Specifies data types and other information about
• Used to enforce business rules
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Effective Management of Databases

• Database Administrator (DBA)

• Responsible for development and management of databases
• Works with system analysts and programmers
• Works with users and managers
• Implements security features
• Grants access rights
• One of the key actors in creating a successful database
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Entering Data

• Forms
• Enter data about a record
• Field in a form corresponds to attribute in a record
• Used to add, modify, or delete data
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Querying Data

• Query: Used to retrieve information

• Structured Query Language (SQL)
• Example: Display students who earned an “A”

• Writing SQL queries can become very complex

Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Query by Example

• Simpler than
• Drag-and- drop
• Construct a
sample of the
data we would
like to see
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Creating Database Reports

• Report
• Compilation of data from the database
• Report generators
• Retrieve, manipulate, and display data
• Example
• Quarterly sales for
a restaurant
• Adding
• Grouping
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
How Organizations
Get the most from their data

• Online transaction processing (OLTP)

• Immediate automated responses to user requests
• Designed to handle multiple concurrent transactions
• Speed of transaction processing is important
• Linking Web site applications to databases
• Information provided is dynamic and customized, rather than static
• Tweaking of database to get optimal performance
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Merging Transaction and Analytical Processing

 Requirements for transactional and analytical systems are

 Transactions replicated on separate database for analysis
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Extraction, Transformation and Loading

 Processes used to consolidate data from different systems

for analysis
 Involves data cleansing
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Data Warehouses and Data Marts

• Data Warehouse
• Integration of multiple large databases and other information sources
into a single repository
• Pull together, integrate, and share critical corporate data throughout the

• Data Mart
• Data warehouse that is limited in scope
• Customized for the decision support applications of a particular end-user
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Database : What

• Database
• is collection of related data and its metadata organized in a structured
• for optimized information management

• Database Management System (DBMS)

• is a software that enables easy creation, access, and modification of
• for efficient and effective database management

• Database System
• is an integrated system of hardware, software, people, procedures, and
• that define and regulate the collection, storage, management, and use of
data within a database environment
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Database Management System

- manages interaction between end users and database

Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management: Rob & Coronel

Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Database System Environment

 Hardware
 Software
- OS
- Applications
 People
 Procedures
 Data

Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management: Rob & Coronel

Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Database System vs File System

Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management: Rob & Coronel

Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Tugas 3

• Carilah penjelasan mengenai Consultans and System Integrators:

• Perusahaan konsultan terkemuka:
• Accenture,
• IBM Global Service,
• HP Enterprise Service,
• Infosys,
• Wipro Technology
• Software Integration
• Memastikan sistem perusahaan bekerja dengan Infrastruktur
• Tugas dibuat dalam bentuk makalah (.doc)
• Tugas disubmit ke:
• Batas akhir pengumpulan tugas:
29 Mei 2019, Pukul 23.55 WIB
Pertemuan 11
Data Management
and Storage
Tanya Jawab Diskusi & Tanya Jawab

Terima Kasih.

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