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Being successful requires the ability to evaluate the current business of the company, quantify

the business that remains and then adopt strategic planning initiatives that increase sales, is
called market share forecast, where you define what business remains within your market and
what is the best way to do it. For this it is important to carry out a series of actions, first you
must determine the size of the market by calculating the potential consumption within the
market. Subsequently, the current business is determined in relation to the potential business,
which requires quantifying the existing business, in order to understand how much customers
can actually buy in a given year, the current market share is finally determined, that is,
dividing the current business by the total size of the market.
Now, because each market is different, each projection of market share will involve different
approaches and different circumstances. However, the basic approach is to determine how
much new business your competitor's company can steal. In conclusion, market share
projections are like sales projections, another reason why sales and marketing are related.
However, marketing is much more than sales, it is all that the small business does to increase
its sales. In addition, small businesses must take into account the growth rate of their market
when they analyze market share projections.
Information is the key to the success of a Marketing Plan. However, the collection and use of
this information is divided into 8 different parts. The combination of these 8 steps can ensure
your marketing success.
1) Explore a variety of ideas and plans: the more ideas you have at the beginning, the better the
marketing plan will be and the more likely it will be to succeed. So, it is important to plan not
only for the present but also for the future.
2) Analyze clients: clients are their best consultants. By asking your own customers questions,
you will get the best answers and the best possible advice.
3) Analyze the competition: What are the competitors and what are they doing to attract
customers? At the same time, you need to know what features are most prominent in the minds
of the customers, therefore, it is important to know your customers and your competitors, as well
as the market scenario.
4) Analyze yourself: your overall strategy will depend on your position in the market. If you
occupy the first place, you should think about retention strategies, if not, think about customer
acquisition strategies. Therefore, the perspective of the marketing plan changes as it is analyzed.
5) Prepare marketing plan: use data and formulate a strategy. You must reduce the entire
marketing plan, hire a marketing advisor / ad agency as needed. Here you decide your long-
term strategy and also short-term.
6) Implement the marketing plan: create a contingency plan in case the strategy is not well
received in the market. In summary, while it is being implemented, it must maintain contact
with the market and with the people involved and anticipate the negativities, as well as
capitalize on the positive aspects that are developed during the implementation.
8) Explore other opportunities: customers do not expect the same thing over and over again;
on the contrary, the more varied it is, the better the response; Now, the more competition, the
more you need new opportunities in the market.
Each of these steps can be carried out in various priorities.
Finally, the planning and implementation depend solely on the information that is possessed
and that is the key to the success of Marketing.

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