Benzene Reduction System

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MESA TSO Engineering – B e nze ne R e duc tion S ys te m

Shell Pakistan have Mogas bowser filling gantries on all
T&S sites across Pakistan. Whilst bottom fuel loading is
preferred option but major bowser loading operation on
gantries is still via top loading arm. Top loading fuel into a
Bowser presents a real danger of benzene exposure to the
operator if standing on top of bowser during filling process.
Thus Benzene System is provided on Mogas top loading
arms to allow drivers to load a top loading bowser without
standing on the bowser during filling process and at the
same time achieving all safety interlocks including overfill

However, this system is very expensive in terms of cost and

a single system may cost around $400k as the system is
being imported from a foreign country.

The system is a very sophisticated system consisting of a
Programmable Controller, multiple safety instrumentation
and safety interlocks thus providing this system locally
requires in depth knowledge of the control system.

Thus Local engineering team worked with engineering

consultant to develop BDEP in order to replicate the system
which can be fabricated and configured locally .

Approved BDEP has been circulated for tender and finally
the contract has been awarded to a local contractor who
will fabricate and install the control and safety functionality
on existing loading arms and shall configure the same

A huge cost reduction of approx. $300 k has been achieved

by procuring and configuring the system locally.

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