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By : Siti
Definition of Pollution

Pollution or environment vilivication is entry of living beings energy

esence, and another component in inveronment, or the change
inveronment consequence human activity or nature procces.
Air pollution is a condition where there is a physical, biological, or
chemical substance in the air layer of the earth (atmosphere)
which is harmful to the health of the human body and other living
Source Of
Outdoor pollution
1. volcanic
eruption 1. Building
2. forest fairs materials
3. the burning 2. Cleaning
fossil, components
especially by 3. Cigarette
industry smoke
4. Burning of 4. Gas stoves
motor vehicle 5. Body care
fuel. and clothing
Types Of Air
1. Carbon monoxide
2. Nitrogen Dioxide
3. Sulfur Oxide
4. Hydrocarbons
5. Kholorin
Effect from air
1. Can make respiration interference
2. Air pollution can cause an increase in
diabetes cases
3. Can make problame for our skin
4. Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat
5. Can make rain acid
6. Can make globla warming
7. Air pollution can make plant growth
Solution Of Air

1. We can use the vehicle common and we must deduct to use

private vehicle
2. Reducing the use of fossil fuels for electricity generation,
industry and households
3. Dont burning and dont felling of trees in forest
4. We can exploid alternative energy
5. We can give information to all sociaty about the important to
keep our environtment
6. Creating green lines in urban areas by planting trees in certain

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