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Automatika parnog kotla

Upravljanje razinom vode

• Sustav upravljanja s tri parametra

• protok pare, nivo vode u bubnju,
protok napojne vode
• U diferencijalnom releju se
uspoređuju protok pare i protok
• Diferencijalni relej daje izlazni
signal PI kontroleru koji
uspoređuje dvije veličine
Upravljanje tlakom izlazne pare
• Parni ventil i napojni ventil reguliraju tlak pare
• Senzor tlaka daje signal PI kontroleru gdje se signal uspoređuje sa
traženom vrijednošću
• „split range controll”
Upravljanje temperaturom pare

• Iz primarnog pregrijača para može ići u

bubanj parnog kotla gdje se ohlađuje
• Nakon toga ide na pregrijavanje u
sekundarni pregrijač
• Temperaturni senzor daje signal PID
kontroleru koji uspoređuje to s A
traženom vrijednošću
• Bilo kakvo odstupanje će rezultirati
slanjem signala summing releju
• Drugi signal dolazi sa senzora protoka
• Summing relej upravlja ventilom A i
bypass ventilom
Upravljanje procesom izgaranja
Two control elements are used, 'steam flow' and 'steam
pressure'. The steam pressure signal is fed to a two-term
controller and is compared with the desired value. Any deviation
results in a signal to the summing relay. The steam flow signal is
also fed into the summing relay. The summing relay which may
add or subtract the input signals provides an output which
represents the fuel input requirements of the boiler. This output
becomes a variable desired value signal to the two-term
controllers in the fuel control and combustion air control loops.
A high or low signal selector is present to ensure that when a
load change occurs the combustion air flow is always in excess of
the fuel requirements. This prevents poor combustion and black
smoke exhaust gases. If the master signal is for an increase in
steam flow, then when it is fed to the low signal selector it is
blocked since it is the higher input value. When the master
signal is input to the high signal selector it passes through as the
higher input. This master signal now acts as a variable desired
value for the combustion air sub-loop and brings about an
increased air flow. When the increased air flow is established its
measured value is now the higher input to the low signal
selector. The master signal will now pass through to bring about
the increased fuel supply to the boiler via the fuel supply sub-
loop. The air supply for an increase in load is therefore
established before the increase in fuel supply occurs. The
required air to fuel ratio is set in the ratio relay in the air flow
signal lines.

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