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A Case Study of Private Banks in T.R.N.C


Ugonna I. AGUTA

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasret BALCIOGLU
Table of Content
Literature Review
Recommendation and Conclusion
This research tried to gain an insight on human
resource management practices and its outcomes in
Turkish Republic of North Cyprus TRNC private sector
banks and also explores the human resource
management HRM practices on organizational
performance (private banks in TRNC)
Problem of the Study
 The study was focused on HRM practices and it
outcomes as well as the impact of HRM practices on
performance of private sector banks in North Cyprus
The research objectives are as follow
What are the outcomes of HRM practices
of banks in North Cyprus?

How do HRM practices impact on

employee retention, employee satisfaction
and employee commitment?

How do HRM practices impact on

performance of banks in North Cyprus?
Significance of the Study

 This study addresses this margin in the literature in

relation to banking industry in TRNC

 The research will attempt to provide solution to, what

are the HRM outcomes of the HRM practices of private
sector banks in TRNC?

 How do HRM practices impact employee satisfaction,

commitment and retention?
How do HRM practices impact on performance
of private sector banks in TRNC?

 what HRM practices are positively related to HR

outcome? and which of these HRM practices are
absolutely related with bank performance.

The findings of this research will be useful to

managers to study the success of HR practices
which are presently implemented by them.

The outcomes of this research can be used to

enhance the performance of private sector banks
in TRNC.
Literature Review
In order to present the theoretical and methodological
underlying principle for this research, this chapter
looks at the literature on
 HRM practices and their outcomes.
 The effect of HRM practices on organizational
 the link between HRM practices, their outcomes and
organizational performance.
Human Resource (HR) and Human Resource
Management (HRM)

 In these difficult business times, which has been

brought about by changes in global price
competitiveness, change in technology, changes in the
labor laws, and also the composition of the workforce
has become a challenge to utilize properly by
managers in other to have a competitive advantage.

I have tried to find out how Human resources help the

organization to attain its strategic plans.
Literature cont’
Human resource management is defined as a
strategic and a consistent manner to which an
organization manage its most valued human
assets which are individually and as a group
work together for the attainment of its goal.

HRM is a planned and coordinated approach

in which a company’s most valued assets are
being managed-these are the people who are
working in the organization, collectively or as
individuals to achieve its set goals. (Armstrong,
(2006: p 3))
Literature cont’
HRM involves developing of a person’s abilities
and attitudes in a way that allows the individual
to grow and make contributions to the interest of
the organization (Lee, Wu and Lee, (2010: 21, pp

The Strategic Human Resource Management

(SHRM) involves,

 A combination of a bundle of HRM practices

and policies that when put together bring about
superior employee performance.
Literature cont’
HRM practices are aimed at meeting two
set of goals : to improve the performance of
the workers and also improve the overall
organizational effectiveness. (Storey, (1995: p
The making and carrying out of HR
policies and practices.
It brings about employee competence and
the required behaviors needed by the
company to meet its strategic aims.
Literature Cont’
HRM operates through the use of the HR
system that integrates the following
HR philosophy,
 HR practices,
HR strategies,
HR policies,
 HR processes, and
HR programs
Aspects of Integration
The integration of HR policies and practices
for them to complement one another and to
aid the achievement of strategic goal.
Literature cont’
 Creation of the awareness of the
importance of HRM to the line managers

 To make the workers get in line with the

business in other to make them more
involved or show much interest in the


Job Satisfaction
Organizational Commitment
Job Satisfaction
The innermost sense of fulfillment a person get
and the joy they have knowing fully well that a
particular job is being accomplished

The attitude people show and the feeling they

have towards their work

A positive and a favorable behavior towards


Job satisfaction brings about a sense of

fulfillment and security to the employee
Job satisfaction cont’
Due to these facts, the commitment level of
employee will be increased, absenteeism will
reduce and the turnover rate will decrease

Work environment like union membership,

size of the workplaces and the effect of stable
and part–time jobs add to the job satisfaction
of the staff.

 Job satisfaction is also influenced by the

blend of job requirements with other roles
such as family roles
Organizational Commitment
Ability of an employee to identify with an

Showing a strong desire to continually be a

part of the organization

 Have a strong belief in and accept the goals

and the values of the organization

Display a readiness to put in a great amount

of effort on behalf of the organization
Organizational commitment cont’
Workers will be more creative if allowed to
exhibit and make decisions of their own.

 Management should encourage employees to

contribute and help them to attain satisfaction in
their job

Job commitment brings about upright and self

direction, less absenteeism, normal supervision
and a dedicated effort.

Commitment is related to loyalty and intension

to stay
A psychological driving force that tends to
compel an action or reinforce it towards an action.
It bring about minimization of physical pain,
increased pleasure and a basic impulse to optimize
well being
Well motivated workers will give more to the
Workers who are well motivated are more
productive at workplace.
When employees are motivated, they help the
organization to survive.
This is the most complex aspect of management
Human Resource Management Practices
Here are some of the HRM practices used in other
to make an impact in organizational performance.
Training and Development
Training is the systematic and planned
instruction activities that are used to promote

Development is the unfolding procedures

which allows employees to move from one level of
understanding and capability to an advanced
state whereby a higher level of skills, knowledge
and competences are required.
Training & dev cont’

Training and employee development form the

core components in most formation of HRM
Training increases the efficiency and the
effectiveness of both workers and the employer
Training and development should be related to
the employees area of job description.
Organization must only indulge its employees
on training activities which are going to
accomplish organizational objectives, , such as
more effective ways of production, improvement
of the quality of products and services, or the
reduction in the cost of operation
Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment Is the process of attracting
prospective employees and getting them to
apply for a job opportunity in the
organization i.e. hiring the right kind of
candidates on the right job.

Selection is the means where by individuals

are picked who have got the adequate
qualifications to fill an employment
opportunity in an organization.
Recruit and select cont’
Objectives of a Well Planned Recruitment
A good recruitment and selection strategy brings
about an improvement in the organizations
It the upgrades the quality and productivity of
the organization.
Recruitment of prospective employees with
the potentials and capabilities for growth.
The ability to recruit candidates with
qualifications that will bring about success.
Keeping the turnover rate at a minimum level.
Recruit and Select cont’
The removal of guesswork during the selection
process, and reduction of lost time because of
open position.
Specification of the competences and
behavioral characteristics required of employees.
 All manner of pay which is due to the
employee as an outcome of their employment.
Creation of strategies and policies to reward
people justly and equally.
Well compensated workers will perform
 All inclusive compensation package is
provided to attract, retain and motivate
It also helps to increase the level of
commitment of an employee to the
Performance Evaluation
Provides the organization with all employee
accurate information about their level of job
 Shows the efficiency and effectiveness of
each member staff.
It is useful to the employees for them to know
their strength and weaknesses.
To know the gap in knowledge between the
workers, their job functions and technology to
carry these duties out
Determine employee rewards used in HR
planning and recruitment and selection.
Promotional Practices
A Shift of position from a job position of higher
significance and compensation to a higher one.
More responsibility and grade level and an
improved compensation package.
Leads to higher organizational performance and
commitment of such an employee.
A way of rewarding exceptional performance
Filling of vacant positions in the company with
employees who are loyal and well tested.
The opportunities to opt career within an
Promoted employees feel more satisfied and
Research Methodology
•The research was carried out through a
quantitative survey method.
•Primary data was gotten by the use of a
structured questionnaire.
•. The form of these questions may be opened or
closed ended (Kothari, (2004: p 101)).
•The respondents were approached beforehand to
seek their willingness to participate in the
•The research covers two private commercial
banks in TRNC. This was influenced by the reason
in which the survey was conducted and the budget
that was made for it. (SPSS, (2008: p 5))
The sample includes all managerial and non-
managerial staff from all the departments and
branches of the two selected banks.
In other words purposive sampling was used to
determine who the respondents were. (SPSS,
(2008: p 5))
To determine the sample size, a list of the eligible
respondents was gotten from the various HR
departments of the banks. (Khan,(2010:24, pp 157-
A total number of 335 questionnaires were
distributed (Credit West bank 213 and Turkish bank
122) a total number of 214 was valid.
The questionnaire was developed through a
method adopted from SPSS survey tips.
Only closed ended questions were asked.
21 questions were adopted from my literature
review for the purpose of this study
A five point Likert scale was used.
The last option being a neutral one to give
respondents with divided opinion the room to also
have a say rather than skip such question (SPSS,
(2008: p 17)).
The questionnaire was organized into four
Section A was on demography, B was on
perception of HR Practices such as (staffing,
performance appraisal, training, social benefit and
Section 3 and 4 respectively where on HR
outcome (job satisfaction and organizational
The questionnaire was developed in English and
translated to Turkish by a lecturer in the language
school of Cyprus International University.
Presentation and Analysis of Data
Data was analyzed with the use of SPSS
Frequency was used in the analysis of
demographic data.
The Sample includes 214 respondents who are
working in two commercial banks in different
departments and branches in TRNC
Figure 1 Marital Status

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

Figure 2. Gender distribution

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

Figure 3 Designation

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

Figure 4 Number of years put in

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

Figure 5 Age of Respondents

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

Figure 6 Qualification of Respondents

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

 The rest of the data was analyzed using simple linear
regression and was also used in the generation of
hypothesis from data gotten from the respondents.
The formula for regression is as follows
Y= a + bx
Y= unknown dependent variable
x= known independent variable
a= y intercept
b= slope of the line
 b > 0 Positive relationship between the two variables,
meaning we can use independent variable (x) to
predict the dependent variable (y) for significant
 b < 0 Negative relationship between the variables, null
hypothesis would be accepted no significant
 b = 0 no prediction prevail, the value of variable (x)
would be the same with variable (y).

 The regression analysis was performed using SPSS

package with confidence interval level of 95% to
arrival at a meaningful conclusion and the results are
explained below:
Table 7

Descriptive Statistics for Regression to Determine Significant

Correlation Between Variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) My
Work Conditions are Good
Mean Std. Deviation N

Number of Years Put in 3.07 1.111 214

My Work Conditions are Good 2.00 1.066 214

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

Table 8

Model Summary for Regression to Determine Significant Correlation

Between Variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) My Work Conditions
are Good
Model R R Adjusted Std. Error Change Statistics
Square R Square of the
R Square F df1 df2 Sig. F
Change Change Change

1 .135a .018 .014 1.104 .018 3.921 1 212 .049

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

Table 9
Coefficient Summary to Determine the Significant Correlation Between
Variable (x) Number of Years Put in and (y) My Work Conditions are Good

Model 95.0% Confidence Interval for B

Unstandardized Std. Error


(Constant) 3.346 .161

My Work Conditions Are
-.140 .071

n=214 Source July, 2013 by Researcher

The result of table 7, 8 and 9 revealed that the null
hypothesis is accepted because the value of b (slope of
the line) is negative, there is no significant correlation
between the number of years put in and my work
conditions are good
Conclusion and Recommendations
The research found out that an ample of
practices were used by banks in TRNC.
supervision and leadership in the banks should
be more cordial.
The adoption of HPWS is positively related to
employee satisfaction, commitment, retention
and organizational performance in
general.(Henderson, (2010: p 27))
Bad HR practices defiantly leads to an increase
turnover and absenteeism.
Bridge the gap in literature in relations to
private sector banking in TRNC
The study will help bank managers to know
which HR practices to adopt and also let them
know what HR practice bring about HR
Due to limited information granted to me I was
unable to get data relating to bank performance
Language and transportation barriers.
Which HRM practices are positively affecting
the HRM outcome.
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