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Girlfriend Avril Lavigne

My Music video
 My music video is focused around girl on girl rivalry, it will be performance and narrative based, with a
girl doing the singing and also acting. The girl on girl rivalry will be reflected through the lyrics such
Hey, hey
You, you
I don't like your girlfriend
No way, no way
I think you need a new one

 The video will include stereotypes such as the popular girl and the sporty popular guy.
 The song is a typical pop song which is slightly punk influenced, the song has catchy choruses and
catchy hooks. Many of the lyrics focus around teen problems, relationship issues.
 The video will start of with shots of the boyfriend and the girlfriend as a happy couple, the shots will
include them being on dates, walks and them just generally hanging out, throughout the video their
will be shots of the single, girl spying on the couple as it will highlight she doesn’t like them being in a
relationship. The video will also show how the boyfriend is torn between the two girls, but in the end
both girls end up single.
Props and filming equipment

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