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• Holds the firm together

• Glue enabling various pieces to act as
• The quality of being logical and
• The quality of forming a unified whole
Cycles of Observation Cycles of peer directed/
Initiated supports and and auxiliary
Pre-Observation Conference coupled Processes
Classroom Observation with Differentiated forms of For extended
Post-Observation Conference Supervision(e.g. portfolio growth

Individual Professional Study groups
Goal Setting Development Learning Clusters
• Action Research
• Self-Directed Learning linked to
• Problem-Based Learning


• The quality or state of being able to see
• The ability to think about or plan the future
with imagination or wisdom

• Vision acts as internal class(Conley 1996)

• It makes a compelling argument that it
Separates the principals who are school leaders
From those who are simply managers
To guide their work, creating plans ,setting goals
,objectives and making decisions
Serves as light house that will guide the ship
going to its destination
Guiding star of the supervisor
It will lead the supervisor to the path of success
A roadmap
An inspiration
Helps keep organization focused
Selected Excerpts from ELCC Standard 2
and Targets
Elements Meets Standards for School
Building Leadership
2.1 Promote Positive School Culture a. Candidates assess school culture
using multiple methods and
implement context ,appropriate
strategies that capitalize on the
diversity(e.g. population, language ,
disability, gender ,race,socio-
economic) of the school community to
improve school programs and culture

2.2 Provide Effective Instructional a. Candidates demonstrate the ability

Program to facilitate activities that apply
principles of effective instruction to
improve instructional practices and
curricular materials
b. Candidates demonstrate the ability
to use and promote technology and
information system to enrich
curriculum and instruction, to
monitor instructional practices and
provide the staff the assistance needed
for improvement.
2.3 Apply Best Practice to Student a. Candidates demonstrate the ability
Learning to assist school personnel in
understanding and applying best
practices for student learning

2.4Design Comprehensive Professional a. Candidates demonstrate the ability

Growth Plans to implement well-planned , context-
appropriate professional development
programs based on reflective practice
and research on student learning
consistent with school vision and
b. Candidates demonstrate the ability
to use strategies such observation,
collaborative reflection and adult
learning strategies to form
comprehensive professional growth
plans with teachers and other school
c. Candidates develop and implement
personal professional growth plans
that reflect a commitment to lifelong
 A vision is shaped by beliefs and values about students,
learning and leading which influence actions and
motivations .
 Developing and enacting a vision is a process shaped
by prior, experience, beliefs values and other factors
that interact with each other over time.
 Vision should be visited periodically.
Questions to serve as guide
 What do I stand for?
 What is my personal vision about teaching students
and achievements?
 What does good teaching look like?
 What separates good teaching from excellent teaching
mediocare teaching?
 How does date about learning translate to teaching,
professional development and the needs of the
 What contextual factors (e.g. time, teaching schedules)
affect supervision ,professional development and
teacher evaluation at the site level?
 What type of support would teachers need to achieve
good teaching as I envision a picture of good teaching?
 Hoe does I instructional supervision evaluation and
professional development fit into this scheme of
 What types of teaching do students need to learn?
Can all children learn?
Set of norms, values and beliefs , rituals and
ceremonies, symbols and stories that make up
the “persona” of the school(Peterson 2002)

 Leonard (2002)- indicates that positive cultures

are marked by professional collaboration that
is “evidenced when teachers and administrators
share their knowledge, contributes ideas,
develop plans for the purpose of achieving
educational and organizational goals.
 Principals work with teachers
Focus on student learning
Work under common set of assumptions

Fiore(2001) believes that there are key behaviours

of principals in school that reinforce healthy
or unhealthy culture
o Are visible to all stakeholders o Are rarely seen outside their
o Communicate regularly o Find little time for
and purposely communication
o Never forget that they are o Feel that other people are
role models responsible for their school
building’s physical needs-
they take passive roles in
decorating and furnishing
their schools
o Are passionate about their o See themselves as the lone
work leader or the “boss” of the
school-they never empower
teachers to lead
o Accepts responsibility for the
school’s culture
o Are poorly organized
o Are organized

o Exhibit a positive outlook o Habitually make excuses for

their school’s shortcomings,
blaming inadequacies on
o Take pride in the physical outside influence
environment of the school

o Empower others appropriately

o Demonstrate stewardship – they

protect their school and its people
Healthy school cultures thrive in environments
built through collaboration, trust and care for
the members of the school(Kruse, Louis , and
Bryk (1994)
Collaborative cultures are dependent on:
• Critical Elements of schools communities
• Structural Conditions
• Social and human factors
Identifying Programs for Teachers that Shape
the School Culture
What types of professional development activities
are available for teachers?
 How many teachers participate in these activities?
 What types of programs would teachers like to see
 Are the teachers provided time during the day to
observe each other teach and talk about what they
learn from one another?
 What type of leadership activities are available for
 How many teachers are involved in formal and
informal leadership?
 Unwritten rules of behavior that serve as guide
to people to interact with one another(Chance &
 Set of socially accepted behaviors which are
either established as written rules or more
casual ways to behave
 Maybe formal like country’s laws and informal
like folkways
12 Norms of School Culture (Saphier &
Saphier 1985)
 Collegiality
 Experimentation
 High Expectations
 Trust and Confidence
 Tangible Support
 Reaching Out to the Knowledge bases
 Appreciation and Recognition
 Caring, Celebration and Humor
 Involvement in Decision Making
 Protection of what is important
 Traditions
 Honest, open communication
Collegiality and Collaboration
Interaction and Participation
Shared Interests and Beliefs
Concern for Individual and minority views
Meaningful Relationships
 Marked as the key variable for increasing
norms of student achievement and
successful strategies with colleagues
 About altering relationships and is
dependent on the feeling of interdepen-
dence(we are in this together) and
 Teachers are able to support their growth
and development while improving
instructional competence
 Firm belief in the reliability , truth
ability or strength of someone or
 Prerequisite for building positive
school culture
 Building trust evolves over time
 Without trust, efforts to build a
healthy culture will diminish
 Relational trust build a strong
foundation for work efforts and teachers
 It is a core ingredient for school
improvement( Bryk and Schneider 2002)
 Established when all members are
encouraged to contribute and be part
of everything
 Building trust evolves over time
Sergiovanni,T.J. and Starratt ,R.J.(2002)
Thank you!!!

Lorielyn P. Avestruz

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